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Everything posted by merkk

  1. So right now it seems like we're saying that either logging in and out will reset the list, or that i need to do the lightside med missions in order to get darkside med missions? From my experience, logging in and out doesn't seem to matter, at least as far as med missions being light side. I'll do a few more light side medicine missions and see if they eventually start giving me darkside medicine missions.
  2. If it resets when you log or enter your ship, i guess i can just walk in and out of my ship. although i completed a lot of diplomacy missions, and so far the companion gift missions have always been darkside, and meds lightside. But I'll try it a few more times and see what happens.
  3. This is really annoying. In order to get grade 2 medical supplies i have to send my crew on diplomacy missions. And the only med supply missions give light side points. And to make it worse, they give 20 light side points, where as the missions that give dark side points only give 10 points. That's pretty sucky for someone who wants to go darkside and do biochem
  4. Yes, that's exactly what I meant. Thanks!
  5. I meant how could i determine which would have the higher armor without having to first buy items (or pay to have them removed etc)
  6. Thanks for the reply. But either you misunderstood what i was asking, or i am misunderstanding what you are saying. Lets say i see armor mod X available to buy for my robe. Lets say i also see a non-modable robe for sale. How can i tell which will have the higher armor? My orange robe with mod X in it, or the non-modable robe?
  7. True - but sometime i want to compare it to a non-modable armor piece. Like - if i buy the mods for the orange robe i have, will it turn out better then the armor i have now? Would be nice if I could figure that out without actually having to buy the mods first and install them. Thanks
  8. I've been confused by this as well. I thought the armor rating on an armor mod was how much armor it ads to whatever item you are putting it in. Which really confused the hell out of me. Is there any sort of calculation you can do to determine what exactly the armor value will be before you actually buy a mod? I know using the same armor piece if you swap in a new mod with a high armor rating you'll have a higher armor then you did before. But is there any way to tell exactly what armor value you'll get? Thanks
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