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Are MMos supposed to be 24/7?


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those people are in gaming for the 'achievement fix'.


this achievement fix is supposed to replace the need they have it for in their normal lives.


the toon on the screen is projected as self, and then this toon's progress and 'achievement' is interpreted as the self's.


thats why you have that kind of endless addiction and boasting and a lot of other irritating behavior in mmos and the forums.


when someone comes and opens a thread with a title "i am 50, so now what ? im bored", s/he is not saying that s/he is not able to find 'content' at level 50 - s/he is basically exhibiting his/her success for all to see "look, how fast i have reached 50 - im that good". its a subconscious action.


the magnitude of 'boredom' displayed in the thread, and the extent of 'irritation and disdain' that is felt for 'not having anything to do', is proportional to their need to exhibit their achievement.




you cant fix those people. they will do it in ALL games. they are not in games for entertainment. they are there for appeasing the achievement complex.


we all have been there at one point. some grow out of it fast, some slow.


REGARDLESS of how hard you make a game and how bad a treadmill a game will be, these people will exhaust everything in lightning speed and just move to other games by suspending their subscriptions in a mmo.


and no - they do not like single player games much - you cant show off any 'accomplishment' in these. pointless.


they cannot take on any REAL competitive gaming, like counterstrike, starcraft etc either. that is also too much for them. they need guaranteed 'success'.


and as you can understand, they are the most vocal of any crowd. and complain about everything.


those complaints are actually expressions of need for attention and approval.




and, i was one of these for a long time. except that i wasnt as irritating and jerk-like.



Well said sir/Madam :)


Sadly its a common ''trait' amongst mmo-folk nowadays.

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Sure, there's players who would like to brag about hitting 50 early, trying to disguise it as something else, but it's been freaking 1.5 month. This game is probably the easiest MMO ever to hit level cap in.


I've played plenty of other MMOs. They weren't HARD to get to max level, they were TIME CONSUMING. Big difference. All that endless grinding was set up so you would play longer and keep paying that monthly fee.


SWTOR is exactly what I've been looking for in an MMO. I can have great adventures with my friends, but I don't feel that I need to say goodbye to my wife and kids (and other games!) to make any meaningful progress to do it.

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