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Infiltration spec and nadia issues?


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already got the adds no problem. i send nadia to attack first so she gets the aggro but once he turns to fight me i die so fast. he has some sort of health regeneration that i can't overcome. i'm level 45. what level were you when you did it?
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I think I was 44 when I did it as I ding'd right before i got to him. I just stim'd (WP) up and went at him with my normal rotation (at the time) and whittled him down. Healed myself when I hit 50% hp and then used the Channel The Force for the regen. Basically just keep interrupting him when he does his more powerful moves with all three skills (low slash, mind snap, mind crush).
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I had a hard time with Stark as kinetic combat, I don't know if that's bad or whatever but interrupted and tried to avoid stuff as much as I could. This was for me the hardest fight in the entire consular story line.


A if she's a shadow, why doesnt she have a tank stance?

Companions tend to have their own little class, a little bit of this and that ...

Edited by MeTrippleThree
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Stark took me 6 tries. First try, I killed both adds easily while Stark pounded me. The next 4 tries was me being stubborn trying to kill him normally. I was able to finally kill him by interrupting him as often as possible while he casts those damaging spells and to stun him as much as possible. I finally killed him with 9% health left and that was with an endurance stim from the vendor in the beginning of the map.


At level 45 in Voss and I still have a hard time staying alive with Nadia as my companion even with 75% of her gear upgraded. I've resorted to using Tharan for healing duty and pull Nadia out when I am going to talk to someone in order to gain affection points with her.

Edited by KilmarFyrewynd
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Any other infiltration specced shadows having trouble using nadia as a companion? i can't even beat her story quest where you have to kill stark because both of us are so squishy. if she's a shadow, why doesnt she have a tank stance?

Your own character also has the tank stance. You can turn it on and take some beating in that one fight -- it doesn't need to be specced to provide the base armour/shield chance buff, and Nadia won't tell anyone.

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I'm sorry, what? Stark has adds? Where are they? I thought his damage was a little over the top, you telling me I killed him with adds up? I have pretty high raid awareness and I saw no adds. Is it possible I had a bug and didn't get any? We *are* talking about the boss with an interrupt able self heal and the multi-force projects?


It is indeed tough to kill him with Nadia but I'm not sure you really have to. I'm kind of obsessive about storyline and how it "should" be done, so I used her anyways. Easily the hardest of the class quests imo with most of them being faceroll and him being blatantly overpowered. Maybe it was the adds...*shakes his fist*

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