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Is the "Sniper" really a sniper??


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The sniper is obviously taken from the real world sniper.


The only similarities a MMO sniper has with a real sniper is the name. This is a video game ppl. Just because you name it after something, doesnt mean it will behave exactly like it. Those who expect it to, need to get out more.

Edited by Tycoon
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The only similarities a MMO sniper has with a real sniper is the name. This is a video game ppl. Just because you name it after something, doesnt mean it will behave exactly like it. Those who expect it to, need to get out more.


Looks like your in the wrong forum. Never said it was an "expectation", this is all about brainstorming and discussion. Take that garbage some place else.

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People never realize how much longer they get to live because of this crap.


Ambush... waiting... BOOM! *Deflect*


Yah people completely underestimate how awesome their random avoidance is against a Sniper.


-Get the warzone Expertise buff

-Find a squishy Sorc healer who forgot to bubble himself

-Blow relic

-Cast Ambush; Your 15sec cd, long cast hardest hitter.

-Instant Followthrough

-Watch Deflect pop up... twice

-Complete burst killed off by random avoidance

-Watch Sorc happily cast moar heals, none the wiser as it took NO PLAYER INPUT AT ALL TO COUNTER MY BURST.


Even lost matches this way. Ballcarrier close to goal line, low on health. One chance to kill him, nope deflected.... Hear crowd cheer for enemy team. I explode with enough Rage to keep our guilds Marauders happy for weeks. And begin questioning why a sharpshooter misses more attacks then anyone else.

Edited by Terrahero
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I was JUST thinking this.. OMG why would he broadcast something like that?


Don't worry, baddies won't comprehend it anyway and those who will, probably already figured it out anyway. Stacking endurance and surge instead of accuracy for PvP is not really a rocket science, anyway.

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This has been discussed to death on the IA forums.


A Sniper is NOT defined as someone who shoots others over an enormous distance. A Sniper is actually someone who fires at targets from a concealed position or cover.


So a Sniper fits perfectly fine in that regard. What bothers me is that a Sniper is such a sharpshooter, yet everything gets dodged or deflected.


Stack accuracy

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