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Any good PvP videos?


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Hey, i'm torn between which class to play so i looked around to see what different classes played like in PvP, my problem is this.


I'm unable to find any good PvP videos, ones that show a classes skill/utility etc, all i can find is overgeared players stomping low levels so i can't really get a feel for the playstyle, now i know i could just try different classes out but alot of the time the feeling of a character at max level is nothing like the feeling as you are leveling.


So, does anyone know of any good PvP videos that shows skill? I don't mind what class the video features, except Smugglers/operatives.

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i dont have good videos either, what kind of playstyle are you looking for? maybe i could give directions as i am a pure pvper through a bunch of mmos now


I'm open to any playstyles really, i'm not a fan of classes that have to be behind their target to use certain skills, i'm more of a range fan than melee mostly due to the rage i feel when i'm constantly slowed in group combat.




Thread I made a while back. I haven't updated it much, but it has a decent number of pvp video links in it.


Will check it out thanks.

Edited by mutee
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as melees the following wont interest you too much:

sith warrior / jedi knight both advanced classes


consular shadow/sith inquisitor


that leaves you to


- gunslinger/sniper

(stay in cover behind your allies lines and dps enemies down, keep range with several cc abilities)


- trooper/bounty hunter

(i dont know much about them, all sublcasses are ranged and can vary between all roles: tank/healer/DD)


- jedi sage / sith sorcerer

(those are the "mages" of swtor with quite much utility in all categories. they will use dots and direct damage casts from range, use a 30 second cd "sprint" to get into tactical positions quickly and knock enemies back regualary as they have AoE knockback abilities. all of them can heal and cast shields, heal specced are the better of course. still a damage oriented sage/sorcerer will switch to a hybrid healer in crucial situations or even play a dd/heal hybrid all the time (works best in lower levels)



myself i play a jedi guardian and i think that getting kited in swtor rarely happens if you use your skills properly. i dont feel being seriously hindered in combat by kiting as i have plenty of gap closing abilities as a focus guardian. just to give you the impression.

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Youtube some sorcerer videos and you should be all set, mate. From what you write I think you will really like the class.


There is such a large amount of them at the moment, while i don't want to be unique adding to the current imbalance isn't good=p

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I'm working on a Tanking project that includes some PvP stuff - it's still fledgeling but getting there. My first few videos are poor quality, but I give written overviews of what I'm doing. I've recently upgraded my video capture stuff so the next videos will come out better.


PvP centric stuff is here: http://swttor.blogspot.com/p/pvp-guides.html


General link in my sig.

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Check out my Signature for a few Sorcerer Videos. Nothing great, but should give you a real feel for Sorcerer. I play heals or hybrid heals/dps in all the videos.


Uploading another video right now and it will be ready in like 10 min.

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Hey, i'm torn between which class to play so i looked around to see what different classes played like in PvP, my problem is this.


I'm unable to find any good PvP videos, ones that show a classes skill/utility etc, all i can find is overgeared players stomping low levels so i can't really get a feel for the playstyle, now i know i could just try different classes out but alot of the time the feeling of a character at max level is nothing like the feeling as you are leveling.


So, does anyone know of any good PvP videos that shows skill? I don't mind what class the video features, except Smugglers/operatives.


There would have to be good pvp before there could be good pvp videos.

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Damn sorc looks OP in huttball lol.


Sorc is pretty good. So are Powertechs and Juggs, imo. Huttball is by far the best map, although it is really, really objective based, which turns a lot of people off.


The problem with a lot of players is that they dont understand that Huttball has "roles" almost like PvE content. Instead of DPS, Tank, Heals, etc. You have offense (stealthers and juggs are great because of mobility/ability to avoid combat), defense (powertechs and assassins work really well because of grips and stuns), and Mid. The Mid players use the 'base' roles like heals, dps and a solid tank.


It's generally not ideal to have a Jugg play defense, or a BH play offense. You can do it, but there are other classes that are better. Know what I mean?


The reason that I keep vent on in my videos is so people can get a sense for what we are trying to do. Filling spots, pushing forward, etc.

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