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Guard, Damage/Attack Types and Mitigation in PvP


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I was wondering about this the other day: when you put guard on someone and that person takes damage, I presume the 50% damage transferred to you is of the same type as the original damage type and gets mitigated in the same way. Can anyone confirm that?


So internal / elemental damage bypasses your armour and in the case of a force / tech attack you can't shield it. (described in the sticky)

I'm not sure what happens with critical hits on the guarded person however, I wonder if they bypass shields on the tank as well.


As a number of other tanks, I'm finding that we're not getting enough mitigation in PvP when we're investing into shield focused PvP tanking gear and the tanking tree (I play a vanguard).

However, I also think that we would be overpowered if all attacks could be shielded, I just find that more of the incoming damage should be mitigated by our talents and gear.


I'd thus like to suggest most damage received through guard being fully mitigated by the tank taking it, this can be done by converting the transferred tech/force damage into weapon damage for example.

At least we can use our gear for our actual function in PvP that way: to take damage in stead of others.


In the current situation, I find that I don't live much longer than the DPS, and while guard is a powerful asset for my team, it also serves to blow me up a whole lot faster when used actively.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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Im also curious as to if guard damage is mitigated by the tank or the person it is on or both? Thats something ive searched and found no answer for as well.


I'm really not sure either.


It would really suck if you simply get to take the flat 50% damage to your health though.

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take 3 friends to no mans sands in tatt. Guard friend get other friend to attack with a specific move record numbers. remove your gear and repeat step one.


come back and tell me what you have found.


Good idea, I'm personally rather busy atm, but I might test this out tomorrow.


The lack of a combat log will make it harder to tell the damage types apart ofc.

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I'd like to bump this. I don't have any math to back it up but it feels like I'm taking unmitigated guard damage. If i'm guarding a heavy armor wearing commando healer we're both unkillable even by packs of 4 or 5. I'm I'm guarding a sage healer or heaven forbid a dps I drop FAST.


It just feals like the damage is flowing over without being mitigated by any of my stats. Add that to the fact that most tank stats are worthless in PvP to begin with and I don't feel as tanky as I'd like to.

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