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Damage meters / gear checks (no thx)


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I'd argue that if you can't get past a challenge in the game without extra meters then something wrong with the encounter. You should be able to accomplish everything in the game with the basic setup. This stuff needs to be accessible after all or they are just wasting money on making content only a small portion of the player will be able to complete.


thats just it, 9/10 people can get through it without it, but then theres the one lazy person holding everyone back, and no way to tell who it is.

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I have no desire to compete in an endgame that is so pitifully easy you don't even need to parse combat logs for errors.


If it's not there, it means there isn't a need for it in the teams eyes. That saddens me a lot, considering how much I've enjoyed the rest of this so far.

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Scroll down to my post, read the fifth point.


It's been done


and so has this topic, making more just to express your viewpoint is not only clogging the system, it's making it harder for the devs to sort through the information, and frankly making you look like you're just whining.


Seriously, get over it. Majority of players want addons enabled (that includes DPS tracking) and if you don't like people watching your performance, join a guild that doesn't care. They exist.

Edited by TheNdoki
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I'd argue that if you can't get past a challenge in the game without extra meters then something wrong with the encounter. You should be able to accomplish everything in the game with the basic setup. This stuff needs to be accessible after all or they are just wasting money on making content only a small portion of the players will be able to complete.


This times a million.


People are playing a game; there should be no need for try-outs. The only 'qualifications' a player should need are; being a suitable class for the current party makeup, being the right level, and being friendly and polite.


Anything else is bad design and wrong thinking IMO.


I have no desire to compete in an endgame that is so pitifully easy you don't even need to parse combat logs for errors.



There should be NO content that requires parsing combat logs, or spreadsheets, or meters or gearscore or any of that. In a PvE RPG, there should be NO competition; the whole team is trying to take down the boss, one-for-all-and-all-for-one and all that jazz.

Edited by TheSwamper
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