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EU Patch times


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what with all the patches that have been done since launch and the down time that effects greatly effects EU customer base the most.


I’ve estimated its cost players almost 5 full days work of play time this time should be given back to all EU players


Please consider this for future patches, should you continue to patch the game during what i would say is EU - prime time playing


all customers should compensated with time back after all we are all paying for a service.

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Ok so I'm not wanted by EA/Bioware as a customer, as I can't get support if I don't live in US and I can't play when I got free time if I don't live in US. So those are gonna be my last 3 months. Such a nice game and in the end wasted by the customer support...
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Second Rate? is a damn understatement. We are treated like utter s**t. Its saturday at 1.30pm and the servers are still down. This actually sucks. This is my first MMO and sure as hell will be my Last as i will NOT re-suscribe. I love the game but i cant be dealing with paying my hard earned money and recieving two fingers for it.


Its like thank you for giving us your money now bubye. Do they not understand that there EU players are compltely ticked off? what are BW playing at? And the patches only seem to make things worse anyway, all they need is a server re-set. This sucks.

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Second Rate? is a damn understatement. We are treated like utter s**t. Its saturday at 1.30pm and the servers are still down. This actually sucks. This is my first MMO and sure as hell will be my Last as i will NOT re-suscribe. I love the game but i cant be dealing with paying my hard earned money and recieving two fingers for it.


Its like thank you for giving us your money now bubye. Do they not understand that there EU players are compltely ticked off? what are BW playing at? And the patches only seem to make things worse anyway, all they need is a server re-set. This sucks.


If this is your first MMO, then it might be a good idea to stay away from them altogether. They all are like this and all have regular maintenance.

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I agree. Patching almost always happen right at prime time. Today, this sudden (why couldn't this wait for regular maint'?) patch doesn't hit right at prime time, but oh, wait, it's Saturday, so it totally did anyway!


It is beyond ridiculous. It's 4 AM in the US, which is the low point of the day, but it's 12 AM in the UK. Beyond ridiculous.


Just moving it a couple of hours earlier would hit it not at the Low Point of US/High Point of EU, but at a time where there are few players on both (comparatively speaking).


Read the TOS. You are paying for access to the servers as and when Bioware say so. Not when you feel like it.


Nobody is disputing that. Your point is moot.


This is a complaint. A very valid complaint.

Not an infringement of the rights of EA to do what they want.

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Today I took the first step to this lack of care for European customers: I canceled my subscription.


The game is fun and I understand that they released and unfinished product, but as a team lead I cannot tolerate this kind of mediocrity when it comes to applications.


To me it seems that BW did not learn anything for past fails. It's OK, they will have another good game to put on the shelf like some other I will not mention to avoid starting a name war here.

Edited by UncleJimbo
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If this is your first MMO, then it might be a good idea to stay away from them altogether. They all are like this and all have regular maintenance.


Whilst this is very true the others tend to recognise there are other countries and time zones outside of the US.


"OMG Ima quitting cos I cannot play" aside, this is an issue of consideration that Bioware do not appear to have commented on yet and so it is easy for the cynical to claim they do not care.

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I agree. Patching almost always happen right at prime time. Today, this sudden (why couldn't this wait for regular maint'?) patch doesn't hit right at prime time, but oh, wait, it's Saturday, so it totally did anyway!


It is beyond ridiculous. It's 4 AM in the US, which is the low point of the day, but it's 12 AM in the UK. Beyond ridiculous.


Just moving it a couple of hours earlier would hit it not at the Low Point of US/High Point of EU, but at a time where there are few players on both (comparatively speaking).




Nobody is disputing that. Your point is moot.


This is a complaint. A very valid complaint.

Not an infringement of the rights of EA to do what they want.


Actually they are disputing it by the implication that was in the first post.

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Whilst this is very true the others tend to recognise there are other countries and time zones outside of the US.


"OMG Ima quitting cos I cannot play" aside, this is an issue of consideration that Bioware do not appear to have commented on yet and so it is easy for the cynical to claim they do not care.


They have commented on it. Multiple times. This is how maintenance is going to be. End of Story. No matter when they do maintenance they will affect someone.

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If this is your first MMO, then it might be a good idea to stay away from them altogether. They all are like this and all have regular maintenance.


That's a bold-face lie. Not all MMOs are like this.


This is actually the only MMO I've played that has such constant downtime outside of scheduled maintenance, and in the middle of prime time to boot. Most that I have played try to stick to the scheduled weekly maintenance, and the maintenance is usually split up between various markets (US, EU, Asia, mainly).


Having unscheduled maintenance in the middle of the day and across the whole afternoon on a Saturday is insane.


Actually they are disputing it by the implication that was in the first post.


You infer meaning where there is none.


I suggest you see a psychiatrist before it gets worse.

Edited by Luckmann
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That's a bold-face lie. Not all MMOs are like this.


This is actually the only MMO I've played that has such constant downtime outside of scheduled maintenance, and in the middle of prime time to boot. Most that I have played try to stick to the scheduled weekly maintenance, and the maintenance is split up between various markets (US, EU, Asia, mainly).


