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Leave space combat alone!


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Does the current space combat add to the story at all?


I do believe you can complete the class story without flying a single mission.


Yes, it does add to the story. The equivalent of the Republic or Imperial navy asks for your help hitting key targets once you get your ship. Each on rails mission is a special target that needs the intervention of an elite fighter squadron. That's the basic "story idea" behind it. I didn't say that it's good story now, just that it does fit into the story-centric design decisions that BioWare have made on just about every part of the game.

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no i like like bf3 srry if i sounded negative my bad.


No problem, it did sound a little like a challenge. :p


However, I will add a note that I'm against space PvP on a one vs one style - like a previous poster said, it doesn't add to the story. If you blow up my ship, that kinda cheapens the levels 1-20 I spent getting it back in the first place. And if I can just by another one... Why didn't I do that at level 8?


That said, I think it could be done like the warzones, where each side has to take an objective and you can damage the opposing players. Instead of being destroyed, dropping to zero ship HP means you have to pull out of the fight for repairs.

I mean, how much more fun would Paguuni Defense be if actual players were piloting those bombers?


Please note that all of these ideas are under the assumption of no rails, and few if not no other changes.

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Yes, it does add to the story. The equivalent of the Republic or Imperial navy asks for your help hitting key targets once you get your ship. Each on rails mission is a special target that needs the intervention of an elite fighter squadron. That's the basic "story idea" behind it. I didn't say that it's good story now, just that it does fit into the story-centric design decisions that BioWare have made on just about every part of the game.


but it doesn't really progress with the main story at all :(

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No problem, it did sound a little like a challenge. :p


However, I will add a note that I'm against space PvP on a one vs one style - like a previous poster said, it doesn't add to the story. If you blow up my ship, that kinda cheapens the levels 1-20 I spent getting it back in the first place. And if I can just by another one... Why didn't I do that at level 8?


That said, I think it could be done like the warzones, where each side has to take an objective and you can damage the opposing players. Instead of being destroyed, dropping to zero ship HP means you have to pull out of the fight for repairs.

I mean, how much more fun would Paguuni Defense be if actual players were piloting those bombers?


Please note that all of these ideas are under the assumption of no rails, and few if not no other changes.


that's all a lot of ppl are asking for no a full blone sim just free flight.

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but it doesn't really progress with the main story at all :(


Neither do "side quests". Space missions are essentially just a fancy type of side quests. I'm not arguing whether or not free flight space should be added to the game, I'm simply speculating that it will not due to BioWare's core design beliefs up to this point.

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Neither do "side quests". Space missions are essentially just a fancy type of side quests. I'm not arguing whether or not free flight space should be added to the game, I'm simply speculating that it will not due to BioWare's core design beliefs up to this point.


but some side quests turn in to quest lines, space combat is more like a daily.

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Neither do "side quests". Space missions are essentially just a fancy type of side quests. I'm not arguing whether or not free flight space should be added to the game, I'm simply speculating that it will not due to BioWare's core design beliefs up to this point.


I have to disagree with you.


It is true that the current space missions do not add a whole lot to the story, and that focusing on them in their current state would be a "break from design philosophy". However, there's nothing to say that they MUST not contribute to the story - and thus would justify the belief in a Story-Centric BioWare. My previously posted Space-Warzone idea would move directly towards this end. :)


So it could happen. (Please note the use of the word "COULD", and not "SHOULD, WOULD, or WILL".)

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I don’t get people’s desire for BW to bolt on a flight simulator to this MMO. Why create a complete stand alone game inside one of a different genre? If I want a flight sim i’ll go buy one.


Suggestions of free form flight and off rails would just increase the difficulty of play. Does anyone really want to use their whole keyboard or have to go buy a flight stick to play space combat? What makes it so great right now is the simplicity of its controls. Right now it’s easy to understand and get engaged in. I don’t want to have to memorize 10 – 15 different keys just to be able to play it.


I’m enjoying space combat as a way to gain exp between worlds. I like how it only takes 5 – 10 min of my time and the controls are not overly complicated. Imo the mini game already has enough depth with the ship being customizable and the missions being very challenging. Sure I’ll get bored of them sometime in the future but BW has already stated they’ll be adding more so I don’t see a problem with that.


And what if by BW revamping space combat increases lag or fps issues? There are none right now, space combat works seamlessly. For me, PVP at times is completely unplayable, I would hate to see space combat become that way.


So BW please do not make it more complicated or difficult to control space combat, I like it the way it is now


Space combat sucks. I'd give you negative stars if I could.

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I have to disagree with you.


It is true that the current space missions do not add a whole lot to the story, and that focusing on them in their current state would be a "break from design philosophy". However, there's nothing to say that they MUST not contribute to the story - and thus would justify the belief in a Story-Centric BioWare. My previously posted Space-Warzone idea would move directly towards this end. :)


So it could happen. (Please note the use of the word "COULD", and not "SHOULD, WOULD, or WILL".)


