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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

4h. downtime... a SATURDAY???


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Its riducilous on this time i have to admitt , and whats the fix anyway ooh wait we are getting a fully costimizable Gui earlyer as expected ;)

and the seriues side *** is the fix , and if it takes this much of time its a big one ???

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Well any Saturday maintenance that is not Critical is just Wrong. As that is when the majority of players world wide are going to play.


Being an IT person, you are suppose to limit noticeable impact to your clients. As the Patch notes don't indicate this is critical, it appears to be a big mistake.


Carry on and get them back up since you have now went passed your expected window.

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I give them 1 more month to sort this and if they don't give us our own maintenance window then I am going back to Rift or WoW. I love this game but I am sick of being treated this way by Bioware.


Get your house in order or this will fast become a US only subscriber game.

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They couldn't possibly be trying to patch out an exploit or correct a critical balance issue or broken mission. That's unthinkable, so clearly it must be a massive conspiracy by everyone not in the EU to screw the EU out of their Saturday.




Seriously ladies, grow up already. It's a game. Go outside, call your mom, pick up some groceries to replace the penicillin farm in your fridge. Do something, anything, else.


Missing a few hours of SWTOR will not trigger the Apocalypse. If it were that critical, it would have been on the Mayan calendar.


"Penicillin farm", <snort> LOL

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Its just like SoE and everquest 2 fiascos all over again every month theyd add new content or patch and the entire server would be down for the entire day and would only crash if they got it up in the end any way.

all this and even having a split patch system the us was 2-4 days early patching and theyd still go and balls up the Eu patch even after fixing the us one 2 days earlier.


Seeing a common trend here Bio patch when they like never get it up on time,dont really give a crap about the community and just shrug and go so.. its a patch.

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1.1.0c Patch Notes - 1/28/2012




Improved service to reduce the number of player disconnections to the character selection screen.


SERIOUSLY ?, at least other MMO company's gave us some free days for unexpected mantainance....


And spare me the crap about "go do something else for a day" because there are those of us that have to WORK during the week (you know earning your own money etc) and can only play on saturday or sunday

Edited by Patjestr
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Hey Bioware,


I used to be a big fan, you might even call me a fanboy, but this ended off today. A patch on a saturday, and just to top it off, an extension of that patch, seriously Bioware, what the actual ****? Tbh this pushed me over the edge.


I know that people want the patches to be applied asap, seeing as playing with bugs is rather annoying. What I don't understand, is who decided to completely ignore the entire european community and not change the maintenance hours? This could easily be done during our nightly hours, a lot of other MMOs out there make this work, so what is the reason for you not being able to do the same BW?


A lot of people are going to comment on this saying "Go do other things" or "There is other things to life than gaming" and I understand, you are living an exciting life full of fantastic irl experiences, please, go be a part of that. For the rest of us, who actually do spend quite a lot of time gaming, this is getting rather frustrating. I am aware that it takes time getting an MMO running, but the financial part of SWTOR must really be going downhill, seeing as they can not afford to hire an EU team. This is even though the servers and their EU CSR team is located in Ireland.


I read in a threat that you guys lost alot customers already (http://forum.gamebreaker.tv/viewtopic.php?id=3471), maybe this would not have happened if you actually bothered offering a little customer service? Actually thinking of this made me laugh hard, the only tickets I have gotten non-generic responses too, are the ones where I reported other players for various ingame violations. So besides from not caring for your customers at all and loosing them to bad CSR, you spend your time looking into which of them needs to be banned in order to loose more?


Anyways BW, when are you going to comment on this issue, rather than just ignore it completely? Surely you are reading all the posts made by people complaining about the way you are handeling the CSR.


Personally, I decided to vote with my money, and cancled my subscribtion (and yeah I know you wont miss me, idc). I loved this game, it has been a blast leveling my characters and I liked the overall gameplay, but I can not accept the way I am treated as a customer, and because of this, I will not support the game in the future, untill his has been changed. I really hope you guys start waking up and make some changes towards this issue, otherwise this will turn out like SWG, which would be a shame.


I really hope we will see a statement from Bioware regarding this issue very soon, seeing as they are always stating that they are listening to their customers and actually care about what we have to say. Ball is on your side of the court now BW, we're waiting..

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Ok New player here, well actually i've not even started yet.


Took me a while to make the account last night, then installing game blah blah blah, now I just have to wait a little longer for servers but still cant wait to play the game!!!!!!!!!!!


