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PT or tankasin


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Im trying to decide between these 2 for my next character. Can anyone list the pro's and con's for each for PvP?


I have read that shield sucks in PvP and is basicly useless. I think assassin's main defence is their shield since their armor is light.


Is their mitigation really that bad? Do they have any skills that help bring mitigation up?


I like the BH's jetpack leap over the force run, but also like stealth.


Thanks for any input.

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Both rely on shields. Yes, shields are essentially pointless in PvP. BH has higher base DR%. Sin's get stealth which is a huge bonus in PvP.


All in all this is how you win in Warzones by order of priority:


  • He who has the better premade wins
  • He who has the most sins/shadows wins
  • He who has the most healing wins


Since 2 out of 3 current Warzones can be roflstomped simply by whoever has the most Sins/Shadows thanks to their high mobility, that might influence your decision.

Edited by Gankstah
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Both rely on shields. Yes, shields are essentially pointless in PvP. BH has higher base DR%. Sin's get stealth which is a huge bonus in PvP.


All in all this is how you win in Warzones by order of priority:


  • He who has the better premade wins
  • He who has the most sins/shadows wins
  • He who has the most healing wins


Since 2 out of 3 current Warzones can be roflstomped simply by whoever has the most Sins/Shadows thanks to their high mobility, that might influence your decision.


Incorrect - most important thing to win warzones: intelligence.


Doesn't matter how good you are if you're in the wrong place or doing the wrong thing all you're doing is taking up a space that could hold someone useful.


As for the "he who has most sins/shadows wins" - well you can take that by assumption as they can spec into any of tank/DPS/heal between them. If they're all specced to DPS they're not going to do well though.


Good healers are far more important as well as DPSers who know where they're supposed to be.

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I main a pyrotech PT and sometimes dabble around with the shield spec, things that bugs me about it is that A) their damage is pretty poor B) Heat management is non existent besides spamming rapid shots


Where as Tankasins do pretty beastly damage while tank specced and their resources are better tank specced from the +30% force regen which is pretty huge.


In honesty, i'd take a Tankasin over a Shieldtech PT if you want to have fun ( only log on to do dailies on my pt because i find it so dull) and be able to kill stuff


Also another thing to add, good Tankasins can really give me a hard time 1v1 which is rare for me when on my PT tbh.

Edited by NoodleSoup
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Incorrect - most important thing to win warzones: intelligence.


Doesn't matter how good you are if you're in the wrong place or doing the wrong thing all you're doing is taking up a space that could hold someone useful.


As for the "he who has most sins/shadows wins" - well you can take that by assumption as they can spec into any of tank/DPS/heal between them. If they're all specced to DPS they're not going to do well though.


Good healers are far more important as well as DPSers who know where they're supposed to be.

Nope he's exactly right. 90% of the time I have more Inquisitors on my team I win. Now I just count how many I have on my team pre-match to see the shot I have of winning. The most dominating Huttball team I ever had was when I was grouped with four sorcs, 3 sins.
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Yes unfortunatly shield tech is starting to struggle due to how our "mana pool" is tied to our shield procing. Basicaly in pve enemies that do a lot of tech/foce based attacks cause us to lose threat, in pvp tech/force attacks are soo common that we are forced to rely on vent heat to kill peoples. In extened ecounters we are reduced to grapple,quell,taunt bots that hit like wet noodle. We still retain our utility but its hard to kill anyone with rapid shots.
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I'll just point out that it's not uncommon for me to stealth over to a door in void star, wait for the single guard to watch the other door from his post, cap the door and have enough survivability to protect it.


I do this all the time as well; defending teams tend to often:

  • Have even their last defender run off to the other side if they see a lot going there, leaving that door open for stealing.
  • They tend to be notoriously bad at defending the door opposite to the first bridge being opened. On top of that Shadows/Sins can jump the gap with Force Speed if timed correctly.
  • In the final room again defensive opposite to the first forcefield going down is often quite lacking.


On top of that I find Kinetic Shadows to make great solo defenders for both Voidstar doors and Alderaan turrets, since you can open a fight on your terms and are durable enough to hold out for a while, allowing reinforcements to arrive (talented Resilience is very powerful in PvP). They are also quite strong 1v1, which combined with the above can fairly quickly discourage attacks in small numbers on the objective. (With big attacks, we use cooldown to interrupt and stay alive long enough for reinforcements to arrive) On the attacking side of Alderaan of course stealth is quite a nice advantage of being able to either conduct surprise attacks or attack in greater numbers than anticipated.


In hutball my role varries a bit. While I was originally very effective as ball carrier in the sub 50 bracket, I have found Shadows to be not quite as good as the other tanks who have charge(s) to quickly put distance between them and the opponents and can avoid obstacles that way. On the other hand we still get some rather useful tools (Force Wave, Force Pull) to ruin a ball carrier's day, can guard the ball carrier, taunt to ruin burst DPS on our carrier, and with Slow Time and our CC also do a fair bit to derail the assist train going for the carrier. As a result while I am still an occasional carrier, I've tended to spend more time defending our carrier or derailing the opponents effort to kill him, as well as delaying and sometimes killing the opposing carrier.


Overall I feel in the hands of a capable player the Shadow/Assassin is a very powerful and versatile class, which copies decent burst (Particle acceleration + Force Potency Projects followed up by Spinning Strike if the health is low enough will kill people quite quickly if they are at medium health) and damage potential (assuming you use DPS stats, as the defensive stats are mostly a waste) with good durability and some pretty nice utility for objective oriented players. Can't speak for a Powertech, but I am very happy with my Shadow. :)

Edited by SWB-NL
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