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Nerf Ops really?


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4) Me using my stunbreak (if even available with it's 1min 30 second cooldown)

5) Immediately stunning me again in a stunlock to finish the job



K.O./Jarring Strike fills your resolve bar to full so that's not possible.


I wish there were people who weren't completely ignorant about this game's mechanics supporting this nerf, makes me worry about the future of this game.

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Keep exagerating, as long as you are part of the sorceror/sage mayority, Mythic and Bioware will do as you say and end up destroying this game too.


They probably listen to the people who keep a level head about this and demonstrate actual examples of how SOME of the Operative's skillset is unbalanced.


Oh, and proper spelling and grammar occasionally helps as well when attempting to get your point across.

Edited by Averran
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I don't want to start a flame war (which apparently is already happening), but that set of "very specific circumstances/situations" pretty much always includes


1) You being stealthed

2) Burst critting me for a large amount of my health right away

3) Stun me and continue to crit attack

4) Me using my stunbreak (if even available with it's 1min 30 second cooldown)

5) Immediately stunning me again in a stunlock to finish the job



Long story short, all haters are going to hate. I'm a BH and I guarantee they're going to nerf the tracer missle next due to all the noob BH's spamming that ability (which is unfortunate for legitimate players who use it as intended to lower armor and lead into combos)


How exactly are we doing number 5? This tells me you don't know what you're talking about. When we stun you out of stealth it fills your resolve bar. You can no longer be stunned by ANYONE. We can only stun people for 3 seconds and we're lucky if we have you below half health after those 3 seconds. You make it sound like every hit we do is a crit.


I admit I'm not 50, so maybe we do crit a lot more at end game. Can anyone honestly say we are OP since the Buff Stacking nerf?

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How exactly are we doing number 5? This tells me you don't know what you're talking about. When we stun you out of stealth it fills your resolve bar. You can no longer be stunned by ANYONE. We can only stun people for 3 seconds and we're lucky if we have you below half health after those 3 seconds. You make it sound like every hit we do is a crit.


I admit I'm not 50, so maybe we do crit a lot more at end game. Can anyone honestly say we are OP since the Buff Stacking nerf?




Maybe it's just me, but I get stunned FREQUENTLY, back to back, even if my resolve bar fills.


Im not sure it it's a bugged with ranged stuns not being affected by Resolve, but I'm certainly not the only one still suffering from the problem.


So yeah, Operatives are still OP'd with their amount of stuns/stealth/crits and my single stunbreak.

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I don't want to start a flame war (which apparently is already happening), but that set of "very specific circumstances/situations" pretty much always includes


1) You being stealthed

2) Burst critting me for a large amount of my health right away

3) Stun me and continue to crit attack

4) Me using my stunbreak (if even available with it's 1min 30 second cooldown)

5) Immediately stunning me again in a stunlock to finish the job



Long story short, all haters are going to hate. I'm a BH and I guarantee they're going to nerf the tracer missle next due to all the noob BH's spamming that ability (which is unfortunate for legitimate players who use it as intended to lower armor and lead into combos)


You cant be stunned again after the initial one.


I dont want to start a flame war with you, but you have so little experience with this game PVP that you dont even know what is happening in the battlefield, so please, dont join the conversations that talk about the PVP aspect of this game which clearly you have little experience with.

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I don't want to start a flame war (which apparently is already happening), but that set of "very specific circumstances/situations" pretty much always includes


1) You being stealthed

2) Burst critting me for a large amount of my health right away

3) Stun me and continue to crit attack

4) Me using my stunbreak (if even available with it's 1min 30 second cooldown)

5) Immediately stunning me again in a stunlock to finish the job



Long story short, all haters are going to hate. I'm a BH and I guarantee they're going to nerf the tracer missle next due to all the noob BH's spamming that ability (which is unfortunate for legitimate players who use it as intended to lower armor and lead into combos)


First attack full the resolve bar, you are a liar a second stun is impossible.

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Maybe it's just me, but I get stunned FREQUENTLY, back to back, even if my resolve bar fills.


Im not sure it it's a bugged with ranged stuns not being affected by Resolve, but I'm certainly not the only one still suffering from the problem.


So yeah, Operatives are still OP'd with their amount of stuns/stealth/crits and my single stunbreak.


You can't be stunned after your resolve bar fills unless the stun in question was the one that brought your resolve bar to full(in this case the opener will do this every time). Roots/Slow are the only thing that will still effect you, and yes Scrapper/Concealment has a talented 100% root for 2 sec.


