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State of our Union (A comprehensive guide to rage)


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So, this thread is a little bit serious, and a lotta nonsense. It is what I am thinking at the time I'm writing in it, and will always be game-based.


I've read other threads about tanking inefficiency vs elemental damage. This is true, and the damage does burn badly, but do not discredit tanks with good gear.


I am a 50 Sith Assassin. Tank spec, with lvl 48 epic biochem end. stim, I have 6,800 armor using Dark Charge and 21,000 health buffed. When I am in this tank spec the previously overpowered operatives/smugglers are moot. They knock you down and do their damage rotation (which in dps spec I take around 10,000 dmg in 6 seconds or less), but in tank spec they run out of energy before they can do 25% of my health.


Sith sorcs use elemental damage more than other classes, and when they go ape **** on me in my tank spec, they also will run out of energy before I am even close to being weakened. But, what is the problem such a handsomely amazing tank using light armor with dark charge experiences during PvP? It is diminishing returns.


Ever got stunned for 6 seconds by an Operatives flash distraction? Yes, I do believe they actually open their trench coats contrary to popular belief that it is a flash bang, it is not- they are literally flashing you.. why else is it AOE and your animation is you covering your face in shame? Well, back to the point- that lasts like 6 billion seconds, and then you get stunned again, and THEN your resolve bar depletes before you have 5 seconds to pull your pants back up and you are in a stun rotation again.


This coming from someone who always carries the ball in Huttball.


So, what do we do? Do we complain and punch our monitors? Yes. But, what can we do when we've done this already?


Play some Huttball (sorry, I totally abandoned my previous point because I wanted to talk about huttball all of a sudden)





First of all if you are running the ball and are NOT a tank specced whateverthehellclass then please pass the ball around. Do not pass to your casters either (shouldn't be able to, read CASTER HUTTBALL below) and you won't get focused down as much.

------>Keep an eye on your resolve bar when running the ball. Wait until the resolve bar is completely white before running across fire pits. I have successfully capped the ball half a hundred billion times by simply being patient in front of a fire pit. They will get VERY impatient most of the time and just use their stun. Once that resolve bar (located on the left edge of your character picture) is full, you can run across no problem without getting stunned or force pulled.

-------> BE A DICK : If you are about to die, throw that ball at the ground. I can't tell you how many times I've snatched the ball, lured most of their team to a dark alley, and hopped up in the air and spiked the ball like I just did something amazing. Hell, half the time I use the /dance emote to imagine I am scoring and the crowd is cheering for me. Being a dick in Huttball will allow the ball to respawn at the middle and often times displace the enemy team.



I am a 50 Sith Assassin, and I am amazing; however, I have a level 21 Sith Sorcerer: THIS qualifies me as an expert in this class. So pay attention.

-------> WHY ARE YOU NOT ON THE SECOND FLOOR? : Look, don't stand on the second floor on our side, especially if they have a lot of Marauder/Juggernauts. They will hop on you like a damn lilly pad and go about their business leaving your team hating you for bringing them closer to scoring.

--------> NOW YOU'RE DOING IT RIGHT : You should never be on the bottom floor. As a caster, and have stupid range, you should be on the second floor, or the sides that the ramps lead up to at all times. This is how you do not get caught with your skirts around your waist. If someone tries to come punch you in the butt, run to an edge, then AOE knockback them off. I can not remember the last time I died in PvP on my Sorc because I remain on the higher levels of huttball and AOE knockback anybody who wants a piece of my ***.

--------> BE A DICK : Look, you are a range class- so you are already pretty dickish... so might as well go full erect on this one. Stay on the second floor and focus on damage + healing your primary targets. A primary target is someone holding the ball, or a small fight between 4 people you might want to heal the 2 on your team to get them up. Use your judgement. But, BE A DICK, farm those medals. If you are healer spec; get your 75k damage medal and then heal for the rest of the game. If you are dmg spec, get your 75k healing medal. If you do it correctly you should always have 5 medals.



