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4h. downtime... a SATURDAY???


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Really guys, I understand the frustration, but in all seriousness it is not that big a deal. And before anyone gets on my backside about being American and therefore not being affected, I am Australian.


I think a lot of people are throwing temper tantrums over really a small issue. You think you are hard done by, you are not.


Certainly the customers in North America do get a little better service than us, but the game is based in North America, so sometimes we have to sacrifice a little. To be honest, I find it a little pathetic how many people are raging over their inability to play for a few hours. Surely there is something else in your lives you could be doing until it comes back online.


For any players outside the US and EU, we have to put up with patches in our PEAK time. Peak! And you guys are complaining about 3-6pm? Seriously? I get back from work, have dinner and then find I am unable to play for the entire night because the servers go down, but I just go and spend time watching a movie with my partner or- GASP- just simply talking!


Priorities, obviously a lot of people here don't have them.



excellent I understand that all maintenance occurs during your prime time you must be well pleased to be missing one evening a week of play when they open oceanic servers so the US servers can get their maintenance at off peak

Edited by corbanite
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Really guys, I understand the frustration, but in all seriousness it is not that big a deal. And before anyone gets on my backside about being American and therefore not being affected, I am Australian.


I think a lot of people are throwing temper tantrums over really a small issue. You think you are hard done by, you are not.


Certainly the customers in North America do get a little better service than us, but the game is based in North America, so sometimes we have to sacrifice a little. To be honest, I find it a little pathetic how many people are raging over their inability to play for a few hours. Surely there is something else in your lives you could be doing until it comes back online.


For any players outside the US and EU, we have to put up with patches in our PEAK time. Peak! And you guys are complaining about 3-6pm? Seriously? I get back from work, have dinner and then find I am unable to play for the entire night because the servers go down, but I just go and spend time watching a movie with my partner or- GASP- just simply talking!


Priorities, obviously a lot of people here don't have them.


So geting peed on is completely acceptable since somewhere else they just plain throw **** on your face... is that what you're trying to say? (metaphorically speaking ofc')


Bad customer service is bad customer service and no matter how much worse it might be some where else, there is no need to accept any form of bad customer service.

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It is unbelievable how disrespectful they are to EU customers... patching (seemed to be a pretty useless patch) on prime gaming time doesn't make any sense at all, except for telling "we don't care at all about you".


I have so far invested a lot of time in swtor, one main and 5 alts in order to be able to craft all kinds of gear, and it feels like Bioware treat me like ****! Who knows, maybe all for good since I took time to download the EVE Online client and started a 14-day trial account. Will check in next weekend i.e. then I have long uninterrupted playtime, and continue my gaming. Until then testing of something else.



>.> You wouldn't think it useless if you couldn't log in because it kept booting you...It probably may have also fixed an exploit that they are not mentioning.


EU Players need to calm down...seriously...its not that big of a deal. Go do something else for a few hours.



So geting peed on is completely acceptable since somewhere else they just plain throw **** on your face... is that what you're trying to say? (metaphorically speaking ofc')


Bad customer service is bad customer service and no matter how much worse it might be some where else, there is no need to accept any form of bad customer service.



So because they have an emergency fix and want to fix it sooner rather than later, they're peeing on EU customers? okay...You guys need to go do something else for once.

Edited by Mormack
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excellent I understand that all maintenance occurs during your prime time you must be well pleased to be missing one evening a week of play when they open oceanic servers so the US servers can get their maintenance at off peak


Grammar is not optional for written English.


I have no idea what you're trying to say here.



No, I am saying that this reaction to a little bit of downtime is ridiculously overblown, and am trying to give people a bit of perspective since this is a once-off for people on the EU servers. Ultimately down time is not going to cater to everyone, regardless of whether they're in the US or not. Some players have night-shift, others normal day shift, so should the people who work night-shift start acting like children demanding that they be catered to just because the maintenance time doesn't suit them?


Bad customer service is letting those people who have not been able to get into the game wait because it's inconvenient to people in the EU.

Edited by EsotericWhim
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its not a matter of down time, its a matter of us paying for the down time, and not getting refunds, i for one have had enough and will close my acount since this game is only 30% done! futher more the surport is a joke, i had more info then the GM i talked to, not to mention that he spoke english like a 4 year old! i would be calm if we atleast got refunds for the down time we have every 3 days atm.


Bear with me as I don't know the conversion rates, but...


The game costs $.50/day in the US. You had a few hours downtime. You want a refund of less than a dollar? /confused



Although the servers are back up now, I am unable to play still. I was going to resub again next Saturday, but after this downtime I am not, until either they add in a subscruiption scheme where you pay for time - buy 2 hours worth, and if you play for 30 mins one month, then you still have 1.5 hours to play in the future even if it is not for a month or so later,or they get their act together and do EU maintenance at a time better suited for EU players,like they said they would


That'd be a a quick way hemorrhage BW's/EA's pocketbooks, pushing this game to F2P. I for one do not want to see this game go to the F2P graveyard.

