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How do you pronounce SWTOR?


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When actually speaking about it to anyone, it's either "the full title," or "the old republic," or "the new star wars mmo."


But in my head, while i'm reading forums, i usually hear something like "swo tor."


Think "kotor" but with an S, or an Sw.



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When actually speaking about it to anyone, it's either "the full title," or "the old republic," or "the new star wars mmo."


But in my head, while i'm reading forums, i usually hear something like "swo tor."


Think "kotor" but with an S, or an Sw.




Yeah exactly the same, I don't really like abreviations as it makes whatever you're talking about exclusive to those in the "niche". If I were writing about the game though I'd just put TOR or SWTOR if it's going to someone I know has an idea of what I'm talking about.

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The proper pronunciation based on the English language structuring rules would be:


The letter S

The letter W

And then the word "TORE" (I tore a piece of a paper off my pad of legal binding).


Trying to make it "SWEATER" makes no sense and violates half a dozen rules.

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Why would anyone include the SW when they can just say TOR? When The Elder Scrolls IV - Skyrim came out, did people call it TES4 Skyrim? No, they just called it Skyrim. The Elder Scrolls part is the same as the Star Wars part. No one should care to say it because it's already implied.



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Its called "initials".


Yeah, but so is the word LASER. Doesn't keep people from saying it differently, or write "laser" with lower case letters, even though that's technically wrong.


In case you don't know what the heck I'm talking about :D:



Amplification by


Emissions of


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