As a warzone, it would only need some sort of backstory to fit with the current warzone creation model. I could see it being most feasible in a warzone. I could also potentially see off rail missions with a set area of space that automatically turns you around if you hit the invisible edge of the mission. It really depends on what they have in place already, how difficult it would be to design free fly controls, and if they feel more freedom in flying would create a play experience better than or equal to the current experience.

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I am a huge fan of space combat and this is the huge let down of the game title for me. It is a totally missed chance to really bring something extra to the game giving SWTOR something over the likes of WOW and in all honesty is space combat is a big part of the SWTOR universe.

Bolting on a simple rail shooter seems to me a show of lack of care for the title and something thats just added to advertise that the games got space combat.

While I dont think that we need a full flight Sim (although I would not mind) I dont think that it should be so hard to equal something like X-wing in this day and age. As it is Space Combat is an embarisment and is a question that I dread being asked when talking about the game.

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"Hmm, not trying to argue but IMHO JTL was the one feature most of us in that community really loved till the end..."


an article came out where one of the content managers stated JTL was a waste of resources. I dont have the link. But it pissed of current players because they focused on content most were not interested in and neglected the content they wanted. Its an "MMO" folks, not a flight sim. The driver of the game is character progression. What some ppl are asking for is a completely different genre of game.



"I mean FFS, Google Earth has a flight sim, how hard can it be..?


Just sayin'." no offense, but your not a developer of this game, you just don't have a clue as to how difficult its going to be to make sweeping changes.


edited for readability

Edited by loanstarr
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Regardless of whichever way it goes, any change in design is a year down the road at least most likely (as we are asking them to take a lot of time in a redesign). So those who are for change, be patient, and those who are against, rejoice that it won't be touched for a while.


We made our posts, so the devs have heard both sides. I'm content with seeing what comes of it.


As a final note: +1 for guild ships. :p

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space combat doesn't need a revamp, but I would like to see off-rails ship PvP, each ship having distinct abilities, and possibly ship based group flashpoints that are off rails.



Ok, so lets assume they did all that. Let me ask you a question. After the changes space combat now has poor fps issues, severe lag and some unresponsive gameplay. Not only that the control of your interaction has become more complicated. You have to use different keys to speed up, down, brake, view behind, chat, etc. Does that sound better?

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"Hmm, not trying to argue but IMHO JTL was the one feature most of us in that community really loved till the end..."


an article came out where one of the content managers stated JTL was a waste of resources. I dont have the link. But it pissed of current players because they focused on content most were not interested in and neglected the content they wanted. Its an "MMO" folks, not a flight sim. The driver of the game is character progression. What some ppl are asking for is a completely different genre of game.



"I mean FFS, Google Earth has a flight sim, how hard can it be..?


Just sayin'." no offense, but your not a developer of this game, you just don't have a clue as to how difficult its going to be to make sweeping changes.


edited for readability


Not asking them to devote all the resources to this feature just the same ones they are already using to perhaps looking into free flight.

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Ok, so lets assume they did all that. Let me ask you a question. After the changes space combat now has poor fps issues, severe lag and some unresponsive gameplay. Not only that the control of your interaction has become more complicated. You have to use different keys to speed up, down, brake, view behind, chat, etc. Does that sound better?


So you're saying that we should never do anything more to anything because *gasp* there may be a negative effect on FPS!


Do you just sit in the starport all day? Because you're afraid of the FPS drop and lag you might get should you actually walk outside of the SP?


I am very sorry you have some sort of mental retardation that prevents you from being able to use more then one control at a time, I really do.

I hope you can understand that the rest of us don't have such a limitation, and we can handle multiple controls just fine.

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Ok, so lets assume they did all that. Let me ask you a question. After the changes space combat now has poor fps issues, severe lag and some unresponsive gameplay. Not only that the control of your interaction has become more complicated. You have to use different keys to speed up, down, brake, view behind, chat, etc. Does that sound better?


No one is forced to pvp, pve or do space missions.


I for one can handle a bit more to deal with.


The on/off rails could be an option as well.

Edited by Halacs
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So you're saying that we should never do anything more to anything because *gasp* there may be a negative effect on FPS!


Do you just sit in the starport all day? Because you're afraid of the FPS drop and lag you might get should you actually walk outside of the SP?


I am very sorry you have some sort of mental retardation that prevents you from being able to use more then one control at a time, I really do.

I hope you can understand that the rest of us don't have such a limitation, and we can handle multiple controls just fine.


I dont PVP because of the horrid FPS and i'm not the only one. Your such a big champion of forum minority you should know FPS is a major issue in this game right now. It's not a stretch to suggest it could be the same.


its a mini game it doesnt need to be complicated to be successful. Ever heard of angry birds? its quite popular. But i guess those millions of fans are mentally retarded to you?

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I dont PVP because of the horrid FPS and i'm not the only one. Your such a big champion of forum minority you should know FPS is a major issue in this game right now. It's not a stretch to suggest it could be the same.


its a mini game it doesnt need to be complicated to be successful. Ever heard of angry birds? its quite popular. But i guess those millions of fans are mentally retarded to you?


Wow, both of you need to calm down. Different opinions are different. Being spitefull won't help anyone.

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