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Watchmen Raiding Spec


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Fellow Watchmen Sentinels, what spec are you using for raiding? Do you take the -30% AOE damage reduction talent over the -3 second off Master Strike Talent? Do you take the reduced kick time talent over the increased melee/force accuracy talent?


Your input would be greatly appreciated! (and don't hesitate to use torhead to illustrate your spec).


Here is my sample spec:



Edited by Naroga
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Fellow Watchmen Sentinels, what spec are you using for raiding? Do you take the -30% AOE damage reduction talent over the -3 second off Master Strike Talent? Do you take the reduced kick time talent over the increased melee/force accuracy talent?


Your input would be greatly appreciated! (and don't hesitate to use torhead to illustrate your spec).


I would take the -30% AoE talent for sure cause most bosses have aoe effects just to help out the healer. then take accuracy talent.


I personally haven't made my tree up thats just what i would take.



Also to the ones who are raidng watchmen. in EV how do you deal with the 4th boss (when you fight your own guy) you get a debuff for healing the group but our dots heal everyone, so is it just have them put you in a different group then anyone else inside the operation group?

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I would take the -30% AoE talent for sure cause most bosses have aoe effects just to help out the healer. then take accuracy talent.


I personally haven't made my tree up thats just what i would take.



Also to the ones who are raidng watchmen. in EV how do you deal with the 4th boss (when you fight your own guy) you get a debuff for healing the group but our dots heal everyone, so is it just have them put you in a different group then anyone else inside the operation group?


I just pop transcendence instead of zen. I will admit that it's a bit frustrating when other DPS classes brag about how fast they are killing their mob. If only I had my guaranteed DoT crits. . .


Oh well, another oversight by Bioware. As far as raiding bugs go, this is very low priority.

Edited by Naroga
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Doubt it's a bug. You cannot help others on Council and not get the debuff. Burns healing ticks are help. I pass on all centering abilities and still finish before anyone else.




I'm finding that this build works very well. 30% reduced AoE is huge. It will stop you from getting blasted on a lot of two hit AoE/Stun and knockback combos.

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Doubt it's a bug. You cannot help others on Council and not get the debuff. Burns healing ticks are help. I pass on all centering abilities and still finish before anyone else.




I'm finding that this build works very well. 30% reduced AoE is huge. It will stop you from getting blasted on a lot of two hit AoE/Stun and knockback combos.


Is the 2% reduced accuracy noticeable? I'm not 100% clear of the effect of accuracy in this game or on how much is needed for Sentinels.

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I'm at 101.3% accuracy with gear and one point in the skill, and I don't ever see anything miss. If you aren't gearing up in Rakata/Columi pieces yet, you'll be amazed at how much accuracy comes with them. I pulled a bunch of mods and swapped in +power and higher endurance, based on the current belief that 100%/110% accuracy is all that is needed. Without logs though, who knows for sure.


One could argue that three points in accuracy will free up a bunch of enhancement slots for better stats, but at this point in the game those pieces are extremely rare, or not even known yet. I've yet to see an artifice pattern drop in a raid.


So in short, no I don't see a difference. Under 100% I saw misses. Above 100% I don't. I like the better survivability with the AoE reduction. It lets me stay on target doing damage for longer, I get healed up quicker and can jump back in sooner, and the big AoE spikes aren't such a big deal. We ran Annihilator droid on 16 hard mode last night and our other Sentinel was not specced for AoE, and he was getting killed by the shockwave/knockback every time. He's still gearing up, but the 30% probably would have kept him alive long enough to get some heals.

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I'm at 101.3% accuracy with gear and one point in the skill, and I don't ever see anything miss. If you aren't gearing up in Rakata/Columi pieces yet, you'll be amazed at how much accuracy comes with them. I pulled a bunch of mods and swapped in +power and higher endurance, based on the current belief that 100%/110% accuracy is all that is needed. Without logs though, who knows for sure.


One could argue that three points in accuracy will free up a bunch of enhancement slots for better stats, but at this point in the game those pieces are extremely rare, or not even known yet. I've yet to see an artifice pattern drop in a raid.


So in short, no I don't see a difference. Under 100% I saw misses. Above 100% I don't. I like the better survivability with the AoE reduction. It lets me stay on target doing damage for longer, I get healed up quicker and can jump back in sooner, and the big AoE spikes aren't such a big deal. We ran Annihilator droid on 16 hard mode last night and our other Sentinel was not specced for AoE, and he was getting killed by the shockwave/knockback every time. He's still gearing up, but the 30% probably would have kept him alive long enough to get some heals.


Thanks. Currently, I have two Rakkatta Pieces and the rest are Columi. I'll check my accuracy rating tonight and then tinker with my spec.


In PvP, does accuracy matter at all? Or is it like WoW where everybody has the same % chance to hit.

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Doubt it's a bug. You cannot help others on Council and not get the debuff. Burns healing ticks are help. I pass on all centering abilities and still finish before anyone else.




I'm finding that this build works very well. 30% reduced AoE is huge. It will stop you from getting blasted on a lot of two hit AoE/Stun and knockback combos.



