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Are Marauders/Sentinels the best pvp class with full potentional?


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If everything worked perfectly? Yeah. But there's a handful of abilities that I feel like we can't count on to work like they're supposed to - so....


It has the least room for error of any class. The slight misstep or misfire in a disruption or whatever can spell certain doom.

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no class is any better than any other. If that were the case then every game would be like Star Wars Galaxies pre Combat Upgrade patch


In a perfect world this would be true, It has how ever NEVER been true in any mmo to date.


There will always be diffrences/imbalances.


And no Marauders/sentinel are not potentially the best pvp class, they can do well, but as the game is currently other classes have far more potential for doing well in pvp, f.example merc.

Edited by Munx
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In a perfect world this would be true, It has how ever NEVER been true in any mmo to date.


There will always be diffrences/imbalances.


And no Marauders/sentinel are not potentially the best pvp class, they can do well, but as the game is currently other classes have far more potential for doing well in pvp, f.example merc.


Merc? lol. Interrupt any of the mercs skills and theyre a sitting duck. It's sages/inquisitors you should be worried about.

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In a perfect world this would be true, It has how ever NEVER been true in any mmo to date.


There will always be diffrences/imbalances.


And no Marauders/sentinel are not potentially the best pvp class, they can do well, but as the game is currently other classes have far more potential for doing well in pvp, f.example merc.


Mercs are what? Tracer Missle pros? Our 4 second lock out is on 6 second cd. Considering global cooldown, I was hit by Tracer Missle not so many times. Great class indeed, not.

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Mercs are what? Tracer Missle pros? Our 4 second lock out is on 6 second cd. Considering global cooldown, I was hit by Tracer Missle not so many times. Great class indeed, not.


I love shutting down tracer missile and grav round... Those silly spammers never know what to do lolol.

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