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[Simulation] 31/8/2 vs 21/2/18 DPS


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Warning: massive wall of text with bad English ;)


As I finished all the stuff needed for simulating the dps of Tank Specs when tanking, I'm going to compare the most used builds: 31/8/2 and 21/2/18. Note this simulation doesn't include mitigation, and only includes boss attacks for a chance to shield them and proc Flame Shield and Shield Vents.


This is only for PvE scenarios versus 1 Boss for a long time (4 min). Please, stay away in you want to talk about AOE-tanking, PvP, soloing, burst damage or running around the Fleet, thanks.


What's a simulator?


Instead of averaging and making approximations to everything on the fight, like a Spreadsheet does, a simulator uses the game internal formulas (as we know them) for doing an exact replica of a SWTOR fight, with the same rolls, heat in real time, procs, etc. Then parses those combat logs to show what happens on average, as each fight is heavily influenced by randomness. In a spreadsheet you use averages to estimate the result of the fight, in a simulator you produce the result of the fight and then average the results.


A simulator is not the reality tought, but is as close as we can't get. We know the formulas for everything, but we need to model boss and player reactions.




We model the boss as an attack every X seconds, that we consider shield-able. Usually in the fight the boss does other stuff that staying static attacking you via weapon damage. But note, this will not affect significantly the relative dps of two specs, unless one is heavily based on shield attacks (both tank specs are).




We consider the player has no ping, and has 0 reaction time, so he can react to a millisecond proc and use the correct skill on the rotation. Players are not ideal like that, but including the skill of the player is not easy and also not needed. We estimate the potential dps of the builds here.


Where I can get it?


Sorry, but is not user friendly right now, I'll polish the UI a little before releasing it to the public. Also only the relevant talents for those builds work right now, and with Ion Gas Cylinder active.




I used my gear from a couple weeks ago (the base stats of my spreadsheet) as a starting point. That's almost full Columi with Rakata's bracer and belt.


AIM (bonus): 1222

CUNNING (bonus): 3

Power: 0

Tech Power: 971

Critical: 0

Surge: 0

Weapon Damage: 249-462

Full raid buffs.


The boss is simulated as having 5000 armor (and estimated I did on Gharj normal mode), and attacking every 1.5 seconds.


I know people think that's value is too high, and think it will affect heavily the dps. It does not, I tested it and getting hit every 0.5 seconds instead of 1.5 seconds increases the dps by ~2%. That's not significant for getting hit the triple. By the same reason people thinks increasing Shield Chance is a big increase on dps, when also, is not. We'll talk about that later.




The compared builds are these. If you think moving points around will help with dps, just post it and I'll calculate when I have time.


Heat Blast build: 31/8/2


Incendiary Missile build: 21/2/18


I'll refer to them as HB and IM. On the HB I put the extra point on Prototype Cylinder because is the most frequent. I haven't tested on Advanced Tools (gave higher dps on the spreadsheet).


Also as the simulator doesn't calculate the Shield Chance, I used the spreadsheet for that. The % of shielded attacks with the gear I said for both builds is:


HB: 37,05%

IM: 27,92%




The simulator works with priority rotations. You just introduce a sequence of skills with conditions, and each global cooldown checks the conditions and use the higher priority skills that fulfill the conditions.


I used these rotations as base, and played around with them later:


HB Rotation


Thermal Sensor Override on 25 heat cost skills (Flame Thrower).

1. Explosive Fuel

2. Rocket Punch; Heat <=25

3. Rail Shot; Heat <=25

4. Flame Thrower; Heat <=19

5. Heat Blast; Heat >=10

6. Flame Burst; Debuff_Combust<=0

7. Unload; Heat <= 28

8. Rapid Shots; no conditions


This is more or less the rotation I do. Or did, because I know is not the best now. Also has an error, Heat Blast must be used over 15,5 Heat, not 10 (you dissipate an extra 7.5 heat over the global cooldown), but doesn't affect the rotation much anyway. Also Unload is not as good on simulation as it were in the spreadsheet, but I'll talk about that later.


IM Rotation


Thermal Sensor Override on 25 heat cost skills (Incendiary Missile).

