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Give Mercenaries an Interrupt


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I just rolled my first time merc and didn't know they didn't have an interrupt. Out of all types of skills 'interrupts' are the funnest part of the game. By contrast, my Jedi Sentinel has a talented Force Kick, which brings it down to 6 seconds recharge, making for the highest amount of interrupts out of any class and makes it extremely entertaining to beat bosses through quick reactive hand-eye coordination.
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Rather not have one personally. Greatest raid class ever for not being responsible for a damn thing. Blow up target don't stand in the fire... That is it and quite frankly if I wanted more I would have been something else. Mind you some times we are called on to clear the little stuff up with our rather nice AE.
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Have no idea how killing healers without interrupt


Grief them with teasing attacks until they start healing, Electro Dart them and unleash your most powerful burst to scare the **** out of them. Once they're below 30% and panicking, your periodic..


Oh wait, I bet I'm trying to tell an Arsenal Merc how to be a Pyro.


As a Pyro in pvp, I honestly don't miss interrupt. I also play Warzones the way they were intended, even when queuing solo - as a team. If I find myself in a 1v1 with someone I can't kill in a timely manner...guess what? I *********** pick someone else to fight. Wait until the healer is fighting someone already to start unleashing pain on them.


Don't waste your time. There has never been a moment in pvp where the only option was to keep plugging away at a really well-geared healer who just won't die. You just walk away and fight someone else. But think of it another way...if you're forcing a healer to stand there and heal himself for 5-10 minutes of a WZ, that's 5-10 minutes his team isn't getting heals.


Just alter your style of play...we're not healer killers. We're sustained pressure, and we should be choosing targets already in combat - not 1v1's when at all possible. Keep your vision broad - switch targets in mid-fight if you see an enemy with low HP trying to run away from someone else - then go back. Your original target won't even notice he could have escaped. Being smarter in your targeting will shave half those deaths off, and increase your kills by a third. We don't need interrupt, and even if we have to fight a healer, we have the burst potential to deal with it.

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If I hear another person tell me to just use a knock back as interrupt, I'm going to judo chop their face. There's a reason why pyro has a slow and arsenal has another knock back, we're not supposed to be up close! I wish I could find the bioware designer who said we don't need an interrupt so I could judo chop their face off!
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