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Diplomacy - why are med supplies light side only?


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This is really annoying. In order to get grade 2 medical supplies i have to send my crew on diplomacy missions. And the only med supply missions give light side points. And to make it worse, they give 20 light side points, where as the missions that give dark side points only give 10 points.


That's pretty sucky for someone who wants to go darkside and do biochem

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Short answer: you've been unlucky.


There are dark side tier 2 med supply missions - I've had quite a few on my character with Diplomacy. If you're not seeing any, you'll need to either run dark side companion gift missions and hope the replacement missions on the list are ones you need, or wait for the list to reset. (No idea how long that takes - I have several characters, so it's usually the next day before I look again.)

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Bad RNG.



Frankly, at grade 2 you're only looking at about 20-40 points per mission anyway. Send them on the Dark ones and run a BT/Esseles if you're that worried about it.


There are Light and Dark missions for both sides, and its honestly not worth skipping out on needed supplies to save the hassle of a few DSP/LSP.

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For A) a slight clarification. (not being nitpicky, but clarifying it for anyone that might not know)

It resets when you run a Diplomacy Mission.

If you run a Bioanalysis mission, it only resets your Bioanalysis mission list, not your Diplomacy one.

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If it resets when you log or enter your ship, i guess i can just walk in and out of my ship. although i completed a lot of diplomacy missions, and so far the companion gift missions have always been darkside, and meds lightside. But I'll try it a few more times and see what happens.
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im stummped at this, because your dark doesnt mean you can only do dark missions. the reason why they alternate or in your case you have been stuck with them on light is that diplomacy isnt simply a fast track to dark or light cap.


Work out the amount of dark or light points your going to get based upon the price of the mission as thats 9/10 times a good indicater onto what your going to get. And i have found as i am actually using diplomacy to get medical supplys on one of my chars that she always gets back to dark full after 3 full pages of diplomacy missions which inevitably means that the missions themselves balance themselves out as you go along them.



Ps i have also found that unless you actually do those light side ones that they will never properly unload and reload dark ones for the same value until you have done them.

Edited by Shingara
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The list resets when you:

A) Complete a mission

B) Enter your ship

C) Log out and back in


I've tested A) extensively, and completing a mission doesn't reset the list every time. B similarly appears to work some times, but not others.


C seems to work consistently. Thanks!

Edited by Grimgrey
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So right now it seems like we're saying that either logging in and out will reset the list, or that i need to do the lightside med missions in order to get darkside med missions?


From my experience, logging in and out doesn't seem to matter, at least as far as med missions being light side. I'll do a few more light side medicine missions and see if they eventually start giving me darkside medicine missions.

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I've tested A) extensively, and completing a mission doesn't reset the list every time. B similarly appears to work some times, but not others.


C seems to work consistently. Thanks!


Recently it seems to only reset if you complete a mission of the same Grade and Skill (Rank 5 Bio resets upon completing a Rank 5 Bio mission).


Entering your ship should always reset it, but exiting your ship doesn't. It's strange, and I don't know why.


Logging always works.

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Entering your ship should always reset it, but exiting your ship doesn't. It's strange, and I don't know why.


The reset seems to happen when you get a "loading screen." Entering your ship has a loading, but exiting your ship doesn't always have a loading screen. So another way to reset missions is to travel to another planet, get the loading screen, and voila! new missions.


Also note: if you have enough people on Diplomacy missions at a particular level, your list for that level won't refresh b/c there are no other missions for you to run until companions come back.

Edited by jaldaen
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