1. Explosive Fuel

2. Incendiary Missile; Incendiary Missile (DOT) <=0

3. Rail Shot; no conditions

4. Rocket Punch; Heat <=25

5. Flame Burst; Heat <=25

6. Rapid Shots; no conditions


Well, this is the most used rotation for the IM build as I could read from the forums. You ignore Unload (well done), also ignores Flame Thrower (FT can do a bit higher dps, but is insignificant and harder to use as a 3 second cast). Spams Flame Burst as heat permits, fishing for procs.


You can see the data input in these screenshots of the program. Ignore talents that don't increase dps, probably aren't correct, but don't affect the rotation anyway.







I really couldn't believe the results at first glance, and made my recheck almost all the code looking for a mistake, because the results on the spreadsheet were IM > HB by around 4.5%. I couldn't find any error, so I'll talk about the why, later.


HB: 820,75965 DPS

IM: 783,52 DPS


That's a 5% increase in favor of HB. Let's see the resume from the 500 fights (4 minute each):



Rapid Shots - N: 182,74(Miss: 10,55, Crit: 41,96 ) Total Dmg: 20099,05 | Average Damage: 109,99
Rocket Punch - N: 32,46(Miss: 0, Crit: 17,67 ) Total Dmg: 51533,05 | Average Damage: 1587,59
Flame Thrower - N: 35,42(Miss: 0, Crit: 10,76 ) Total Dmg: 32030,24 | Average Damage: 904,30
Rail Shot - N: 14,65(Miss: 0,79, Crit: 3,48 ) Total Dmg: 19407,08 | Average Damage: 1324,72
Unload - N: 147,40(Miss: 8,34, Crit: 36,28 ) Total Dmg: 22942,14 | Average Damage: 155,65
Flame Burst - N: 13,44(Miss: 0, Crit: 4,06 ) Total Dmg: 13506,38 | Average Damage: 1004,94
Heat Blast - N: 14,61(Miss: 0, Crit: 3,39 ) Total Dmg: 14216,41 | Average Damage: 973,06
Ion Gas Cylinder - N: 66,19(Miss: 0, Crit: 15,85 ) Total Dmg: 13341,60 | Average Damage: 201,57
Ion Gas Cylinder (DOT)  - N: 77,79(Miss: 0, Crit: 18,21 ) Total Dmg: 9906,37 | Average Damage: 127,35



Rapid Shots - N: 219,21(Miss: 12,52, Crit: 52,23 ) Total Dmg: 24218,97 | Average Damage: 110,48
Rocket Punch - N: 29,29(Miss: 0, Crit: 15,80 ) Total Dmg: 41136,23 | Average Damage: 1404,45
Rail Shot - N: 30,87(Miss: 1,77, Crit: 7,43 ) Total Dmg: 44705,23 | Average Damage: 1448,18
Flame Burst - N: 42,00(Miss: 0, Crit: 10,07 ) Total Dmg: 39522,05 | Average Damage: 941,00
Ion Gas Cylinder - N: 41,59(Miss: 0, Crit: 9,91 ) Total Dmg: 6288,12 | Average Damage: 151,19
Incendiary Missile - N: 14(Miss: 0, Crit: 3,38 ) Total Dmg: 27187,66 | Average Damage: 1941,98
Ion Gas Cylinder (DOT)  - N: 52,03(Miss: 0, Crit: 11,93 ) Total Dmg: 4987,83 | Average Damage: 95,86 


I'll explain the text a bit, as I said the simulator is not user friendly right now. N: X is the average number of uses of the skill. For multiple hit skills is one for each hit. Then you have the number of misses and crits between (). Then the total damage done over 4 minutes (averaged from the 500 fights), and also the total damage / N, or the average dmg per hit or cast of the skill.


IM includes hit and dot in the damage number. Ion Gas Cylinder is separated as is not as straight as IM (and also overlaps dots easily, so is harder to associate a tick to a IGC proc).

I'll analyze the results the best I can.




What first came to mind, is the lower number of Rocket Punch over the spreadsheet. I also used a simulation to estimate this number, but was not a full rotation sim, just RP and boss attacks. It seems in real situations you can't use efficiently every RP proc, reducing its number over the fight. A easy example is if you are casting a Flame Thrower and you get a RP proc, you need to wait 3 seconds until FT ends before using the proc.


