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Quick Question - Shatter Shot


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from what I read, like debuffs will not stack on each other, the debuff is for everyone, but to trigger effects, only your own will be calculated.


so if an arsenal merc used his tracer missles, only his debuffs will be taken into account to calculate the damage of his heat seeking missles, but everyone benifits from his armor reduction. it just takes the largest one.


so just to note, dont bother using this ability if you have an arsenal merc on your team or a jugg that puts a full sunder stack up


if anything only use it first to apply the 20% while they build theirs up

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from what I read, like debuffs will not stack on each other, the debuff is for everyone, but to trigger effects, only your own will be calculated.


so if an arsenal merc used his tracer missles, only his debuffs will be taken into account to calculate the damage of his heat seeking missles, but everyone benifits from his armor reduction. it just takes the largest one.


so just to note, dont bother using this ability if you have an arsenal merc on your team or a jugg that puts a full sunder stack up


if anything only use it first to apply the 20% while they build theirs up


And yet if you head on over to sithwarrior.com and check out the agent forums, you will see that they have tested this, and the debuffs do in fact stack.

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the stuff on sithwarrior seems to be either outdated or misinformed, seeing how they believe accuracy beyond 100 is armor penitration which is wrong, its reduced defense meaning they'll dodge and parry less.


also if it is true that they do stack, that would mean that your reducing 60% of the enemy's armor, which seems a bit too much, assuming the only armor reduction in the game is from sundering assult, shatter shot, and tracer missiles.

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Use more shattershot as a utility skill: it places a 45 secs debuff which is huge against everyone. If you need to assist or you want to let someone else burn through that damn tank, leave him a lovely gift to deal with.
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