You seem to think there's a bug with the resolve bar when there's not. You just don't know how it works.

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They probably listen to the people who keep a level head about this and demonstrate actual examples of how SOME of the Operative's skillset is unbalanced.


Oh, and proper spelling and grammar occasionally helps as well when attempting to get your point across.


Lets get this clear. SOME of the operative skillset MIGHT be unbalanced. I am nto saying that concealment operatives are in a perfect spot.


I DO KNOW, because i have more experience than you, that they are not so unbalanced that they have to get two of the three higgh end spec talent nerf into the ground, as well as his opener.


I wouldn't say anything against the 20% nerf to HS ALONE.


Now, they already destroyed a game (the Mythic team that is balancing PVP in this game), if you want to sit back while they destroy this one too, fine, i plan to critisize them each time they try to destroy a advanced class based on forum qq like they are doing here.

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Long story short, all haters are going to hate. I'm a BH and I guarantee they're going to nerf the tracer missle next due to all the noob BH's spamming that ability (which is unfortunate for legitimate players who use it as intended to lower armor and lead into combos)


I honestly dont care if they nerf tracer(and grav rounds) DAMAGE portion .. every good BH/Trooper knows the important part of that skill is its DEBUFF/BUFF/Proc factor which around 5 other skills rely on.


In fact if they made tracer and grav do 0 dmg, but be non interruptable,castable while moving, and apply its 5 stacks of debuffs in 1 shot, and always proc so the the other skills that rely on it dont get broken, BH and Troopers *would kill FASTER*


The rotation would become...tracer (0dmg),)heatseeker (5k), railshot(4k), expl dart (3 second delay 3.5k) and unload (3 hits x 2.5-3.2 k)


So instead of the killing burst coming at 7.5 seconds into the fight... wed begin doing the 21k burst potential rotation 1.5 seconds after we hit our "Tracer debuff".


Every good BH/Trooper knows the above, having to use 3x tracer to get the stacks for heatseeker actually *slows damage down* , but its necessary to buff our proper attacks so they can deliver a killing amount of burst.

Edited by blackadda
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You cant be stunned again after the initial one.


I dont want to start a flame war with you, but you have so little experience with this game PVP that you dont even know what is happening in the battlefield, so please, dont join the conversations that talk about the PVP aspect of this game which clearly you have little experience with.


Ahhhh, the famous Ad Hominem logical fallacy. Attacking the opposite party directly rather than discussing the issue at hand. It shows just how truly fail you really are.



The resolve bar is NOT working as intended currently. It's being discussed in multiple threads. Our guild has submitted multiple tickets regarding this and Bioware knows it's an issue. So yes, currently you CAN be stunned again after the initial on many occasions. Always? Maybe not, but it happens regularly.


I play enough PvP, both Warzones and on Ilum to contribute to this discussion. Now would you like to submit proof that the Resolve bar IS currently working as intended all the time, or maybe some patch notes showing that it has been fixed? I've given you examples of personal experience and also from others who are experiencing the same issue with Resolve not functioning.


Cheers. :)

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Maybe it's just me, but I get stunned FREQUENTLY, back to back, even if my resolve bar fills.


Im not sure it it's a bugged with ranged stuns not being affected by Resolve, but I'm certainly not the only one still suffering from the problem.


So yeah, Operatives are still OP'd with their amount of stuns/stealth/crits and my single stunbreak.


If your resolve abr is filled, you are not getting stuned again, you are getting SNARED. People with little experience in PVP dont notice the big difference between both.


ALL STUNS are being affected by resolve, operatives CANT stun you again after the initial knockdown unless they wait enough for your resolve bar to go away.


Operatives DONT HAVE any ranged stun so even if ranged stuns are not affected by resolve (which is not happening) operatives wouldnt be able to stun you again because they dont have one.

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Ahhhh, the famous Ad Hominem logical fallacy. Attacking the opposite party directly rather than discussing the issue at hand. It shows just how truly fail you really are.



The resolve bar is NOT working as intended currently. It's being discussed in multiple threads. Our guild has submitted multiple tickets regarding this and Bioware knows it's an issue. So yes, currently you CAN be stunned again after the initial on many occasions. Always? Maybe not, but it happens regularly.


