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Sith Warrior names


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I decided to go with a Latin theme with this MMO. My character list, the Maleficorum Legacy (Mal-eh-feh-core-um):


Malleus Maleficorum, "Hammer of the Witches" - Juggernaut (Main)

Gladius Maleficorum, "Sword of the Witches" - Marauder

Arcana Maleficorum, "Secrets of the Witches" (I use this as a feminine name) - Sorcerror

Arcanum/Arcanus Maleficorum, "The Secret of the Witches" (Male version) - Assassin

Maleficus Maleficorum, "Mischief of the Witches" - Operative


I have all of these reserved on the majority of the highest pop PvP servers, in case of server mergers, so feel free to use them on whatever PvE server it is you're rolling on because they're not available on the Heavy/Full pop US PvP servers.


= )

Edited by Gankstah
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Although I haven't reached legacy level yet because I abandoned my Level 33 Assassin for this warrior, I still plan on sticking with Caine, or Cain, or Kane, or Kain, or Kaine or something along those lines for my surname.


Long story short....


Darth Tyberrius Caine.


Assassin's name would be Enoch Caine


Couldn't get Tiberius or Tyberius so went with two "r"'s. LONG LIVE SHATTENER

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Variations of "Dreadnought"







Personally I like Deadknot


For some female characters...



Roseblud(or blood, but blud is the pun)

Scarlet is likely taken

Carrie :p


"Roses" I like, but for my Agent because "Agent Roses" for a redhead sounds awesome.


Ive already got all the names I want on my server so feel free lol.

Edited by Achromatis
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