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Whats wrong with clicking?


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The hate for keyboard turners and mouse clickers is pretty funny. I do a mix of both, have so for years. It doesn't hinder me nor do I feel it's an issue in this game or others I have played.


Video games are seriel bizness and so is pvp. :rolleyes:


^^Pretty much this.


And now that I'm razer naga-ing, I still think I'm really no better at it than anyone else.

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I use both keyboard and mouse, but I'm not really into competitive PvP so I don't really give a crud if someone whos a master with the keyboard kicks me behind.


















Plus I lagg like hell in PvP

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I use a nostromo n52e and love it. With my left hand i can move using my thumb on the d-pad, and use keybound spells at the same time. Moving while casting is helpful. Good for PVP and PVE. You can have 3 layers of 14 keys available (stacked with phases).


But if you don't have keyboard like that, you can just remap the hotkeys to your left hand on the keyboard.


Since everything I need is mapped to my left hand, I can also use a mouse click to view enemy info, mark targets while tanking, renew buffs etc, without stopping the action.


And I would seriously recommend looking into some sort of gaming peripheral like a Logitech G13 or Razer Nostromo if you (the OP) are short a couple digits. Takes a new way of thinking, but once used to it it's a decided advantage, even over keyboard only players. And can be helpful for you if you are disabled.

Edited by RasputinTS
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Just lol, I don't know how to respond to this other than you have no clue what a fact is. If you could only focus on one thing at a time and not react to something in your peripheral humans would not be able to drive, fly planes, avoid certain doom, etc. I can easily catch movement out of a corner of my eye and react while focusing on the road in front of me. As well it does not matter if a image is somewhat "blurry" outside of my main focus on my character as I know what ability is where and all I need to see is the color/position of the mouse in my peripheral.


Stop it, just stop it, it's embarrassing. It's absolutely 100% impossible to aim a mouse cursor with any accuracy whatsoever without looking directly at it. You know it just as well as I know it.


EDIT: Oh god, you even added a wikipedia link now, lol. Just keep your eyes on this text and try clicking 2 icons on your windows taskbar. Then delete your posts.

Edited by Stejo
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Stop it, just stop it, it's embarrassing. It's absolutely 100% impossible to aim a mouse cursor with any accuracy whatsoever without looking directly at it. You know it just as well as I know it.


The only thing embarrassing is the way some players feel the need to emphasize why their style of play is superior over another's. Enough with the leetist drama. It's stupid. :rolleyes:

Edited by Pythoris
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The only thing embarrassing is the way some players feel the need to emphasize why their style of play is superior over another's. Enough with the leetist drama. It's stupid. :rolleyes:


Dude, I don't care how you play. It's not my business. If you try and argue however that 5 is a higher number than 7, I feel strangely compelled to point out that you're an idiot.

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It simply less efficient. Period.


No matter how fast you claim to be or whether or not the game mechanics even allow such wiggle room, you are choosing an inferior method of play.



It is no different than a player who doesn't optimize their gear or doesn't use a proper rotation.




It's your game. If you want to do nothing but click your basic attack while wearing the wrong type of gear and call it your "playstyle" that's fine. But don't get surprised when you get labeled a bad player because of it.

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It's not so much about speed but control of your character. Someone who uses keybinds is under much better control of his character than someone who is clicking. The reason behind this is because he has his mouse for movement which is a much faster and more accurate method of controlling your character. This isn't even up for debate.This is pretty important in pve but even more important in pvp. I really don't know why topics like these still persist. If you want to click then you are allowed to. Keybinding is simply better in every way.
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I use keybinds, my husband's mostly a clicker. We get through every group quest and FP without any trouble, and any random people we group with don't have any complaints about our performance. Who the hell cares what method is used as long as the job gets done?


If you're a clicker and you know you suck, maybe try keybinds for a while and see if that improves things. If you use keybinds and you suck, you can probably muddle through the entire game anyway, it's not that effing hard.

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I've been clicking since vanilla WoW. I have done just fine in instances and raids with my guild. I'm not out to impress anyone with my uber skills or gear score. I play MMOs for fun, not to worry about my DPS and healing numbers.


If people can't accept me for how I decide to play a game that I pay for, then we probably won't agree on much else anyway. Let me play my game my way please. Even if you think I suck, I really don't care. It's just a game. :rolleyes:

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This has been beat to death the same way console controllers vs. PC mouse and keyboard for first person shooters has. Let them think what they want, but those who know and use, keybinds ARE more efficient. Period.


Don't want to use them, that's fine, but don't argue that it's the same, it isn't. Using a mouse to click any one of 48 buttons (on the current gui) without a doubt takes your eyes off the action more often than those who don't have to.


It's not arguable.


It also frees up your mouse cursor to do other things while in combat if needed.


It's completely playable using mouse clicks, some play very well doing so. But for the masses, it's a wise decision to learn to use the keyboard regardless of the GCD's or queuing.


Just look at any StarCraft 2 tournament player on youtube to see what APM's (actions per minute) can get you using a keybaord. No way can that be done with a mouse to that efficiency. I know an MMO, especially the hideously slow GCD's in swtor, isn't at that type of pace, but for tanks/healers in 16+ man raids/ops, it gets pretty fast and complicated.

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Dude, I don't care how you play. It's not my business. If you try and argue however that 5 is a higher number than 7, I feel strangely compelled to point out that you're an idiot.


I feel the same sompulsions when someone tries to argue their style of play being "factually better" than another's.


But then again, I don't want another infraction. So I shall fight my urges and instead just tell you to stuff the leetist BS. As a clicker, I've laid scores of people out in the BGs of WoW, and now that I have a razer naga, I expect I will do no better or worse. Perhaps some people do better with a mouse than they do with a keyboard? Perhaps they do better with a mouse than YOU do with a keyboard? Who knows. My point is, different playstyles for different gamers. Neither way is better, it's all in how you choose to play and what works for you.

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