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Well, this specifically calls out to the people who call the game bad and compare it to WoW. Comparing it to WoW is a terrible mistake. You're comparing a 7-year MMO to an MMO that's been out for a month. A MONTH! This also goes for the haters. Now yes, it's disappointing that this game isn't all as promised. HOWEVER! It's been a month since release. Ohlen did promise us a whole lot of stuff we wanted in a later update.


If you think WoW is gonna be better even when the update is up, you are a) a new player to WoW, or b) you haven't experienced enough of WoW's content. The last truly great and diffucult raid was Ulduar. Heroic Firelands is a joke! And EVERYONE thinks its hard. I crushed it without one wipe or person dying for about 12 runs WITHOUT repairs. It's easy. The BLACK TALON has better content than your precious heroic Firelands.


Finally, it's all on the table. You can counter my arguments, but I will counter them back. When WoW falls, which will be soon, SWTOR will be standing over it with a bloodied sword.

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Comparing to WoW will happen to every MMO until another MMO proves to be more successfully than WoW, that that game become the new standard everyone will compare new MMOs to.


SWTOR was 6 years in development, that gave BioWare plenty of time to build features. And they had enough beta tester who told them months ago about many bugs that are still in there.


If I compare RIFT with SWTOR, I have to say that Trion got there game better running in beta than BioWare does with SWTOR after launch. RIFT had more features from then start and Trion was pretty quick with adding more, while SWTOR does still have things like the CS bind on / (really annoying things nobody at BioWare interests in changing).

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Well, this specifically calls out to the people who call the game bad and compare it to WoW. Comparing it to WoW is a terrible mistake. You're comparing a 7-year MMO to an MMO that's been out for a month. A MONTH! This also goes for the haters. Now yes, it's disappointing that this game isn't all as promised. HOWEVER! It's been a month since release. Ohlen did promise us a whole lot of stuff we wanted in a later update.


If you think WoW is gonna be better even when the update is up, you are a) a new player to WoW, or b) you haven't experienced enough of WoW's content. The last truly great and diffucult raid was Ulduar. Heroic Firelands is a joke! And EVERYONE thinks its hard. I crushed it without one wipe or person dying for about 12 runs WITHOUT repairs. It's easy. The BLACK TALON has better content than your precious heroic Firelands.


Finally, it's all on the table. You can counter my arguments, but I will counter them back. When WoW falls, which will be soon, SWTOR will be standing over it with a bloodied sword.


Emphasis added


Character and realm plz!


In Warcraft we can check to see if your lying, and i think your lying!

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Well, this specifically calls out to the people who call the game bad and compare it to WoW. Comparing it to WoW is a terrible mistake.


I agree, comparing the game to wow is not a good thing, it should be judged on its own merits, however, this:


When WoW falls, which will be soon, SWTOR will be standing over it with a bloodied sword.


Means that you are doing the comparison yourself allready. You are in effect calling SWTOR the "wow killer" a line that has been heard so many times in the past that its really growing old. Why can't we just judge a game on its own merits and flaws?


For the rest of your post I would agree to an extent, I would say that the first three months are trial and error and wherein the big bug fixes should appear.


This does however not mean that we should not remain critical, as long as we also remain constructive that is. That is the alpha and omega I believe, to be constructive. And this game does have features to be highly critical of, mainly such things as lacking communication from bioware to the players as to why, oh for example, they are taking down a server in european playing time, a saturday. It gets much easier to accept the downtime if we know what it is about.


Or the way that there is a frequent "discuss the topic here" post, which links to a topic that turns out to be closed (which then defeats the whole point of having a link saying "discuss this article here").


I still believe that SWTOR has tremendous potential, but as an european custemor there are also things which concern me, these concerns should in my mind be raised, in a calm and rational manner so that they may be addressed (wether this is to solve an issue or logically dismiss it, either is fine. Both shows that they listen to my concerns).