For example my spreadsheet estimates 35 RP over 4 minutes for the same gear and configuration, and the simulation shows 32.46 RP. And with IM build the spreadsheet says 33.5 RP over 4 minutes, and the sim shows 29.29 RP. That's a 8% lose, and 17% lose. The biggest lose on IM is because has a lower shield chance, making procs less stable, and having to give priority to Rail Shot over Rocket Punch . I was overestimating the real Rocket Punch per minute of both builds.


IM build also has another proc: Rail Shot. Other proc I was overestimating (even more as I was using a inflated number of Rocket Punch / minute). The spreadsheet uses almost 38 Rail Shots over 4 minutes, while the sim has only 30.87. Almost a 19% decrease, heavily influenced by the 17% less Rocket Punchs. And this was the main advantage of the IM build, the dps loss over the spreadsheet is notable, as IM has lower damage on every skill except Rail Shots.


People will say that is wrong, that they do a Rail Shot every few seconds, blah, blah, blah. Maybe good luck, predisposition, or exaggerating. On average you only get 30 Rail Shots over 4 minutes, or 1 Rail Shot every ~8 seconds with that gear and configuration. Also I did the test with an higher boss attacks (the triple) and the number of Rail Shots only increased slightly, but Rocket Punch increased by a good number. Why happens that? Because Rocket Punch aren’t free, so for each extra RP, you do a FB less, and the difference on proc chance is only 15%. So you need 6-7 extra Rocket Punch for an extra RS on average and that doesn’t happen easily.


That maybe is hard to understand, but I'll use an example (the combat log I'll post for the fight):


Over 4 minutes the base number of Rail Shots you can use is 16 (1 each 15 seconds). In the fight you got 24 procs of Free Rail Shots. That number is pretty good, as you can calculate is pretty near to a 45% of the RP + 30% of the FB. But you don't do 16 + 24 Rail Shots over the fight (40) but just 30. That's because on average a proc is only reducing the cooldown of Rail Shot by 7 seconds on average. If you got the luckiest procs on the world, yes, you'll do 40 Rail shots over 4 minutes. But the probability of that is lower than winning the lottery every day during a month :p


As you can see in the log, this is the first 5 Rail Shots of the recorded fight:


1,5 heat: 36 Rail Shot Hit for 1449,34 WD

7,5 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!

9,0 heat: 31 Rail Shot Crit for 2093,29 WD

12,0 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!

13,5 heat: 36 Rail Shot Hit for 1390,58 WD

15,0 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!

16,5 heat: 29 Rail Shot Crit for 2082,97 WD

22,5 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!

24,0 heat: 6 Rail Shot Crit for 2150,48 WD


Between the RS 1 and 2, there is 7.5 seconds, between 2-3 just 4,5 seconds, between 3-4 just 3 seconds, between 4 and 5, 7,5 seconds. That seems pretty good, an average cooldown of 5,6 seconds. But let’s see the full log, for example this part:


69,0 heat: 14 Rail Shot Hit for 1384,24 WD

84,0 heat: 40 Rail Shot Hit for 1467,49 WD


15 second cooldown, no proc in 15 seconds. 4 Flame Burst and 2 Rocket Punch were used on that period, and still no proc.


As you can see is pretty random, and people tends to remember those 4 Rail Shots in almost 15 seconds, because is interesting, but tends to forget those 15 seconds that you didn't get any proc and used a normal non-free Rail Shot.




Well, the number of Rail Shots is lower than my spreadsheet estimated, and just can't compensate that, because the HB build hits harder with almost everything, as I compare here.



HB: 110,41

IM: 110,48

Rapid Shots hit the same on both builds, as expected. 0.01% difference.



HB: 1587,59

IM: 1404,45

A difference of 12.6% on favor of HB. Expected, as the HB build has +30% surge on Rocket Punch, that with 60% crit averages 18% extra damage. So the number can still be higher.



HB: 1324,72

IM: 1448,18

As expected Rail Shot hits harder on IM, as you have +6% damage, and +10% extra Armor Penetration. Around 9% harder.



HB: 1004,94

IM: 941,00

The difference again is expected. HB has +4% damage, +6% crit on fire effects versus IM build. Around 6% increase on favor of HB.



I know they are not the same, but are substitutes in the rotations. Elemental skill with 18 seconds cooldown.