Having unscheduled maintenance in the middle of the day and across the whole afternoon on a Saturday is insane.


pretty much EVERY AAA mmo is like this. The ONLY ones that arent are the ones who force you to buy regional clients, which is simply a ploy to generate a ton of money.


ANd you do understand the word "unscheduled" right?

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I have to agree. I understand why they need to do maintenance often as the game is still new and there are issues which need to be fixed but it is quite obvious that it's always the European people who have to suffer for it. And a maintenance downtime on Saturday? Really? At least most of the time we can count on them having the servers up and running when the first gamers from the US get up in the morning. Makes you feel like a second rate customer if you are from a European country. Also, setting the forums to read-only is a nice way to keep people from complaining, but it will also make us even more discontent. The problem people are having with these downtimes will not go away just by shutting us up. There should be a way to work out downtimes which are agreeable for both us EU players and the guys in the US.
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They have commented on it. Multiple times. This is how maintenance is going to be. End of Story. No matter when they do maintenance they will affect someone.


But there's a difference between that and doing it Saturday until 14.30 when they have an announced window of 8 hours, 3 days from now.


There's such a thing about common sense, even for game developers.

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As much as i agree on the prime time problem, multiple MMOs i played had special downtimes due to service improvements, even WoW. But yes, it is true for now because in they have a grown service infrastructure, which is stable now.


I hope they will change the maint window for EU, too. But only to hear the "OMG the us is faster in progress because of earlier maint window" cries. ;)

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What I find exacerbates people's anger at these random, extended maintenance times (stretching into prime EU hours), is the fact that Bioware/EA fail to state what they are fixing/patching until after said event.


Also, one of my bug bares is the line ''thank you for your patience'' in their official statements/tweets. You can plainly see that there is a growing majority that would like answers and rather than it being assumed that we will be patient time and time again. 5 1/2 hours on a Saturday morning and early afternoon is just ridiculous.

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They have commented on it. Multiple times. This is how maintenance is going to be. End of Story. No matter when they do maintenance they will affect someone.


Hey, has it ever occurred to you that maybe the only ones complaining here are the European players that are treated like crap? All other respectable MMOs do the patching and maintenance according to the servers time zone. No one cares that they have to patch, but they should fix their own **** on their time and money, not on the customers time and money.


Jeez, stop being such a band-boy and have some spine and demand quality for your money. Who cares that it's just $10 per month, it's your money and if you are allowing this it means that it is the same for you if you buy a broken car and get to use it only on weekends instead of having a fully functional car for the same amount of money.


Have some self respect and respect other players' opinions.

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pretty much EVERY AAA mmo is like this. The ONLY ones that arent are the ones who force you to buy regional clients, which is simply a ploy to generate a ton of money.
Hahaha, no.


The regional clients is a separate issue; there's no reason you can't have both non-regional clients and regional server maintenance schedules. Nice try to divert the subject, though.


And you do understand the word "unscheduled" right?
Indeed. Do you?
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pretty much EVERY AAA mmo is like this. The ONLY ones that arent are the ones who force you to buy regional clients, which is simply a ploy to generate a ton of money.


ANd you do understand the word "unscheduled" right?


Do work for EA or something?


You're not "forced" to buy a regional client. You just buy the game...


Why would you want to play on a US client on US servers if you're in the EU? The lag and peak times would be stupid for you O.o


Besides there are plenty of MMO's out there that don't have different clients and have separate down times for EU and US.


The EU servers for Swotor are in bloody Ireland ffs! You cant tell me they run on US time there O.o

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As much as i agree on the prime time problem, multiple MMOs i played had special downtimes due to service improvements, even WoW. But yes, it is true for now because in they have a grown service infrastructure, which is stable now.


I hope they will change the maint window for EU, too. But only to hear the "OMG the us is faster in progress because of earlier maint window" cries. ;)


Back when I played WoW (oh so many years ago now), EU and US maintenance was split. Did they change that?


And yes, of course, it's an imperfect world, but surely playing the game at reasonable times of the day beats any potential benefits of being 4 hours behind in content?

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Hey, has it ever occurred to you that maybe the only ones complaining here are the European players that are treated like crap? All other respectable MMOs do the patching and maintenance according to the servers time zone. No one cares that they have to patch, but they should fix their own **** on their time and money, not on the customers time and money.


Jeez, stop being such a band-boy and have some spine and demand quality for your money. Who cares that it's just $10 per month, it's your money and if you are allowing this it means that it is the same for you if you buy a broken car and get to use it only on weekends instead of having a fully functional car for the same amount of money.


Have some self respect and respect other players' opinions.

Ignore the BW police, they have to have someone.

I can pretty much guarantee that even the regular maintenance times affect more people than if they did it at 2am-7am GMT, so that in itself is a problem and poor customer service. Obviously there will still be those affected, but it's all about making it fair for the MAJORITY, BW really don't seem to understand this.

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