Look, life sucks for you- I know this. If you are a Marauder, you can jump and jump and jump but you're still a glorified wookie. Don't ask. Listen, you guys don't have to be all super hero and ****. I tell you what, you see that paragraph above this one? The advice to the casters? Well, that leads to my next part.

-------> BE A DICK : Don't let those ******es heal/dps from the second floor. Get your *** up there and start butt touching people. Look, you don't have to kill them.. honest.. you just have to get them to stop healing their buddies. Hell, if you have a knockback- throw their *** to the bottom floor. I promise you, they will **** themselves.


-------> IF YOU CAN DODGE A WRENCH, YOU CAN DODGE A BALL : Don't run the ball if you know someone's been getting it lately. Sure, grab the ball- but then pass it to someone much better than you at life. I play melee DPS on my Sith Assassin, so I know our lives suck- but we EXCEL at certain things and we must focus on them to be good.





--------> DON'T BE AN AUTOBAD : Please if you are going to roleplay your combat out, do it near the ball. Because if you aren't participating in the activities going on around whoever has the ball, then you could be leaving your team to take on an extra red name because you're not there. Look.. heal the ball carrier, but kill the red names, melee nab those healers, tanks run the balls. Don't get caught in fire pits, don't let jugg/marauder/knight/other thing force leap on you to get closer to the score area.



I will surely add some more frantic information in the future.. this message has been approved by Naso of the Ven Zallow (RP-PVP) server of the guild Blood Bath and Beyond.

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Greetings AeonicStorm,


Very comprehensive write up. If I may suggest two things:


1) I would recommend you take a quick pass through and "calm" down the text a bit. It gets a bit inflammatory at times.


2) You may want to relocate this. It appears to be a guide targeted at PvP for tank types.

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Greetings AeonicStorm,


Very comprehensive write up. If I may suggest two things:


1) I would recommend you take a quick pass through and "calm" down the text a bit. It gets a bit inflammatory at times.


2) You may want to relocate this. It appears to be a guide targeted at PvP for tank types.


Thank you!


The post is working as intended. The inflammatory words are meant to convey the seriousness of the statements following. You are completely correct that it would be better if I didn't use the language, but I'm trying to get across the 'raw' mentality you have to have going into a PvP Warzone.


Go in there, and make people rage. To do that, you have to be an aggressive PvPer. This doesn't mean you run around spamming general chat and be inflammatory in-game, no, the best of the best don't drop a syllable in general chat because they communicate through how many points they've scored.


Further note, the post will have other aspects of note. For example: Do you want heroic gear? Are you Empire? I use this website to help me gear check my guildies so I know what they need to do, what I need to do, to get them ready for our Eternity Vault runs.




Hopefully this sooths the inflammatory language by giving a tangible cause (reading this thread) and effect (gaining information)


thanks for the response!

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Ah I see the wanna be forum mod has struck again >.<



On topic I enjoyed the write up and since I am about to start a tank alt tonight on the Pub side I appreciate some of the incites. One thing I would add is people getting out in front of the ball carrier. Passing is ESSENTIAL in huttball for a good quick win.

Edited by AaronPenick
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Ah I see the wanna be forum mod has struck again >.<



On topic I enjoyed the write up and since I am about to start a tank alt tonight on the Pub side I appreciate some of the incites. One thing I would add is people getting out in front of the ball carrier. Passing is ESSENTIAL in huttball for a good quick win.



That's a good key factor, yes, but also keep in mind when you're doing huttball at level 50 :


SORCERERS / (Not gonna say the republic side, this is our elite war secrets) : You have a level 42 ability that in PvE removes the threat of an ally.. but guess what, it FORCE PULLS them to you. You are the only class that can do this. You should be on the second floor anyways.


I should of put this in the "BE A DICK" section of the CASTERS paragraph, but I was gonna be late to my class - so, there you have it..

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Yeah I have been seeing that lately on my main (BH) and always puts a smile on my face when I am trying to get un stunned long enough to get closer and all of a sudden get yanked past the pit only to see the Sorc force sprint over the next one and wait for a pass. Awesome tactic for them :)
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