Flame Thrower (HB): 904,30 per tick, or 2712,9

Incendiary Missile (IM): 1941,98 total


FT is a pretty good skill, and also is buffed by +6% crit, +6% damage, versus IM that is only buffed by 4% damage with the IM talents.


The difference is expected, as FT is a 3 second cast, and also scales with Tech Bonus Damage with a multiplier of 2.88 versus 2.3 total (hit + dot) of IM.



HB: 66,19 x 201.57

IM: 41,59 x 151,19

The damage decrease is logical, as HB has +33% damage to IGC.

The number of procs decrease also is expected. IM build has only 50% chance to trigger it on RP, you can expect to lose 15 procs just from that. Also doesn't use Unload, that procs it with a great chance. In total, IM build does 50% less damage with IGC procs than HB.



HB: 77,79 x 127,35

IM: 52,03 x 95,86

Again, HB has almost a 100% uptime (97,5%) of this dot, thanks to the 100% proc on Rocket Punch. IM has a 65% uptime instead, because not only the lower number of IGC procs, but it only lasts 6 seconds instead of 9.



I don't see the need to compare Heat Blast, because there is no real substitute in the IM build damage-wise.




Yeah, the IM build does like double the damage with Rail Shot, but loses that advantage with every other skill. A table of the lose/gains:


-Extra damage on Rail Shot. +24K damage.

-Extra damage on Flame Burst (bigger number but less dmg per each one): +26K damage.

-Extra damage on Rapid Shots (again bigger number): +4.5K damage.

-Damage difference IM vs FT: -5K damage.

-Heat Blast and Unload damage: -37K damage.

-Less damage on Rocket Punch: -10K damage.

-Less damage on IGC Proc and DOT: -11K damage.


Total balance: -9K damage.

Winner: 31/8/2


APPENDIX A: Don’t use Unload with 31/8/2


Funny is, thanks to simulation I found that Unload isn’t worth using unless the boss is out of range of other skills. The reason is, even if is better damage/heat than Flame Burst + Rapid Shots, is a 3 second cast, and you don’t get to use the rest of the skills as soon as possible.

This is the resume of the rotation without Unload:


EDIT: This was a bug, if you don't use Unload you do similar dps, not an increase like this.


Rapid Shots - N: 237,78(Miss: 13,47, Crit: 55,94 ) Total Dmg: 26262,26 | Average Damage: 110,45
Rocket Punch - N: 34,30(Miss: 0, Crit: 18,69 ) Total Dmg: 54453,84 | Average Damage: 1587,58
Flame Thrower - N: 38,10(Miss: 0, Crit: 11,65 ) Total Dmg: 34475,30 | Average Damage: 904,86
Rail Shot - N: 15,38(Miss: 0,94, Crit: 3,65 ) Total Dmg: 20235,44 | Average Damage: 1315,70
Flame Burst - N: 22,78(Miss: 0, Crit: 7,06 ) Total Dmg: 22969,53 | Average Damage: 1008,32
Heat Blast - N: 14,48(Miss: 0, Crit: 3,50 ) Total Dmg: 14148,03 | Average Damage: 977,07
Ion Gas Cylinder - N: 61,05(Miss: 0, Crit: 14,74 ) Total Dmg: 12316,50 | Average Damage: 201,74
Ion Gas Cylinder (DOT)  - N: 77,87(Miss: 0, Crit: 18,35 ) Total Dmg: 9923,02 | Average Damage: 127,43


A big increase of dps, because you do more RP, more RS, and more FT ignoring Unload. Almost 2 Rocket Punch extra per fight (almost the value my spreadsheet estimates). So 31/8/2 is even better than 21/2/18…


APPENDIX B: Combat Logs


The first combat of each simulation:



