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Leave space combat alone!


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Bioware's a group of coding amateurs who've never been able to code a game worth a **** on PC


When you say something that stupid, no one should pay any attention to any other opinion you have.



Edited by TheSwamper
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i think BW should definatly do more with space combat. co-op, maybe pvp,


I would love this.


Again to people who probably have stopped reading the thread, I don't want to deny progress, I find it insulting that people claim "NO ONE" could enjoy their space "MINI-GAME".

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I don’t get people’s desire for BW to bolt on a flight simulator to this MMO. Why create a complete stand alone game inside one of a different genre? If I want a flight sim i’ll go buy one.


I'm sure they'll keep the mini game around for those who want it.

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this topic is so stupid..



"go buy a flight simulator"



FYI there is no "flight simulator" for space since for this a dev should know a lot about orbital nav \ fde...


and no one wants a SIMULATOR... we just want better game, with more action.. we want to use our ship to go everywhere we want without the same route predefined route everytime.. just click click click click.. not funny at all


stupid nintendo game -.-

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I don’t get people’s desire for BW to bolt on a flight simulator to this MMO. Why create a complete stand alone game inside one of a different genre? If I want a flight sim i’ll go buy one.


Suggestions of free form flight and off rails would just increase the difficulty of play. Does anyone really want to use their whole keyboard or have to go buy a flight stick to play space combat? What makes it so great right now is the simplicity of its controls. Right now it’s easy to understand and get engaged in. I don’t want to have to memorize 10 – 15 different keys just to be able to play it.


I’m enjoying space combat as a way to gain exp between worlds. I like how it only takes 5 – 10 min of my time and the controls are not overly complicated. Imo the mini game already has enough depth with the ship being customizable and the missions being very challenging. Sure I’ll get bored of them sometime in the future but BW has already stated they’ll be adding more so I don’t see a problem with that.


And what if by BW revamping space combat increases lag or fps issues? There are none right now, space combat works seamlessly. For me, PVP at times is completely unplayable, I would hate to see space combat become that way.


So BW please do not make it more complicated or difficult to control space combat, I like it the way it is now

I'll take this analogy mind you.


Say you are a person used to eat fast food with your hands.


Then there's this person who enjoys exquisite french food with sliver forks, knives served in delicate "porcelaine de limoges" by really sexy and dedicated waitress.


While there's nothing wrong with enjoying a good hamburger and even lick your fingers ;) you have to understand some have higher expectations and well, a better taste :p


For sure at first you might have difficulty to adapt eating with good manners, even identifying which of the 4 forks you have to use with what food and how, but pretty sure in the long term, you're going to enjoy the meal even more and never ever go down to always eat the fast foot you did.

Edited by Deewe
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I'll take this analogy mind you.


Say you are a person used to eat fast food with your hands.


Then there's this person who enjoys exquisite french food with sliver forks, knives served in delicate "porcelaine de limoges" by really sexy and dedicated waitress.


While there's nothing wrong with enjoying a good hamburger and even lick your fingers ;) you have to understand some have higher expectations and well, a better taste :p


For sure at first you might have difficulty to adapt eating with good manners, even identifying which of the 4 forks you have to use with what food and how, but pretty sure in the long term, you're going to enjoy the meal even more and never ever go down to always eat the fast foot you did.


yum sexy and dedicated waitress:D

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"So because you are satisfied with mediocrity you are urging a company to not listen to numerous requests of a space combat revamp?"



Jay Cutler - #1 QB


I have to admit I laughed out loud when I read your post about someone being "satisfied with mediocrity" and then saw you sig.



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this topic is so stupid..



"go buy a flight simulator"



FYI there is no "flight simulator" for space since for this a dev should know a lot about orbital nav \ fde...


and no one wants a SIMULATOR... we just want better game, with more action.. we want to use our ship to go everywhere we want without the same route predefined route everytime.. just click click click click.. not funny at all


stupid nintendo game -.-


Actually, there is Evochron and Black Prophecy




http://blackprophecy.com/ a german MMO, I believe..


http://www.starwraith.com/evochronmercenary/ A space flight sim, with multiplayer options..


BP plays like freelancer, and I haven't tried Evochron yet, but I plan to soon.

There is just little to no marketing for them..so I give them plugs when i can :)





-edit- guess i should have read the entire post...i stopped at "FYI there is no "flight simulator" for space" and thought I would plug those games.

Edited by Keihryon
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Ok so. Let me use your logic here with an obviously overblown comparison (in other words, take this with a grain of salt).


If every restaurant in the world only served chicken soup, or some variation of chicken soup, and one restaurant out in an oasis in the Gobi desert (a niche market to be sure... like EVE online) started serving a sandwich with their chicken soup but wasn't wildly successful and didn't manage to compete with the most successful chicken soup serving restaurant in new York City (WoW).. this means that obviously by default nobody wants to have a sandwich with their soup, because no other successful restaurant has done it..


...or god forbid, maybe a steak, some fries and a glass of beer instead of soup?


Just because there is a limited number of a particular type of game out there does not mean that is because that is all people want. The MMO genre started with fantasy based games, and has stuck true to form for the majority of their existence because it works.. it works because that is basically all that is out there not because there isn't any interest for other types of MMO's. If there was no interest at all, games like EVE, STO, SWTOR, JUMP GATE, etc wouldn't even exist.


