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Does anyone else think SWTOR will likely be the new #1 MMO in time?


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BioWare has all the same things Blizzard had going for it early on--and more. Which is why I think this game has the legs to actually take the majority share of the MMO market in time. SWTOR will likely not have 14 million subscribers at any point but that will not happen again in the MMO market--at least not for a long time.


Look at it this way.

Blizzard was a new game with innovative technology –Bioware has all this with newer and more advanced technology.

Blizzard had a vast lore to go off of from preexisting games. Bioware has the entire Star Wars Universe which no one can even argue is much more in depth than Warcraft and as a matter of opinion, more interesting.

Blizzard released WOW at a time when people were ready for something different than what was available at the time. This is absolutely true for the MMO market right now, WOW last lost almost a million subscribers in 2011 alone. People are definitely ready to play a new game.

I’m sure I haven’t covered EVERY SINGLE angle of this but I think these are the main reasons why BioWare and SWTOR are destined to succeed.

I don’t want to call SWTOR a “WOW-Killer” because it will be meeting WOW on its decline but SWTOR, in my opinion, will be the new MMO King in time.


Yes it will take over because it has features like the following: A story, and each character you make has a voice.

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The date that matters for this game isn't 12/20/11. It's going to get a huge launch and huge initial numbers. The date that matters is 12/20/12. I've not been drawn to this game by the MMO elements. I've been drawn by the opportunity to play 8 different storylines. I've said it as have a lot of others with slight variations on the theme: This feels like a single player game where you can MMO more than an MMO with single player elements.


That's not to say that it doesn't have good or even great MMO play, endgame content or PVP; it's just that the question will be for many of us: Okay, storyline's over till next content patch will I stay or go? Let my subscription lapse till a patch comes out?


I know, I know: you can group up, playing with friends is fun, meeting new people, etc. Guess what? I can do that with any MMO out there.


There are a lot of potential problems with this game for long term survivability. For those of us who are altaholics, we can develop up to 16 different toons with unique playstyles. The great strength of this game has been the cutscenes and choices. But, man, it's going to be a massive time-drain to go through all that again, even by jumping to the choices. Boring as hell, and a huge waste of time. Once will be enough fo a lot of people.


Also, many game choices which will work well at launch, i.e. grouping for heroics, won't work as well when there's low population of new toons on servers. There's a lot of elements in this game that gives off a "five-years ago" vibe.


All those wonderful cutscenes and stories with voice acting? Tons of class-specific choices? New Companions and their stories? Choices which impact gameplay? I won't be surprised if producing all those extras doesn't lengthen the patch and expansion cycle of this game. I figure they've got a few in the can already, just waiting to be tweaked a bit for lessons learned after beta and launch, but at some point, what they've got stored up is going to end. One stopgap to this is mini-patches which just focus on bringing in more endgame content. BUT, this can result in a large amount of material that gets bypassed as the level cap increases...and it looks to me like level cap increases should be accompanied by loads of storyline content.


Plus, I've not been thrilled by the communication abilities of the developers.


Most of these hurdles can be overcome by Bioware. In no way am I saying this game can't be successful; it certainly will have a successful start, but they've a major task ahead of them to make it an ongoing success.

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I think alot depends on where the game goes from here. Right now the story and game worlds are very linear. If things don't change post-launch, i think the game will become very stale once everyone has levelled a couple of characters on both sides. So, yeah, alot depends on end-game content, patch updates, and expansions.


Plus, WoW's numbers are hugely inflated by Chinese subscriber's that can get the game for free.

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Snippety snip.
Yes, I'm not really up-to-date with the video game companies. But going by what Kotick has said, he can't be good news.


I'm not really excited about this early access. Or about any other game for few years now. I think I've lost my gaming sparkle somewhere.


I enjoyed your post though.

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swtor will probably lose half of customers when diablo 3 will come out.

that answer you question ? :).


Diablo 3 isn't an MMO, its a game with a storyline that can be beaten, and just so happens to have Co-Op gameplay, as well as being able to attack other groups who are playing through the storyline.


Diablo 3 has as much of a shot at hurting SWTORs numbers as MW3 had at hurting WoW's


People will play both, even if WoW and MW3 are both steaming piles of .... garbage

Edited by Tortoises
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Diablo 3 isn't an MMO, its a game with a storyline that can be beaten, and just so happens to have Co-Op gameplay, as well as being able to attack other groups who are playing through the storyline.


Diablo 3 has as much of a shot at hurting SWTORs numbers as MW3 had at hurting WoW's


People will play both, even if WoW and MW3 are both steaming piles of .... garbage



d3 will butcher the whole mmo market.

and wow will be the most affected.

Edited by marinica
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only 1 guy from North America and 1 guy from Europe play WoW.



