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Elara Dorne - Brothers quest


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I read on these forums that you can go with Elara on the quest to find her brother. Some had missed the opportunity, didn't realize it was an option....etc etc.


I'm currently at the conversation w/ Elara, when she recieves the holo from her brother, in trouble on Nar Shaddaa. I've restarted the conversation several times, but it doesn't appear to be an option to go with her.


Is there really an option to go with her? I only get to the 3rd or 4th reply before I reset....but the options are: suspicious, protocol, or go ahead. -Perhaps i'm not going far enough in the conversation? Or not an option to go afterall? Anyone with information on this, I'd appreciate the tip.

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I'm actually disapointed you can't go on some quests with your companions. I can get that with her Bro she wants to go alone, but dealing with the

charges laid against her by the incompetent guard from Taris? My Trooper would of loved to be there just to be the 'bad cop' to her good cop. As in standing there, watching... like a hutt with eyebrows.

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