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Reguarding PVP > PVE Gear


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Bioware there is a serious flaw in the tier system. currently players can acquire gear easier from PVP then the first set of tionese . Many are using PVP as away to speed the process through the PVE content. PVP gear set bonus's are actually better in PVE then the PVE gear is in a lot of instances. the word is circulating either by design flaw or intention.


But more and more people are choosing to not run Flashpoints and strictly grind WZ's . force user's get an extreme shaft. I have cleared every HM available , the amount of BH and OP gear is incredible . My static has one Bounty hunter one operative and they have multiple sets of each. The inquisitor and myself have 1 piece each to show for roughly 30 flashpoints , and we run all of them.


BT is the only instance to have dropped a columi piece. when looking at the set bonus's form PVP and PVE some tanks are choosing the PVP set for their first raiding set. As the Intercede bonus has a hard number stat to it. As where the Tionese and coloumi set is roughly theory from its shield bonus .


the rate of acquiring between PVP and PVE needs a hard look and some tweaks made to the system as well as the set bonus's. On a side note please remove auto assigning gear on master loot were all adults and don't need a big brother telling us who gets what gear.

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