I play enough PvP, both Warzones and on Ilum to contribute to this discussion. Now would you like to submit proof that the Resolve bar IS currently working as intended all the time, or maybe some patch notes showing that it has been fixed? I've given you examples of personal experience and also from others who are experiencing the same issue with Resolve not functioning.


Cheers. :)


I am not attacking you. I'm just clarifying things you dont seem to understand.


And resolve bar is working perfectly.


Resilve bar dont need fixing, its working properly, it just doesnt prevent you from getting SNARED, which is intended.


You are embarrasing yourself, you dont have enough PVP experience to be here, the sad part is Mythic and Bioware nerfing classes based on qq from little experienced players.

Edited by GengisKahn
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Ahhhh, the famous Ad Hominem logical fallacy. Attacking the opposite party directly rather than discussing the issue at hand. It shows just how truly fail you really are.



The resolve bar is NOT working as intended currently. It's being discussed in multiple threads. Our guild has submitted multiple tickets regarding this and Bioware knows it's an issue. So yes, currently you CAN be stunned again after the initial on many occasions. Always? Maybe not, but it happens regularly.


I play enough PvP, both Warzones and on Ilum to contribute to this discussion. Now would you like to submit proof that the Resolve bar IS currently working as intended all the time, or maybe some patch notes showing that it has been fixed? I've given you examples of personal experience and also from others who are experiencing the same issue with Resolve not functioning.


Cheers. :)


Resolve bar is broken, nerf operatives. Makes sense. Oh by the way, it's not broken ;)

Edited by VirgiI
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Can't fix what isn't broken.


Yeah the resolve bar is far from 100% working... it might be something related to warzone lag... but it happens often enough that anyone who PVP's routinely will see it eventually (Valor 64 on my main here... no ilum exploits either .. )


It happened to me just today doing pvp dailies.


I got chain stunned by ~6 players in huttball long beyond the 3 seconds where the resolve bar is filled and the last stun should have worn off...

Good healers kept me up for the duration, but i couldnt pass the huttball for a good 10-15 seconds of stunlock.


*stunned* not simply snared, everything was greyed out...


Its likely related to the same issue that causes knockbacks to become "knock forwards" because server and client arent totally in sync.. as wella s the issue causing power delays in ilum (i have 30 ms pings so its server side lag rathe r than client side)


I can see how a sync issue might cause the resolve bar to fail.


but yes... the resolve bar definitely isnt "working as intended"... it only does "most" of the time.

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Yeah the resolve bar is far from 100% working... it might be something related to warzone lag... but it happens often enough that anyone who PVP's routinely will see it eventually (Valor 64 on my main here... no ilum exploits either .. )


It happened to me just today doing pvp dailies.


I got chain stunned by ~6 players in huttball long beyond the 3 seconds where the resolve bar is filled and the last stun should have worn off...

Good healers kept me up for the duration, but i couldnt pass the huttball for a good 10-15 seconds of stunlock.


*stunned* not simply snared, everything was greyed out...


Its likely related to the same issue that causes knockbacks to become "knock forwards" because server and client arent totally in sync.. as wella s the issue causing power delays in ilum (i have 30 ms pings so its server side lag rathe r than client side)


I can see how a sync issue might cause the resolve bar to fail.


but yes... the resolve bar definitely isnt "working as intended"... it only does "most" of the time.


Thank you. I know the difference between stuns and snares contrary to what the Operative QQ'ers seem to think.


Does the Resolve bar work sometimes? Sure. Does it "work as intended"? No it does not.

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Kinda beside myself trying to understand why OPs would get nerfed? I watched a Sorc today do 600k damage in a warzone. Was pretty insane. On top of 80k healing, and a **** *** ton of shielding himself/others, shields don't show up at all on the scorecard. Honestly if anything it feels like OPs need a little buff.


Shield do show up on the scorecard, you should get facts straight before making posts.

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Yeah the resolve bar is far from 100% working... it might be something related to warzone lag... but it happens often enough that anyone who PVP's routinely will see it eventually (Valor 64 on my main here... no ilum exploits either .. )


It happened to me just today doing pvp dailies.


I got chain stunned by ~6 players in huttball long beyond the 3 seconds where the resolve bar is filled and the last stun should have worn off...

Good healers kept me up for the duration, but i couldnt pass the huttball for a good 10-15 seconds of stunlock.


*stunned* not simply snared, everything was greyed out...


