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Pyrotech Mercs, how's PvP?


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Both spec work great for the game play type they were designed, you can't say one is better than the other since they are different - duh.


Am sorry but I thought defense is actually the % of dmg mitigation (broken into 4 categories) your character has, and defense chance % is actually the number that dictates when you dodge parry or deflect weapon attacks. Pardon me if I misunderstood this one :>


Which is the reason I hate sweeping blasters, because the heat cost is too high and the results are very poor. Fusion Missile does way better for same heat cost....

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Played as both and I got to say I like pyro more. I pvped for about 4 years on wow. Merc pyro has the tools to be very good I'n warzones. The knock back and ccs suck but u are so mobile u can move from target to target easy. Make sure u use ur range i heard powertech players have like a 10 yrd range and merc pyros have 30. Make sure u do ur research on ur gear. Don't want to end up getting gear that has haste. From what I have heard power and crit are the way to go and take aim to at least 110 to get the armor pen. Pyro is great if u like pvp
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This is a combination of false and inaccurate.



Tech attacks cannot be shielded or avoided. This has been proven extensively by our PT brethren. This accounts for nearly all of your damage as pyro. The few attacks that can be (rapid shots, I believe rail as well), will almost never be due to the amount of accuracy on champ/BM gear and the fact that tech attacks start with 100% accuracy baseline. On top of that, you have 3% basically handed to you in the first tier of the skill tree, unless you'd rather invest 3 points in 500ish HP.


You don't have to worry about your attacks being mitigated as pyro. Quite the opposite, your elemental-based tech attacks will do nearly equal damage to all classes (except where expertise comes into play).


rail shot, power shot, and unload are white damage(ranged).

Edited by zeroburrito
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I have tried them both out extensively in pvp (Valor rank 58 so far) and i have to say that Pyro is superior in my opinion. I do have 620ish Expertise but have used both builds recently for comparison purposes.


For burst, i usually start with a incid. missile, thermal det, 2 x powershots and then rail shot. the thermal goes off a little over halfway though the 2nd powershot and then you hit them with rail. That usually is 40-50% of their health, a little less if they are uber geared. If i have my free heat cast and instant cast abilities off timer, i throw in the other missile (the one that also has damage over time) and its hard for them to recover once i start rapid shoting to get that third dot on them. Once they are under 30%, dot crits of over 1000 isn't unheard of. Its fun to see sorc/assassins speed away only to fall over about 3 or 4 sec later. Its hard to take down a full tank spec solo or a Maurader that is focused on you (they have so many ways to close the distance and stay in melee range) but other than that, its darn good. I also find that 90% of sorcs don't take you seriously, even when you hit them from the side and get your full rotation off. If you have Line of sight obstruction against them or Arsenal Mercs their odds of winning decrease to next to nothing. You just pop out and shoot while they burn in your dots. and if they run, then you unload on them, slow them (sweltering heat) down and keep on shooting.


There are some things you are horrid at. The first being running the ball in Huttball. With only 1 knockback and 1 break, I find that i am a holder until someone else gets open. You are amazing at the other two PVP areas though. an 18 sec dot keeps those control points safe.

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