This is when having another game to kill time, comes in handy! :D

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first parragraph what i understand is that tomorrow morning (saturday!) there will be a patch and 4h. downtime?


are we crazy or what? you don't screw EU enough already with weekly maintenance schedule, now you're gonna screw us over half a saturday too?


Im also VERY pissed about this! :mad:


Also, this

so that we can continue to provide a consistent, quality experience
makes me freaking laugh..


BioWare, do you know what quality experience means?!?!


It sure as hell, does not mean, that you should take down servers for 4 freaking hours on a saturday at day time!!!!!


This is the way you show your respect for your Paying Euro players?!?!

Edited by Neptunius
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What I would like to know is, if Guild Wars can do updates and patches, add/remove content without taking down the servers, how come these other companies can't do the same?


do not expect too much from non experienced dev team ^^ they even have no idea how to make character transfer between servers or lfg system, macros, addons.... etc.....


they got enough money at launch time now we can all go back to other games ;)

how different you can explain such silly idea of patching at SATURDAY like just horrible lack of taking care about players , its obviously clear for everyone with IQ>80 that Saturday is day NOT FOR implementing patches..... :eek:

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I have to admit that the alarm bells are ringing for me in respect of how Bioware are proceeding to manage in-game issues and then communicate those to the subscribers. I like the game and am not one to get overly upset over unexpected or extended server outages but their methods of dealing with in-game problems are starting to look shambolic at the very least. Poor customer service, forum censorship, poor communication to the customer, and bizarrely timed and "open ended" maintenance schedules don't encourage loyalty from paying customers. I hope it improves quickly...it has to!
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Maintance on saturday morning for EU, this along with maintance at tuesday afternoon/evening makes the Panda's something i just look up to.



Tons of bugs, incompetent customer service, maintance on prime time for Europe. Not splitting EU/US/oceanic maintence times... EA do you want SWToR to be next age of conan? dont you learn from mistakes?

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4pm GMT. That's the entire Saturday gone for EU players. It's as if BW wants EU players to run away from the game.


Well, they succeeded - sub cancelled.


Lol. I find this hilarious. 24 hours now is squashed into 4 hours?!


If they weren't fixing these bugs, y'all would be crying. Bioware can never win.

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Thats what you do after work. On weekends you spend time enjoying games and things not related to work and on the evening spend time with friends.


But this is not possible if they keep *********** things up. EA is known for this and I doubt it will change anytime soon. Not until they have someone who knows more about geography and customer service.


This is one of the reasons games like WoW goes so smooth. They have good customer service and don't **** things up so often.


Comparing a game that's been out for years to one that is barely a couple of months old doesn't make sense. Things will break and will need fixing regardless of what time of day it is. If it so happens to fall on peak times, then I hope you're all smart enough to find something else to do other than whinge.

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I give them 1 more month to sort this and if they don't give us our own maintenance window then I am going back to Rift or WoW. I love this game but I am sick of being treated this way by Bioware.


Get your house in order or this will fast become a US only subscriber game.




We can all get over it.. SWTOR isn't that important.


Bioware seriously need to consider that they are a world wide company and not US only. If they want to go US only then do what turbine did to LOTRO.

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I suggest Bioware takes turns, one downtime they dedicate to offend American players, another to offend European players and lastly one to offend Oceanian and Asian players. I think with globally spread offense everyone will be equally (un)happy and an amicable base for communication may be re-established again.
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I'm really not getting why they patch the European and the US Server at the same time.


If all the servers would be located in the US then it would be fully understandable that they will choose patch times that suite the majority.


But this aint't the case here. EU Servers are in Ireland with their own support team.

Should be possible to patch at different times.


Every other MMO that has Servers in different time zones is patching at the approriate times for each time zone.


Weird, maybe the guys in the US have to oversee the patching for EU as well, who knows.


Well, I'll guess I'll play Wicther 2 bit now. :ph_great_update:

Edited by ZappoBrox
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I love this game. My complaint is that I cant actually play the sodding game that I pay to play.


5 hours on a Saturday morning.


anyone who has kids will be up at this sort of time. I was.


My daughter and i sit down and play together, its the only bloody chance I get on a saturday. I gave up a lie in only to discover that the game was off line unnanounced.


I could have at least accepted it if the patch was truely ground breaking - but seriously - the reason was utterly ridiculous. They fixed it for a few people who were getting DC by DC the ENTIRE GAME for 5 and half hours!

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