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fix the game fun


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change the swings animations and make us feel that they acctualy hit somthing.....

the normal attaks from melee feels like hitiing noting "just hiting the air"


u have great grapics in the game.... use them on skills make some cool moves and skill effects .... cuz the skills are boring

all the explosives effects are look the same and there is 100 explostion skills in the game

so make them look diffrentss....


make cool moves like a "port bihaind a traget" or somthing




change the heales effects this stupid green thing that looks like a posion's not like a heal



make cuztumized lightsabers looking...

they all looks the same ... lvl 50 lightsabar or lvl 5 lightsabar they look the same and its boring....

if u can make knifs u can make sowrds either axes and spears

so make them look better make them with other shapes


and dont tell me its like a starwars movie.. cuz i dont remmber 90% from the pve bosses play at any movie



dont make a random rewords from pvp bags cuz its lame

make the pvp item needed more medals to buy insted of that


make the normal attaks higher dmg

its stupid that 1bullet from skill can make 4k-6k dmg

and 6 bullets from a gun doing 200dmg each


my english sux srry for that

Edited by Mishelk
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If there's one thing Bioware has succeeded at, it's making you feel like you're actually stabbing your opponent when you hit backstab. On my Juggernaut, I often clash blades with my opponents and see it when I stab them in the gut and they fall, dead, to the ground.


There's actual contact in this game; have you even played it?

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