You gain Explosive Fuel
0 heat: 16 Rocket Punch Hit for 1112,32 K
0 heat: 16 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 269,84 K 
1,5 heat: 27 Rail Shot Hit for 1344,83 WD
3,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
3,0 heat: 22 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,22 K 
3,0 heat: 33 Rocket Punch Crit for 1996,37 K
3,0 heat: 33 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
4,5 heat: 20 Heat Blast Crit for 1286,18 E
6,0 heat: 15 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,22 K 
6,0 You gain Thermal Sensor Override.
7,0 heat: 10 Flame Thrower Hit for 785,17 E 
7,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
7,5 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
8,0 heat: 0 Flame Thrower Crit for 1177,75 E 
9,0 heat: 0 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,22 K 
9,0 heat: 0 Flame Thrower Crit for 1177,75 E 
9,0 heat: 16 Flame Burst Crit for 1358,91 E
10,5 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
10,5 heat: 27 Rocket Punch Crit for 1973,31 K
10,5 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
12,0 heat: 22 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,22 K 
12,0 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
12,25 heat: 33 Unload Hit for 138,62 WD 
12,50 heat: 33 Unload Hit for 156,68 WD 
12,75 heat: 33 Unload Hit for 136,22 WD 
13,00 heat: 33 Unload Hit for 137,94 WD 
13,25 heat: 28 Unload Crit for 218,49 WD 
13,50 heat: 28 Unload Hit for 157,71 WD 
13,75 heat: 28 Unload Crit for 237,76 WD 
14,00 heat: 28 Unload Crit for 200,06 WD 
14,25 heat: 23 Unload Crit for 201,63 WD 
14,25 heat: 23 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
14,50 heat: 23 Unload Crit for 213,26 WD 
15,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
15,0 heat: 23 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,22 K 
14,75 heat: 23 Unload Hit for 152,69 WD 
15,00 heat: 23 Unload Crit for 237,59 WD 
15,0 heat: 34 Rocket Punch Crit for 1991,80 K
15,0 Explosive Fuel fades.
15,0 heat: 34 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 269,84 K 
16,7 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 117,29 WD 
16,9 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 110,96 WD 
17,1 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Hit for 96,39 WD 
17,3 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Hit for 114,14 WD 
17,5 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Hit for 106,16 WD 
18,0 heat: 24 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
18,0 heat: 35 Rail Shot Hit for 1154,50 WD
19,5 heat: 22 Heat Blast Hit for 903,27 E
19,5 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
21,0 heat: 17 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
21,2 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Hit for 103,60 WD 
21,4 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Hit for 91,68 WD 
21,6 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Crit for 145,05 WD 
21,8 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Hit for 111,50 WD 
22,0 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Crit for 166,25 WD 
22,0 heat: 12 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
22,7 heat: 7 Rapid Shots Crit for 148,49 WD 
22,9 heat: 7 Rapid Shots Hit for 98,17 WD 
23,1 heat: 2 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 
23,3 heat: 2 Rapid Shots Hit for 95,63 WD 
23,5 heat: 2 Rapid Shots Hit for 90,87 WD 
24,0 heat: 2 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
24,0 heat: 16 Rocket Punch Hit for 1096,18 K
24,0 Debuff_Combust fades.
24,0 heat: 16 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
26,5 heat: 31 Flame Thrower Hit for 785,17 E 
27,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
27,0 heat: 25 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
27,5 heat: 20 Flame Thrower Crit for 1177,75 E 
28,5 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
28,5 heat: 15 Flame Thrower Hit for 785,17 E 
28,5 heat: 31 Rocket Punch Hit for 1095,07 K
28,5 heat: 31 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
30,0 heat: 26 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
30,0 heat: 37 Flame Burst Crit for 1348,89 E
31,5 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
31,7 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Hit for 98,73 WD 
31,9 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Crit for 179,15 WD 
32,1 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Crit for 169,23 WD 
32,3 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 
32,5 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 91,80 WD 
33,0 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,22 K 
33,0 heat: 38 Rail Shot Crit for 2029,11 WD
33,0 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
34,5 heat: 25 Heat Blast Hit for 877,18 E
