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How to bring down a sniper/gunslinger?


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I think i should start off by saying this isnt a qq thread, I am just looking for advice, also I am lvl 16 atm.


Ok so i was in a pvp match earlier and a sniper focused me down when i was in a group of other players fighting, after i went down and spawned again i went back to kill said sniper only to be shot once and lose 1/4 health, then rooted, then shot again for another 1/4 health by that time i am at the sniper only to be knocked back, rooted in place again and then 2 shotted without doing any damage whatsoever.


After the match i ran the scenario over in my head, but with the snipers positioning i couldnt LOS any of the shots and couldnt really interrupt anything or jump to the sniper. Do i just need to wait to get more ablities? Or is there a strat to taking them down?


Thanks in advance

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Yes you need to level up and get more skills. Assuming they are under cover, force cloak(invis) next to em and beat them up, dont forget to use your interrupts. Also force choke gets them out of cover and transcendance + leg slash keeps you stuck to them like glue. They hit hard but alot of their skills can be interrupted.

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I just got done doing some PvP, 36 valor almost full champion. I usually pop a force camo allowing me to get up close and behind eventually behind them is one way to do it. Also if you can pick them out before they enter cover and drop your Force leap to them and just nuke them down. I find snipers squishy, if you stasis them and force them out of cover for that short period it allows you to open up massive damage on them.
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Force camoing to get to him is a bad idea tbh, your force camo should be saved for after hes kbed you and tries to use his long channel spam combo, if you use it at the right time youll cancel his combo and get the time you need to close in on him again.


In all fairness though, atm the snipers cover is to effective, the immunity should be limited to the front.

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They're immune to CC only. Cover only protects from damage in a cone in front of their cover. So get to the side or back and you can hit them with anything and they're pretty squishy without cover. Also most spots where snipers can perch in warzones will have places you can LoS them and/or approach from the side or back, so you might just have gotten a rare bad game. Edited by Leiloni
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Force camoing to get to him is a bad idea tbh, your force camo should be saved for after hes kbed you and tries to use his long channel spam combo, if you use it at the right time youll cancel his combo and get the time you need to close in on him again.


In all fairness though, atm the snipers cover is to effective, the immunity should be limited to the front.


Pop Transcendence (if possible) to close the initial gap and save Force Camo like Munx described. When you're back in melee range, attack as usual and use Force Stasis and/or Awe to interrupt Ambush (their big nuke). It's very important that they don't get Ambush off while you're in melee range. If they do, it's pretty much game over for you if Force Camo is down.


The MOST important ability you can use on Snipers: Pacify. Use it and laugh at them while you deflect all their attacks.

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You need Force Camouflage. Use it to stealth and get to him, then own him. Use Leap when he throws you back.


That won't work. Leap doesn't fire vs. a Gunslinger/Sniper in cover. You need to hit him from a Blind Side or start a duel next to him in order to win. I don't think it's possible to beat an equally geared Sniper if he starts in on you at 30m with all his cooldowns up.


After the first knockback, that's when you use Force Camouflage to re-approach.


If he gets distance from you, use Valorous Call + Transcendence to close the gap again.

Edited by McVade
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