Whats the reasoning behind Force Fade? it seems more like a PVP skill then a PVE skill. out of the current fights i don't know if i can think of any that having 100% damage reduction for 4 seconds is overly exciting where another 2% accuracy seems to be a bit more interesting even master focus seems a bit more intresting



I would be using .... http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIbRrRMcGzZhGM.1 or



depending on your believe on accuracy

Edited by Dagimpster
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Whats the reasoning behind Force Fade? it seems more like a PVP skill then a PVE skill. out of the current fights i don't know if i can think of any that having 100% damage reduction for 4 seconds is overly exciting where another 2% accuracy seems to be a bit more interesting even master focus seems a bit more intresting



I would be using .... http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIbRrRMcGzZhGM.1 or



depending on your believe on accuracy


I'm replying from my phone this morning, so this will be short and not as detailed as I'd like... just the basic idea. 8% onward missile spam on annihilator. You are probably closing the gap from a turret or knockback, so why not do it while taking zero damage and moving faster. Means more time to burn when you leap in. Also, if you're lucky enough to catch cannonade, it helps immensely.


It's a get out of jail free card to either eat a high damage, targeted attack or to save your skin and grab heals to stay in the fight. Why pass on a free cast invuln?


I left it off my first builds for the same reason you suggested. I'm very glad to have it now.

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I use this http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/jedi_knight/sentinel/#::fefef2efef11e2fe3fe3fe4fe3f20:

It gives me good escape with Force Camo and helps a ton on HMs imo.


Wow, different people have such different play styles. If I was allocating my skill points in any order, the first two points I allocated would be in the skill you dropped from your build, lowering the CD on Force Kick from 8 seconds to 6 seconds; that's the skill that I find most consistently useful in the entire build.

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Force fade is useless in my opinion. If you need it that bad, your heals are doing something wrong or your neglecting to use a medpac, etc. Here's my spec:




I may reallocate the two points in temperance to something else. Possibly focused leap or steadfast.


Wrong, even with good heals HM AoE is nuts and for moving fights where its unavoidable pop force camo easy 4 seconds no damage incoming saves a lot on the healers.

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Force Fade is just useful.


Got a missile lock from the first EV boss? Wait a second and Fade. Gharj about to pounce? Don't run out, just fade. One of the lightning balls get too close during Soa? No worries, just fade.


And that's just from EV.


Now, yes, the argument could be made for Focused Leap over Force Fade. However, I have never found myself focus starved while raiding in Watchman, and without being hit you can't use Riposte to burn extra focus, so it ends up being redundant most of the time.


As for Temperance, not bad for PvP, not really useful for raiding.

Edited by Apocalypse-
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Force Fade is just useful.


Got a missile lock from the first EV boss? Wait a second and Fade. Gharj about to pounce? Don't run out, just fade. One of the lightning balls get too close during Soa? No worries, just fade.


And that's just from EV.


Now, yes, the argument could be made for Focused Leap over Force Fade. However, I have never found myself focus starved while raiding in Watchman, and without being hit you can't use Riposte to burn extra focus, so it ends up being redundant most of the time.


As for Temperance, not bad for PvP, not really useful for raiding.


Yeah I love having the 4 seconds of complete damage immunity. I haven't done any Ops yet but even in HM FPs it can be useful. E.g. the first boss in Maelstrom Prison, instead of running away you can pop Camo and take no damage, helping your healer out big time. Another example would be Mentor, with all the **** that's flying around in that fight having a 4 second immunity on 45 second cooldown is pretty awesome.

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We just did 16 man EV nightmare last night.


I run watchman. I killed my marauder, 114k at the same time our tanks killed their Juggernauts. I was 10% ahead of our next closest DPS finisher(s) which were Gunnery Commandos and Sages.


My advice. Open with Inspiration and adrenals/relics and then just run transcendence. The crit off of zen is nice but not needed. If absolutely needed, you should be able to be put in a separate group so you don't debuff yourself.


Watchmen sentinels need power and surge by the way, so pull all that accuracy out of your PvP gear, and replace most of the crit in your PvE gear as well.


With raid buffs I currently have 450 bonus damage. 33-34% crit, 92% surge. For anyone interested.

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I mainly do OPs, having that ability for ops is a waste of talent points. I don't think there's a boss that can be interrupted in ops.


This caused me to re-evaluate my build in light of the fact that my guild just started doing Ops this weekend. I agree and re-specced. The 6 second kick was wonderful while leveling, but yeah, I haven't used it once in Ops.

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This caused me to re-evaluate my build in light of the fact that my guild just started doing Ops this weekend. I agree and re-specced. The 6 second kick was wonderful while leveling, but yeah, I haven't used it once in Ops.


If that's all you're doing, probably fine. I run enough HM flashpoints that having the interrupt up is great. Oh, and 45 second pacify is awesome for ops.


What are you putting the extra points into?

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If that's all you're doing, probably fine. I run enough HM flashpoints that having the interrupt up is great. Oh, and 45 second pacify is awesome for ops.


What are you putting the extra points into?


Force Fade. Which now that I have it, I find I'm using it when doing my dailies (3 more days before I'm done with them forever) and it seems just as useful as the shorter kick CD. Worst-case scenario, if kick AND stasis AND jump are all simultaneously on CD, and I miss an interrupt because of the 8 second instead of 6 second CD on kick, I can just fade and not take any damage from whatever it was that I wanted to interrupt anyway.


But in any event, I can't see any reason to do HM FPs. I'd rather level an alt. I got 4 pieces of Columi gear + the crystals to make both Rakata relics in 5 hours of Ops the very first time our guild even attempted Ops. How many hours of FPs would I need to run to get the comparable amount of gear? I'd rather level an alt so that when I see them again they're fresh.

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