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Add Kick Option to warzone


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I enjoy PvP and alot of my game time is in War zones. But recently I have noticed ALOT of people afk botting war zones. Its not hard to tell which ones are. They run or a far corner and hide and then every few seconds moves to avoid being afk and kicked.


Please add a majority vote or some kind of instant reporting/kicking system to combat this. Also make it once someone was either voted and kick from game or whatever they can not join another war zone for 1hr. and if they are kicked 3 times in a 24hr period they get banned from Pvp for a extended amount of time.

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Not sure I feel about this. Afk-ers are certainly frustrating and should be dealt with. What about the person who may be trying PvP for the first time and genuinely sucks at first? It can be a bit of a learning curve, especially if you don't know the zone at all. Getting raged at and then being votekicked would be a bit demoralizing. Getting a lockout would be icing on the cake.


I agree that afk-ers should be penalized though.

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Blizzard implimented a very simple solution. Players can flag someone AFK as much as they want, but if the persons combat log says they are in fact doing something pvp oriented (doing dmg, healing other players, protecting a flag) then the reported AFK did nothing to said player.
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Blizzard implimented a very simple solution. Players can flag someone AFK as much as they want, but if the persons combat log says they are in fact doing something pvp oriented (doing dmg, healing other players, protecting a flag) then the reported AFK did nothing to said player.



not rly.. Its making ppl go "faster" afk if they dont move.. So actually they can just run around..



but anyway they cant just copy blizzard :)!!!!! It would be Boooooring

Edited by Holrits
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not rly.. Its making ppl go "faster" afk if they dont move.. So actually they can just run around..



but anyway they cant just copy blizzard :)!!!!! It would be Boooooring


You can move your character all you want, it will not remove the "Flagged AFK" debuff. It takes a PVP action to remove it.


And lets be realistic, most of this game is just a copy from a different MMO. 3 talent trees... yea they must have worked on that orginal idea for all of 2 seconds.

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You can move your character all you want, it will not remove the "Flagged AFK" debuff. It takes a PVP action to remove it.


And lets be realistic, most of this game is just a copy from a different MMO. 3 talent trees... yea they must have worked on that orginal idea for all of 2 seconds.



idd it is, but still - if you want to be a NEW mmo game, you need to invent something new.. WoW did that most of the time,..?

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Today was the first time I've encountered this on my server. Admittedly I don't pvp alot. Same guy 4 WZs in a row. Run in and Num lock into a corner. We even had two of them in a Civil War match. Absolutely frustrating!


Give us a tool to remove these people and limit their ability to continue to ruin game play. Ironskillit's post sounds like a pretty good implementation.


Blizzard implimented a very simple solution. Players can flag someone AFK as much as they want, but if the persons combat log says they are in fact doing something pvp oriented (doing dmg, healing other players, protecting a flag) then the reported AFK did nothing to said player.
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