36,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
36,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
36,0 heat: 14 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
36,0 heat: 25 Rocket Punch Hit for 1097,40 K
36,0 heat: 25 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
37,75 heat: 36 Unload Hit for 159,93 WD 
37,75 heat: 36 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
38,00 heat: 36 Unload Hit for 144,37 WD 
38,25 heat: 31 Unload Hit for 158,30 WD 
38,50 heat: 31 Unload Crit for 230,96 WD 
39,0 heat: 31 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
38,75 heat: 31 Unload Hit for 150,26 WD 
39,00 heat: 31 Unload Hit for 155,65 WD 
39,25 heat: 26 Unload Hit for 147,44 WD 
39,50 heat: 26 Unload Hit for 136,13 WD 
39,75 heat: 26 Unload Hit for 136,36 WD 
40,00 heat: 26 Unload Hit for 147,39 WD 
40,25 heat: 21 Unload Miss for 0 WD 
40,25 heat: 21 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 269,84 K 
40,50 heat: 21 Unload Crit for 233,62 WD 
40,5 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
40,5 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
40,7 heat: 21 Rapid Shots Hit for 95,44 WD 
40,9 heat: 21 Rapid Shots Hit for 92,32 WD 
41,1 heat: 16 Rapid Shots Hit for 108,69 WD 
41,1 heat: 16 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
41,3 heat: 16 Rapid Shots Crit for 150,51 WD 
41,5 heat: 16 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 
42,0 heat: 16 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
42,2 heat: 11 Rapid Shots Hit for 104,71 WD 
42,4 heat: 11 Rapid Shots Hit for 112,30 WD 
42,6 heat: 11 Rapid Shots Crit for 170,18 WD 
42,8 heat: 11 Rapid Shots Hit for 95,19 WD 
43,0 heat: 11 Rapid Shots Crit for 139,01 WD 
44,5 heat: 26 Flame Thrower Hit for 785,17 E 
45,0 heat: 26 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
45,0 Debuff_Combust fades.
45,5 heat: 21 Flame Thrower Hit for 785,17 E 
46,5 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
46,5 heat: 16 Flame Thrower Hit for 785,17 E 
46,5 heat: 32 Rocket Punch Hit for 1117,13 K
46,5 heat: 32 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
48,0 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
48,0 heat: 38 Rail Shot Hit for 1148,79 WD
49,5 heat: 25 Heat Blast Hit for 888,30 E
51,0 heat: 20 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
51,0 heat: 31 Flame Burst Hit for 839,37 E
51,0 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
52,75 heat: 42 Unload Crit for 205,17 WD 
53,00 heat: 42 Unload Hit for 134,74 WD 
53,25 heat: 38 Unload Crit for 224,28 WD 
53,50 heat: 38 Unload Hit for 147,00 WD 
54,0 heat: 38 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
53,75 heat: 38 Unload Crit for 198,51 WD 
54,00 heat: 38 Unload Hit for 146,62 WD 
54,25 heat: 33 Unload Hit for 135,02 WD 
54,50 heat: 33 Unload Crit for 231,89 WD 
54,75 heat: 33 Unload Crit for 218,61 WD 
55,00 heat: 33 Unload Hit for 149,55 WD 
55,25 heat: 28 Unload Hit for 157,10 WD 
55,50 heat: 28 Unload Crit for 201,49 WD 
55,7 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 103,96 WD 
55,9 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 110,33 WD 
55,9 heat: 28 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
56,1 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Hit for 115,40 WD 
56,3 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Hit for 95,13 WD 
56,5 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Crit for 133,59 WD 
57,0 heat: 34 Rocket Punch Crit for 2002,81 K
57,0 heat: 34 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
58,5 heat: 29 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,22 K 
58,7 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 108,08 WD 
58,9 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Crit for 135,83 WD 
59,1 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 
59,3 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Hit for 88,63 WD 
59,5 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Hit for 92,90 WD 
59,5 heat: 24 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
60,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
60,0 heat: 35 Rocket Punch Crit for 1966,85 K
60,0 heat: 35 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
61,5 heat: 30 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
61,7 heat: 30 Rapid Shots Hit for 116,68 WD 
61,9 heat: 30 Rapid Shots Crit for 159,39 WD 
62,1 heat: 25 Rapid Shots Hit for 92,84 WD 
62,3 heat: 25 Rapid Shots Hit for 88,90 WD 
62,5 heat: 25 Rapid Shots Hit for 94,51 WD 
63,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
63,0 heat: 30 Rail Shot Hit for 1267,11 WD
64,5 heat: 25 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
64,5 heat: 17 Heat Blast Hit for 881,42 E
64,5 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
