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My (extremely) early marauder experience in pvp


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I have been trying to get this game to work for a month now. About 4 days ago i installed a new graphics card, and now i can indeed finally play.


My first thoughts were "wow, this game's voice acting really helps to make questing less boring!" I played through levels 3-11 in one sitting and it was great fun.


Then at level 10 i decided to go annihilation marauder.


I tried a couple warzones. That did not go very well. I know a lot of people complain about marauders being too weak, and at first i definitely agreed.


But then I hit 15 and got juyo form and put one talent into 1% healing on dots.


I got into a huttball match and did the usual. What i noticed is that I was improving very quickly. I was able to stay on people and manage my cooldowns much better as i kept practicing.


Instead of getting wrecked like i normally do, I actually did fairly well. Instead of doing 75k damage and getting 1 killing blow, I did 140k damage, got 7 killing blows, and got my first 2.5k hit medal. I found that when i found myself 1v1 with a player with a similar health level, i won most of the time. Even in groups I was able to get my dot up and every now and then got 30 stacks of fury and unleash berserk on the opposition.


I found that it really was a good time. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and I am going to be doing pvp a lot more as i level even if it is a little bit slower.


So my message is that if you think marauder is weak, just keep practicing and you WILL get better and have more fun.


Just an FYI, yes i know warzones aren't all about damage, i scored the ball once that huttball game too. Yes i know that 140k damage is nothing and it sucks royally compared to any decent player. I don't claim to be good, I am just saying I am getting better quickly and am having a much more fun time.


So don't give up hope marauders!

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Sorry but roll another class and see how they fare. If you do not get demolished as a lvl15 you just faced a really bad team. Mercs or Sorcs will deal more damage then you, have more survivability and utility then you do. Also, people might not take lightly to you basically telling them to l2p in a nice way, just saying.


Also, if you actually survive because of your bleed procs, well, you didnt get any meaningful damage to begin with.

Edited by Korevas
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