Its likely related to the same issue that causes knockbacks to become "knock forwards" because server and client arent totally in sync.. as wella s the issue causing power delays in ilum (i have 30 ms pings so its server side lag rathe r than client side)


I can see how a sync issue might cause the resolve bar to fail.


but yes... the resolve bar definitely isnt "working as intended"... it only does "most" of the time.


Ok, specific malfunctions might be.


While leveling my juggernaut in hoth, one mob stunned me while he was at low health, my companions killed him, and the i couldnt move anymore, i had to log out and the log in again to unlock my char.


That same mob stunned me again after it respawned and everything went well, it was just that ocasion.


Specific non frequent bug yes, but resolve bar is working as intended most of the time.

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Thank you. I know the difference between stuns and snares contrary to what the Operative QQ'ers seem to think.


Does the Resolve bar work sometimes? Sure. Does it "work as intended"? No it does not.


Sometimes not, MOST times yes, almost all the time. And what does that have anything to do with operatives nerfs?


Also, you cant blame us from thinking you dont know the difference between stuns and snares, having read the amount of incorrect things you have written about PVP.

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Sometimes not, MOST times yes, almost all the time. And what does that have anything to do with operatives nerfs?


Also, you cant blame us from thinking you dont know the difference between stuns and snares, having read the amount of incorrect things you have written about PVP.


Only my comment that I've been stunlocked more than once in a row before by Operatives (and others), on more than one occasion, and was told by yourself and others that A) I have no PvP experience and B) I'm full of crap.


The stunlock issue has nothing to do technically with the nerf. Nerfing some of the stuff is necessary. I won't disagree with you that maybe BW is going overboard, but that is why this is still in Public Server testing.

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Only my comment that I've been stunlocked more than once in a row before by Operatives (and others), on more than one occasion, and was told by yourself and others that A) I have no PvP experience and B) I'm full of crap.


The stunlock issue has nothing to do technically with the nerf. Nerfing some of the stuff is necessary. I won't disagree with you that maybe BW is going overboard, but that is why this is still in Public Server testing.



I told you that you had no pvp experience even before you said you were chain stunned.


The problem with it is that PTS doesnt have enough people leveled and geared to etst something like that. Its not hard to tell that they did went overboard.


This same developer, and his friend, destroyed pvp balance in warhammer online because they based balance on forum qq. If we let them, thay are going to ruin this game too.


People need to realize that you cant just assume any nerf that is not done to your class is good because you will win more matches, people need to start looking at the big picture.


I dont even own a concealment operative, but we need to look at the big picture.


This nerfs are too much, anyone that knows the class knows that, we cant sit waiting for them to destroy this game because when they do that, it will be too late.

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Because bad players do not want to adapt or learn how to beat a class designed to assassinate, to catch them with their pants down, and make them pay for being bad and slow.


So, they think the solution is to nerf that class because it exposes them for the bad players they are. And they somehow think that will make them better players.


However, every other class is going to own them still, maybe 1 or 2 seconds slower, but bads will stay bads.


The good players don't come here to moan about Operatives, since they know exactly how to deal with them and even trivialize and shrug them off totally.


Sigh ....


Typical anti-cry to nerf. A good deal of Operates out there will admit how Op there class is and needs a nerf, other players who argue against this are simply trying to anticry themselfs away from a nerf. Because knocking someone to the ground from invis and stabbing them to 25% of there health before they can even get up to fight back isent unbalanced at all.


Lets just say to protect our identys OP#1 and OP#2 decided to que together, these two would go around and pick off the more isolated players (aka the stragelers in the standard movement of a WZ) between the CC of both OP's and there damage on a knocked down target the victum of these players would kill them before they could break cc, and ifthey used there break cc cooldown then the other OP could knock him right back on his ***. At the end of the game these 2 OPS who stuck together the entire game had a combined kill death ratio of 42 kills to 0 deaths. As steath could keep us out of most damage anyway.


My friend who also plays an OP tried to argue that classes like the OP NEED to be unbalance otherwise the game wouldent be fun.


The class has to much power and honestly unless you catch them targeting someone else while there unstealthed there isent much you can do against one.

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No buff stacking


16000 hp 636 expertise sorc is the target dummy.


Dead immediatly after the knockdown ends while their shield cast animation is working.


only 1 crit in the combo, 2 crits would have been ~ 18.5k inside the same timeframe.


aka *proof*


This is from another operative crying thread. You can't qq anymore after seeing this.

Edited by Meatnose
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