66,0 Debuff_Combust fades.
67,0 heat: 32 Flame Thrower Hit for 785,17 E 
67,5 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
67,5 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
67,5 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
68,0 heat: 27 Flame Thrower Hit for 785,17 E 
69,0 heat: 22 Flame Thrower Hit for 785,17 E 
69,0 heat: 33 Rocket Punch Hit for 1117,41 K
69,0 heat: 33 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
70,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
70,5 heat: 38 Flame Burst Hit for 859,38 E
72,0 heat: 33 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
72,0 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
72,25 heat: 44 Unload Hit for 149,43 WD 
72,50 heat: 44 Unload Hit for 133,74 WD 
72,75 heat: 44 Unload Crit for 223,33 WD 
73,00 heat: 44 Unload Crit for 208,92 WD 
73,25 heat: 40 Unload Hit for 145,35 WD 
73,50 heat: 40 Unload Hit for 147,77 WD 
73,75 heat: 40 Unload Hit for 158,50 WD 
74,00 heat: 40 Unload Hit for 141,60 WD 
74,25 heat: 36 Unload Hit for 156,91 WD 
74,50 heat: 36 Unload Hit for 136,70 WD 
75,0 heat: 36 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
74,75 heat: 36 Unload Hit for 138,13 WD 
74,75 heat: 36 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
75,00 heat: 36 Unload Hit for 150,84 WD 
75,0 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
75,2 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Crit for 166,56 WD 
75,2 heat: 31 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
75,4 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Hit for 104,93 WD 
75,6 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Hit for 106,99 WD 
75,8 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Hit for 109,24 WD 
76,0 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Crit for 137,93 WD 
76,7 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 115,21 WD 
76,9 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 101,86 WD 
77,1 heat: 21 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 
77,3 heat: 21 Rapid Shots Hit for 113,78 WD 
77,5 heat: 21 Rapid Shots Hit for 111,05 WD 
78,0 heat: 21 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
78,0 heat: 32 Rocket Punch Crit for 1977,85 K
78,0 heat: 32 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
79,5 heat: 19 Heat Blast Hit for 852,67 E
81,0 heat: 14 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
81,0 heat: 25 Rail Shot Crit for 1708,00 WD
81,0 heat: 25 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
82,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
82,7 heat: 14 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 
82,9 heat: 14 Rapid Shots Crit for 171,21 WD 
83,1 heat: 9 Rapid Shots Hit for 92,55 WD 
83,3 heat: 9 Rapid Shots Hit for 90,60 WD 
83,5 heat: 9 Rapid Shots Hit for 109,80 WD 
84,0 heat: 9 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
85,0 heat: 29 Flame Thrower Hit for 785,17 E 
85,5 Debuff_Combust fades.
86,0 heat: 24 Flame Thrower Hit for 785,17 E 
87,0 heat: 19 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,22 K 
87,0 heat: 19 Flame Thrower Hit for 785,17 E 
87,0 heat: 30 Rocket Punch Hit for 1102,28 K
87,0 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
87,0 heat: 30 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
88,5 heat: 41 Flame Burst Hit for 884,96 E
90,0 heat: 37 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
90,2 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Hit for 93,18 WD 
90,4 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Crit for 166,75 WD 
90,4 heat: 32 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
90,6 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Crit for 143,84 WD 
90,8 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 
91,0 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Hit for 108,85 WD 
91,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
91,75 heat: 37 Unload Hit for 156,12 WD 
92,00 heat: 37 Unload Hit for 142,05 WD 
92,25 heat: 32 Unload Hit for 155,37 WD 
92,50 heat: 32 Unload Crit for 224,85 WD 
93,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
93,0 heat: 32 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
92,75 heat: 32 Unload Hit for 137,15 WD 
93,00 heat: 32 Unload Miss for 0 WD 
93,25 heat: 27 Unload Crit for 209,19 WD 
93,50 heat: 27 Unload Crit for 203,66 WD 
93,75 heat: 27 Unload Hit for 132,86 WD 
94,00 heat: 27 Unload Hit for 140,83 WD 
94,00 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
94,25 heat: 22 Unload Miss for 0 WD 
94,50 heat: 22 Unload Hit for 152,76 WD 
94,5 heat: 38 Rocket Punch Crit for 1978,14 K
94,5 heat: 38 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 269,84 K 
96,0 heat: 33 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
96,0 heat: 20 Heat Blast Hit for 894,83 E