Yours sincerly


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Well, this specifically calls out to the people who call the game bad and compare it to WoW. Comparing it to WoW is a terrible mistake. You're comparing a 7-year MMO to an MMO that's been out for a month. A MONTH! This also goes for the haters. Now yes, it's disappointing that this game isn't all as promised. HOWEVER! It's been a month since release. Ohlen did promise us a whole lot of stuff we wanted in a later update.


If you think WoW is gonna be better even when the update is up, you are a) a new player to WoW, or b) you haven't experienced enough of WoW's content. The last truly great and diffucult raid was Ulduar. Heroic Firelands is a joke! And EVERYONE thinks its hard. I crushed it without one wipe or person dying for about 12 runs WITHOUT repairs. It's easy. The BLACK TALON has better content than your precious heroic Firelands.


Finally, it's all on the table. You can counter my arguments, but I will counter them back. When WoW falls, which will be soon, SWTOR will be standing over it with a bloodied sword.


Wouldn't that bloodied sword be a lightsaber?:D

Edited by ToEasy
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. You're comparing a 7-year MMO to an MMO that's been out for a month. A MONTH!


When a player who does not currently play any MMO is interested in starting one (or plays one and is looking for a new one), he/she will look at what each of the MMOs got to offer NOW, not 7 years a go. He/She sees what SWTOR offers now and compares it to any other MMO he/she might be interested on and what that other MMO offers NOW, not what it did offer 7 years a go. Because when he/she starts to play it, he/she gets what it does have NOW, not what it had 7 years a go.


SWTOR 2012 have to compete against:

WoW 2012

Rift 2012

Eve 2012




Stop living the past, now is now. And that is what matters.

Edited by Viikuna
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We are customers to the product of BioWare.


As customers, we expect certain features in our product once it is blatantly obvious that they are standard features and work extremely well within the range of said product.


When the market includes a product that has been so successful, as has the product of Blizzard, we the customers will inevitably compare any other product that comes out thereafter to that one that has been so successful.


Let me put it you this way so that maybe it becomes clear of what is going on.


Apple is dominating the mobile phone market right now. Every cell phone (that are targeting the regular customer) that comes out today is and will be compared to the iPhone.


If a company like Motorola decides to come out with a brand new phone today and this product has all of the lovable and popular features that make the iPhone the world's most successful mobile phone, for the exception of an app store, or touchscreen, or a handsfree mode, the ability to have text messages, then your product will fail.


Expect people to complain and compare your product to the leading one. And expect people to complain when standard features ARE MISSING. Features that could only enhance the product and not hurt them.


Industry standards are standards for a reason. I fully support any and every company that is willing to think out of the box and try different things. I do. Better for us. Give us new and innovative. Great. However, what I don't condone is the company implementing features that were the standard FOUR YEARS AGO, which have been improved upon by basic features. This I do not support. This is what I call stupidity.


When you make a new product, you either include ALL the standard features and improve upon the ones you can improve on OR you make something completely different all together.


What you don't do is make a product that was relevant in the market four years ago. That's just asking for financial failure.


Rant over!



Or not...


Let me point out that the reason SWTOR had as many as 10 million subscribers upon release is not because Bioware knocked it out of the ball park with this game. No. The reasons are because


a. WoW is 7 years old and it shows. People are tired of the same graphics, same quest system, same races/classes/gear grind.

b. There are no other new MMOs out there that are compelling enough to have the casual gamers and the hardcore gamers pay to play them.

c. There is a HUGE market for an MMO that gets it right, aside from WoW.


and the most important reason...


d. THIS IS STAR WARS FFS!!! This is one of the greatest franchises ever made. This franchise came out when I was just a little sperm in my daddy's nutsac and here we are in 2012 and my 5 year old walks around the house in nothing but a Vader helm and a toy light saber. (Evil little boy).



last thing....



When you make an MMO in today's market you either


a. Bring an 800lbs gorilla to fight Blizzard's 800lbs gorilla.


b. You make an entirely different MMO that doesn't have to adhere to the same rules and features and consumer demands as Blizzard's.

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Hello, folks! We ask that discussion on the General Discussion forum be centered around Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. Due to this being mostly a discussion of another game, we will be closing the thread for being off topic. Thanks!
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