The fact that companies don't like to take risks doesn't factor in anywhere there? If it works, don't fix it?


Some space themed MMO's failed, not because their wasn't interest, but because they were so badly designed and broken.. that people simply refused to play drek.


Anyway... I'm going to go spend the rest of the evening with my wife. Ya'll take care.




this analogy doesnt pass muster on basic concepts. food tastes do not equal tastes in video games. to expand on that, I dont go to a steak house to get a taco.


If your trying to say some people enjoy different genre's of video games, i agree. That's why theres a full market out there with different choices. I still don't get the idea of mixing two where the bulk of the MMO players don't like flight sims

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How about they keep the tunnel-gunning, but also implement free-space too?


Bro, the space combat to most of us is laughably bad.


We want free space. You can have your tunnel-gunning kept in and also have some other free-movement additions implemented too.


We NEED some kind of PVP in space. Think about it. How fun would it be to control areas of space and wage war there?


If they take some ideas from EVE online and throw them into SWTOR, it would do them very well.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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For me personally the mini arcade game that space is now just doesn't fit in with an MMO world. So much more can be done with space.


yes I want the game as complex and huge as it can be.


Absolutely. The space game in it's current form would satisfy a 5 year old for about 15 mins. I understand they didn't have time to develop it further but it needs a massive overall to fit into an MMO world.

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Absolutely. The space game in it's current form would satisfy a 5 year old for about 15 mins.


why so condescending to people who like something different than you?


lots of people still enjoy arcade like playstyle and as ive said before games do not have to be overly complicated to be successful


... take pazaak, its a basic game that's based on a game that has existed since card games were invented. I personally dont like pazaak but there are a lot of people that do and want to see it added.

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that would be true if there wasnt substantial market data that proves you wrong


Links? Proof? You keep saying that there's this 'substantial market data' but you never reference it in any of your posts. Which leads all of the people around here that have half a brain to conclude that you are just pulling all this out of your arse. So until you provide links to all this data that you have then you should keep your mouth shut.

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why so condescending to people who like something different than you?


lots of people still enjoy arcade like playstyle and as ive said before games do not have to be overly complicated to be successful


... take pazaak, its a basic game that's based on a game that has existed since card games were invented. I personally dont like pazaak but there are a lot of people that do and want to see it added.


It doesn't have to be complicated but it needs to be challenging in the sense you feel you have freedom to affect the outcome. It's fine as a mini-game but not for featured space combat in an MMO where a lot of the action in Star Wars takes place.

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I'll take this analogy mind you.


Say you are a person used to eat fast food with your hands.


Then there's this person who enjoys exquisite french food with sliver forks, knives served in delicate "porcelaine de limoges" by really sexy and dedicated waitress.


While there's nothing wrong with enjoying a good hamburger and even lick your fingers ;) you have to understand some have higher expectations and well, a better taste :p


For sure at first you might have difficulty to adapt eating with good manners, even identifying which of the 4 forks you have to use with what food and how, but pretty sure in the long term, you're going to enjoy the meal even more and never ever go down to always eat the fast foot you did.


that doesnt work. you dont seek out a burger joint to eat some curry chicken do you?

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why so condescending to people who like something different than you?


lots of people still enjoy arcade like playstyle and as ive said before games do not have to be overly complicated to be successful


... take pazaak, its a basic game that's based on a game that has existed since card games were invented. I personally dont like pazaak but there are a lot of people that do and want to see it added.


then let bioware create an unbiased poll... but since the truth contradicts theier predetermined developement cycle, such will not be done. So much for their claim that future develepoment priorities depend on fan feedback...

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Links? Proof? You keep saying that there's this 'substantial market data' but you never reference it in any of your posts. Which leads all of the people around here that have half a brain to conclude that you are just pulling all this out of your arse. So until you provide links to all this data that you have then you should keep your mouth shut.


why do i need to link anything? You cant come to a conclusion by yourself based on whats out there? Does logic and reason exist in your world? I use it everyday and its not always based on "hard facts".

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why do i need to link anything? You cant come to a conclusion by yourself based on whats out there? Does logic and reason exist in your world? I use it everyday and its not always based on "hard facts".


but proof is always nice with no proof you have no argument.

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why do i need to link anything? You cant come to a conclusion by yourself based on whats out there? Does logic and reason exist in your world? I use it everyday and its not always based on "hard facts".


How old are you? Like 12? You need to provide links because you're making statements based on assumptions. You can't walk up to some random guy on the street and say that he broke into your house just because he looks a bit dodgy. The same thing applies here.

If you cant grasp that basic concept then its no surprise to me that you are entertained by this part of the game. You should go and play connect four or whatever it is that children play these days and let the adults around here discuss this properly by providing evidence to back up their statements.

Edited by cocun
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where can i fined this data you speak of???


reposting in hopes you'll get it



I’m making a AAA MMO, I have a budget of 200 million dollars, my target audience is the MMO genre that exists in the market today. I do my research, for years, looking at history of what worked and what didn’t. I’m going to include the most popular game play by today’s standard that’s going to appeal to the largest fan base to increase my chance of success. I release my product…


… it doesn’t have a flight sim. Why is that?


Because MMO players don’t like flight sims. Sure there are a few handful of overlapped customers that favors flight sims but they’re not really my target audience.

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