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Picked a few light side choices


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I play as a Sith Assassin and was watching a youtube video and said that if you make any light side choices you cant get the highest tier Dark Side Armor. Is this true? I only have like 100pts of light that I chose by mistake and nearly 1000 dark side, but will this really prevent me from getting the best tier of gear?
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Once you get 10,000 points ether darkside or lightside, and you make another darkside or lightside choice it will take away from your opposite points.


Say you have 10,000 DS and 1150 LS (which makes you 8850 DS) and you make a 150 DS choice you end up with 10,000 DS and 1000 LS (which makes you 9000 DS).


You just need to keep doing this until you reach 10,000 DS and 0 LS, then you be Dark V and can equip Dark V Armour.

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Not to mention that the Dark/Light V gear is actually pretty mediocre. You're not missing out on much at all.


When youre off your homeworld go take a look at the gear thats available at the vendors at fleet, then compare it to your average level 50, or search the trade network for lvl 50 gear, and you'll see the difference.

Edited by pokstair
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I'll give you some advice that has proven useful to me once or twice. If your in a conversation and choose an option that you didn't mean to chose..or whatever..if you press the escape button ((esc)) BEFORE the conversation ends..it will take you out of the conversation and allow you to redo the conversation..thus allowing you to make the choice that you originally wanted to make. Edited by Sneakycheeks
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Once you get 10,000 points ether darkside or lightside, and you make another darkside or lightside choice it will take away from your opposite points.


Say you have 10,000 DS and 1150 LS (which makes you 8850 DS) and you make a 150 DS choice you end up with 10,000 DS and 1000 LS (which makes you 9000 DS).


You just need to keep doing this until you reach 10,000 DS and 0 LS, then you be Dark V and can equip Dark V Armour.


That's interesting, I didn't know that. I only have one character with maximum alignment and he's never done a single light side thing. :sy_darkside: I actually wish there wasn't a 10k cap to alignment so I could see how dark side my character really is. My main has been Dark V for a couple weeks.

Edited by MorgonKara
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That video is only applicable if you ONLY gain force points via your class quests. There are other ways to affect your dark/light side rating, such as diplomacy or running flashpoints (black talon is a great one for just point farming).


When you max out one side, the points on the other side reset to 0.


My maxed light character had a few thousand dark side points, but when I hit light 5, those dark side points went to 0, so I wound up with 10,000 light and 0 dark.


So no, you don't have to worry about ending up stuck, no matter what you choose. Unless you don't want to work at grinding out the points to "fix" it.

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Excellent thanks, and I guess I also missed that if you hover over the text with your mouse a dark or light side icon will appear. Usually I just use the 1,2,3 keys to chose and apparently my morals are out of whack because when I thought I was being evil I made a nice choice. But thanks for all the feedback it made sense!
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