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A little help understanding your class


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I am a 61 Assassin, I am also rolling a Shadow lvl 25 atm. I kinda like the class if you didnt notice.


The assassin has a deflection spell that up the my defence by 50% etc I am sure most of you know what it does.


My question is and I could be way off here, when the mard or sentinel pops a spell that makes them take no damage it seems (not sure the name) I think it last for 10 secs. As a assassin/shadow is my only choice to CC and run? Those dots and dps are sick and I can barely stand toe to toe with one with or with out that.


Any advice in helping me overcome the mard/sent dps with my own? im 31 decp. etc. Seems like I get waxed in 5 or 6 gcd. Think about rolling one lol


Edit: trying to fix my typos...

Edited by Chapelcloth
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It pops half of our health to give us immunity for 5 seconds. From my experience it's a pretty even fight when I fight shadows but it ends when I stealth away and leap back in to pop my execute. I guess you should try to stun us before we pop the 5 second immunity and save your biggest burst moves for when we are low health.
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