The rest are the 10 Chinese farmers who don't have to pay a monthly subscription fee due to a deal Blizzard worked out with the Chinese government, so they could even play at all in China, a country that restricts human rights and imposes an internet curfew.


These 10 chinese farmers have almost 1.2 million accounts each.

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Do I think SWTOR will kill or bump WoW, no. Currently, too many variables exist to predict the outcome on the economic effect SWTOR will have on WoW. For one thing, Wow has several advantages over SWTOR, which are longevity, market capitalization, and a complete MMO playing package. I believe initially WoW started out like SWTOR will be and will lack any significant end-game package as WoW has today. If you recall vanilla WoW, subscribers spent many days leveling their character to 60 which included (depending upon the server they were on) running instances or world pvp, such as Tauren mill. I even remember spamming general chat setting up 10-15 man raids for running instances like Scholo, Blackrock, or Strat. Fortunately for WoW, they didn’t have as many competitors as they do now which afforded them the opportunity to adjust to the market demand and create more end-game content and PVP to maintain a subscriber base. Ultimately, that’s what keeps players entertained and subscribing to WoW each and every month; to progress and to obtain better gear. Everyone wants to be biggest and best mofo in the game, plain and simple. Should Bio-Ware not achieve this model, they will fall to the way-side and become another Aion, D&D, or Rift (clone product). I believe Rift came close, but fell due to the lack of community. To be honest, I felt that Rift was so close to the style of game-play as WoW I didn’t want to go through another grind-fest as I did in WoW. I did manage to level a 50 Dwarf Cleric, but gave up after that because I became bored of the end-game content. Currently, I like WoW’s end-game setup. I can log on and queue up for PVP or PVE and play when I want too and not when I need too. During my career as a WoW healer (and yes I call it a career) I played a Resto Druid and Holy Pally. I ran 25 man raids 3-4 times a week right after work and played this way from vanilla to Lich King were I finally said “I had enough.” It takes a lot of dedication and commitment to achieve what I did in WoW, which is a significant statement having realized how much influence WoW had in my life (which speaks volumes of the type of product that Blizzard created). Typically, a daily event for me would be working, going home spending time with the family and then logging onto WoW to raid with my online friends. I live on the east coast so I made sure to play on a West coast server because it gave me time to interact with the family before logging on to raid with my online friends.


To prevent this from turning into a long story, I believe in order for SWTOR to impact WoW, not only does it have to have a great game play, but needs staying power in the form on end-game content. Without this, I will eventually give up on the SWTOR and migrate back to playing WoW as my primary MMO of the day. I hope SWTOR succeeds!

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Activision has taken control of Blizzard.




Gaming is on the verge of dying out completely. There is a silent war against the human imagination, and it is being waged on multiple fronts. All forms of art will die out completely and the only thing humanity will be able to go to for entertainment will be mathematically proven to work, lifeless, soul-less crap.



If you ask me, Bioware, Blizzard and Bethesda should leave Activision and EA and form their own company, and go back to their roots, go back to making great games without the formula.


EDIT: I do not mean my comment as something to bash SWTOR, I really like SWTOR and intend to play it for a long time. I think its just a warning of a trend I am starting to see.


Gaming is on the verge of dying out completely? What on earth are you talking about? Gaming is more popular in 2011 than ever before. COD, BF3, SWTOR, SKYRIM all are games that have made hundreds of millions of dollars. What give you the conclusion gaming is dying? It is doing the exact opposite.


That would be the worst company ever. You're essentially saying you want a dream team of developers and that is always a failure. Companies don't look for the BEST the look for the RIGHT developers. Just like sports teams, just like corporations and just like any intelligent organization. Infinity Ward tried to pack the best into their company and look what happened.

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Another factor to consider, and it impacts WoW as well: Free-to-play MMOs. The quality of that market has shot up, dramatically, with high quality MMOs now available for the FtP model.


There are no FTP MMO's that are better than the subscription based ones though. Nothing stacks up against WOW in the FTP market. Thats not a bias its just that there is much muhc more to do in WOW than most FTP games. LOTRO is only as good as it is because it was designed under a subscription intent.


I think there is a major different between games that converted to FTP and games that set out to be FTP from the start.

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Yeh this will not top WoW. World of Warcraft is going to run its course till blizzard brings something new out.


I dunno, I guess I respectfully disagree. WOW is dieing quicker than you people think. There are just barely over 10 million people now and they've lost 1 million in the last year. Their flagship patch has just come out and people will have it completed by February/March im guessing and the exodus of people begins there. If they are aching for something to do and SWTOR is there. There is a high chance that people leave for SWTOR and if the game is quality they may not go back for happy happy panda time.

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Hm... i think the game has the potential to beat wow as an example none and i mean 0 people from the guild i used to progres lich king hc are plaing anymore we actually have a facebook channel we hang out in but no one plays anymore people just moved on and i do think that the 10 million on wow is highly inflated .
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