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Strange thing, there was no client/launcher update. No download at all.


So.. just server side then. But... ? :confused:


It was a server side patch not client side. Why the hell didn't they take the servers down during off peak hours based on server location?


This saturdays rage was preventable.


I can understand problems with lack of version control if client is updated but for a server only update.


Bioware deserve this rage


I could be wrong did anyones client actually update or are you using the same client you were using yesterday?

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Well I really do not like that separation on americans and europeans. I bet american players did not chose the downtime time. So why to be angry at them? At the same time, they should have a little understanding for our frustration. I really do not understand why we do not have separate downtimes. Today's downtime really makes me wonder if Bioware wants to get to the Guiness book as a company which lost most players in the most short time... Edited by Embrosil
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Did you guys have forgotten that the game is STORY DRIVEN ....? :D




----> Epic Saturday...the Story you should Miss...


Can the StarWars Universe hold the new changes ? ... to be continued next patch

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You see, they decided not to lock Americans out from playing with their EU friends (I'm looking at your Blizzard) and vice versa and so to make it fair, all servers have to be patched at the same time because If I'm patched but you're not or Vice versa and I play on an EU Server, I'm screwed...It doesn't work that way guys.
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Originally Posted by Xerda

They love to screw over the EU every time. Bad enough on week days but weekends is really taking the piss.

Soooo your the only ones affected really, really :eek:


Oh, of course not. If that was the case, that would mean they would be self-centered like the US. :eek:

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You see, they decided not to lock Americans out from playing with their EU friends (I'm looking at your Blizzard) and vice versa and so to make it fair, all servers have to be patched at the same time because If I'm patched but you're not or Vice versa and I play on an EU Server, I'm screwed...It doesn't work that way guys.


What? How does this make sense to you?

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Even eve online has a good way of putting out patches, etc. Their downtime is 1hr everyday same time everytime. This is something that bw has to look into very quickly


Its always the usual the eu gets shafted



It can be longer with patch dayd ete

Edited by Herakis
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You see, they decided not to lock Americans out from playing with their EU friends (I'm looking at your Blizzard) and vice versa and so to make it fair, all servers have to be patched at the same time because If I'm patched but you're not or Vice versa and I play on an EU Server, I'm screwed...It doesn't work that way guys.


It can do with decent version control. Just means for a few hours each week players will be able to access either US or EU servers but not both.


But besides the point.. This time client was not patched.

Edited by corbanite
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Well I really do not like that separation on americans and europeans. I bet american players did not chose the downtime time. So why to be angry at them? At the same time, they should have a little understanding for our frustration. I really do not understand why we do not have separate downtimes. Today's downtime really makes me wonder if Bioware wants to get to the Guiness book as a company which lost most players in the most short time...


Frustration I get - I got pissed at first when I logged on, joined a game of Huttball (ugh - horrible start anyhow), then saw the emergency maintenance message. The I logged off and got over myself.


It sucks, yeah. But it happens. If any of you have actually enjoyed any part of this game and don't want to see it die like so many others, keeps your knee-jerk reactions under control. This was a few hours, annoying - yes. Game-breaking? If so, you need to take a step back from the computer for a few hours anyways.

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What? How does this make sense to you?


Because we all have access to all the servers at the same time, so when they are patched they have to all be patched at the same time so we aren't locked from any of them?


People in the US: Your downtime is tuesday morning


EU: You're downtime is Wednesday Morning.


Sorry for all those US people who play on EU Servers....Your Downtime is even more because you chose to play with your friends who have a different day than you and your server isn't patched.

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Because we all have access to all the servers at the same time, so when they are patched they have to all be patched at the same time so we aren't locked from any of them?


People in the US: Your downtime is tuesday morning


EU: You're downtime is Wednesday Morning.


Sorry for all those US people who play on EU Servers....Your Downtime is even more because you chose to play with your friends who have a different day than you and your server isn't patched.


for client side patches not for server side patches or maintenance and even that is a non issue with proper version control

Edited by corbanite
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Just get trashed tonight and you'll wake up after it's done.


Most on here are 15yo kids who can barely spell "trashed". So, yeah, that wont happen...instead, they will sit here and cry that they cant play a game they hate...



Freaking blows my mind, first everyone cries that the game is broken and starts to yell "FIX THIS OR I WILL UNSUB" then those same people start to cry when the severs go offline for a patch....



simple minded people saying simple minded things...

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