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Which class is the "skill" class?


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Probably Sent/Mara or Shadow/Assassin




It is amazing to see the difference of both class play by a pro or a bad.


Pro will make sure you remember his name and walk the other way when you see him again, while a bad one will make you laugh and kill it with ease.


Sent/Mara also got a Dev post proof on how it require skills to play well.


Edited by Felene
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DPS Guardian/Juggernaut. Simply put they're as close as you will ever get to a balanced, working version of the TBC WoW warrior, which was an immensely high skillcap class. Use of Guard/Taunt puts it way beyond anything Sent/Marauder can match.


After that, probably Sniper.

Edited by Bakarn
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people in this thread are misinterpreting what skill cap is.


Skill cap != underpowered class.

Skill cap = the classes with the most tools available to them


Classes with the highest skill cap, imo:


1) Tankish PVP Spec Powertech/Vanguard - as others have said, a good vanguard/powertech can truly impact the outcome of a battle.. while a bad one will do jack ****.

2 & 3) Hybrid PVP spec Sorc/Sage. A good PVP sorc/sage is a huge difference between a bad sorc/sage. they have a lot of tools and have to have a lot of awareness in order to best benefit their team. && Hybrid PVP spec Scoundrel/Operative - know when to stealth, when to heal, and when to DPS --- you can make a huge difference. Hard to rank these two against each other --- i feel the operative is better at the healing, but that's only because static barrier/force shield does not count towards healing (or protection...)

4 & 5) tankish pvp spec Juggernaught/Guardian - similar reasons to powertech, but not quite as many tools (they lack the range abilities, otherwise i'd rank them #1)

&& tankish pvp spec assassin/shadow - similar reasons to the guardian/juggernaught, hard to rank them against each other without extensive play on both - they both seem very good.

6) Sentinel/Marauder. They do have quite a high skill cap, as they do have a lot of tools and need to know when to use them. But, they do not have to ever target allies, while all of the above classes do. Therefore, skill cap isn't quite as high.

7) Sniper/Gunslinger. Good ones are quite amazing. They have a lot of tools.

8) hybrid pvp spec Commando/Merc. They need to know how to manage their ammo/heat properly, if they don't, they're useless. If they do, they're quite amazing. They have a lot of tools available to them. I'd rank them higher, but they have some caveats that weaken their skill caps.

9 & 10) Concealment Operative / Deception Assassin and their counterparts. I do not really know enough about this class to rank them against each other (their playstyle seems pretty similar, as both have melee/ranged abilities to use and have to sneak around with stealth), but I definitely can notice the difference between good ones and bad ones.


TL/DR: all classes have a pretty high skill cap, as all classes have a lot of tools at their disposal. Play what is fun to you.

And you can definitely tell the difference between someone who sucks and someone who is good on every class.

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When you reply with text like this, I really can't take your post seriously. That and the vagueness of your posts.


Obviously this was a slight exaggeration, so yeah, obviously it was not meant to be taken completely serious.


But you know as well as me that it is much closer to reality than it should be. I hope.

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The only class I can stand to play is a watchman spec Sentinel for the very reason it's the only class in the game that doesn't make my brain go numb through lack of micro management and facerolling 5 buttons over and over again like every other class.
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Kinetic Combat Shadow.


I use 26 different buttons in any PvP situation.


'Nuff Said.


I was going to call crap till I counted my hot keys lol. I play Jedi Shadow Kinetic/balance hybrid and I have 22 keys bound for PVP. I should have 25 but I am running out of common sense hot keys to bind. :rolleyes:


I see a lot of desparity between Shadows/Assassins in WZ's. I generally score quite high in damage and kills while also getting 8-9 medals. Others with way more gear then me score half my damage and have a hard time killing anyone.


See the same thing with Maraud's/Sent's. Haven't honestly noticed snipers/mirror but I wasn't really paying attention to them to be fair.

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Higest skill cap class:


As in the best class when played by a real pro, NOT which class is hardest to play, etc.


which is not the meaning of the word skill cap?


At least not the logical meaning.


I am actually pretty sure, most people have a very firm grasp of the meaning of the word, it is just that certain elitist circles in a very specific game in the past (AJ anyone? *cough*)misused the word and interpreted a new - illogical - meaning onto it.


the problem is, when people talk about skill "cap" they actually talk about the skill ceiling - and floor.


You are not the first one I have seento argue that "skill cap" actually means the effectiveness of a class when played at its full potential.


This would indicte the word skill cap is actually not referencing the actual height of the "cap" in the word skill cap but rather the power of the class itself and if so - who cares? The only thing that would indicate is how overtuned a specific class is.


A skill ceiling, what most people talk about when mentioning skill cap, is the amount of personal finesse and "skill" a player is able to put into steering his character to improve end results beyond the "standard specifications" of the class up to a point when this player meets a barrier where game mechanics and number caps simply do not allow him to get more out of his character - the point where his player ability is NOT the cap anymore.


Opposite the skill floor, where the modicum of ability a player has to possess in order to do well at all with the class is located.



And what happens with sorc/sage is just that they scale exponentially well with higher player ability, because they are so absurdly powerful and flexible to begin with. Good players will always stand out whatever class they play.


But there is no way in hell you can make an argument that a truly outstanding player will set himself apart more on a sorc than he would, for example, on a marauder. That's just wrong. And I am assuming you know that. If you are aware that people are not talking about the same thing and apparently misuse the word you shoud have adjusted your post and talk about the skill ceiling that is being talked about in this thread. you just intentionally disregarded the discussion about skill "ceiling" and started nitpicking about the word "cap" :p

Edited by mufutiz
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It is much easier to play a vanguard because you have all the strengths of the Guardian with non of their weaknesses. You have better mitigation, damage, and ranged options. You can also spec to have better mobility. This doesn't even get into the amount of key binds needed to properly play a Jedi Guardian(I have 24 at the moment).


To put it simply a Guardian requires much more effort and skill than a Vanguard to perform well.


I disagree. I play a VG as my main class ( lvl 50 , 52 valor) and a Guardian ( 23 lvl , 20 valor) as my alt class and I think I can make a somewhat informed judgement. Btw , those are the only two classes I play and I must say I fell in love with my Guardian :). Shadow or Sent is next on my list.


Guardians have better damage mitigation. They have more abilities to absorb all four damage types and not just 2 like a VG. High shield chance is not as effective in PVP as many people already know.


To play the vanguard/ PT class is to really understand it. We have range but we are meant to be in close range combat primarily. For a vanguard to be the most effective he has to be within 4-10m of his target which is basically melee with a small buffer zone. Unless ur assault spec but then its not fair to compare us with a guardian , a fairer comparisson would be with other strong range classes.


Not counting assault spec , Guardians put out more consistant dps in any of their trees than a shield or tactic vanguard because guardians have more tools to work with close range. For VGs , its basically stockstr with a weak dot ( gut) and some IP spam which burns down ammo really fast.


I like both classes but each have their strength . Guardians make better pure tanks vanguards make better support tanks ( battlefield control). Guardians can go and stay in your face hacking and slashing without pause , a VG needs to know how to kite short range and use his CDs wisely.


Both of these classes are good and if played right , border on overpowered and I am a VG/Guardian saying this.

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