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I just want to hear peoples opinions. I am almost done with my tank and im still up in the air with what i want to do next. SO im hoping to get some opinions.


-Which do you think its the best class to go for DPS and im talking massive amounts of damage. this includes if i get bad*** gear?


-Which would be best class to pursue in making an ultimate healer, or is there not really a better one?


- Lastly....all of those crew skills. So many to experiment with and find out for myself but that will take forever. I try n ask in general chat but people are mostly in the mood to joke around lol. I know bioware didnt make an ultimate crew skill that soars above all others, however they also cannot predict what booms and blossoms and what fails. SO as far as making money, ( no i dont mean the noob " making money philosiphy* of it falling in my lap or being easy) I mean the one where if i take the time, level it up get good schematics, and resources, i can make some serious bank?


Any and all feedback is Highly appreciated and respected. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

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- Lastly....all of those crew skills. So many to experiment with and find out for myself but that will take forever. I try n ask in general chat but people are mostly in the mood to joke around lol. I know bioware didnt make an ultimate crew skill that soars above all others[...]


Not sure if serious.

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-[...]im talking massive amounts of damage. this includes if i get bad*** gear?


-[...]an ultimate healer?


- I know bioware didnt make an ultimate crew skill that soars above all others[...]


- what are u guys 12 years old?




But ok, sure.

1. Nobody knows, no damage meters in the game.

2. Nobody knows, no healing meters in the game.

3. Biochem is ridiculously better than everything else.

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