96,0 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
97,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
97,5 heat: 25 Rail Shot Hit for 1360,96 WD
97,5 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
99,0 heat: 20 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
99,2 heat: 15 Rapid Shots Hit for 106,78 WD 
99,4 heat: 15 Rapid Shots Hit for 113,43 WD 
99,6 heat: 15 Rapid Shots Crit for 159,95 WD 
99,8 heat: 15 Rapid Shots Crit for 170,86 WD 
100,0 heat: 15 Rapid Shots Hit for 95,84 WD 
100,7 heat: 10 Rapid Shots Hit for 113,86 WD 
100,9 heat: 10 Rapid Shots Hit for 101,29 WD 
101,1 heat: 5 Rapid Shots Hit for 114,75 WD 
101,3 heat: 5 Rapid Shots Hit for 116,58 WD 
101,5 heat: 5 Rapid Shots Hit for 100,51 WD 
102,0 heat: 5 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
102,0 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
103,0 heat: 25 Flame Thrower Hit for 785,17 E 
103,5 Debuff_Combust fades.
103,5 IonGasCylinder (Shock) fades.
104,0 heat: 20 Flame Thrower Crit for 1177,75 E 
105,0 heat: 15 Flame Thrower Hit for 785,17 E 
105,0 heat: 26 Rocket Punch Crit for 1985,97 K
105,0 heat: 26 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 269,84 K 
106,5 heat: 37 Flame Burst Crit for 1347,69 E
108,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
108,0 heat: 32 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
108,25 heat: 43 Unload Hit for 158,19 WD 
108,50 heat: 43 Unload Hit for 145,38 WD 
108,75 heat: 43 Unload Crit for 218,26 WD 
109,00 heat: 43 Unload Hit for 136,20 WD 
109,25 heat: 39 Unload Hit for 145,45 WD 
109,50 heat: 39 Unload Hit for 154,55 WD 
109,75 heat: 39 Unload Hit for 153,75 WD 
110,00 heat: 39 Unload Hit for 142,93 WD 
110,25 heat: 34 Unload Crit for 208,59 WD 
110,50 heat: 34 Unload Hit for 148,37 WD 
111,0 heat: 34 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
110,75 heat: 34 Unload Hit for 158,37 WD 
111,00 heat: 34 Unload Crit for 204,72 WD 
111,00 heat: 34 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
111,0 heat: 21 Heat Blast Hit for 840,45 E
112,5 heat: 32 Rocket Punch Hit for 1104,54 K
112,5 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
112,5 heat: 32 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
114,0 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
114,0 heat: 38 Rail Shot Hit for 1183,05 WD
115,7 heat: 33 Rapid Shots Hit for 95,01 WD 
115,9 heat: 33 Rapid Shots Hit for 104,23 WD 
115,9 heat: 33 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
116,1 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 118,09 WD 
116,3 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 90,16 WD 
116,5 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 116,18 WD 
117,0 heat: 28 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,22 K 
117,2 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Hit for 109,81 WD 
117,4 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Hit for 101,12 WD 
117,4 heat: 23 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
117,6 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Crit for 174,65 WD 
117,8 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Hit for 89,95 WD 
118,0 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Hit for 106,46 WD 
118,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
118,7 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Hit for 117,25 WD 
118,9 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Hit for 89,49 WD 
119,1 heat: 7 Rapid Shots Hit for 117,32 WD 
119,3 heat: 7 Rapid Shots Hit for 115,57 WD 
119,5 heat: 7 Rapid Shots Hit for 114,83 WD 
120,0 heat: 7 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
You gain Explosive Fuel
121,0 heat: 27 Flame Thrower Hit for 785,17 E 
121,5 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
121,5 Debuff_Combust fades.
122,0 heat: 22 Flame Thrower Hit for 785,17 E 
123,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
123,0 heat: 11 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,22 K 
123,0 heat: 11 Flame Thrower Hit for 785,17 E 
123,0 heat: 22 Rocket Punch Crit for 1966,18 K
123,0 heat: 22 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 269,84 K 
124,5 heat: 33 Flame Burst Hit for 884,07 E
126,0 heat: 28 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,22 K 
126,0 heat: 15 Heat Blast Hit for 863,72 E
126,0 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
127,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
127,75 heat: 20 Unload Crit for 213,69 WD 
128,00 heat: 20 Unload Hit for 153,78 WD 
128,25 heat: 15 Unload Hit for 137,11 WD 
128,50 heat: 15 Unload Crit for 205,12 WD 
128,50 heat: 15 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
129,0 heat: 15 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,22 K 
128,75 heat: 15 Unload Hit for 135,24 WD 
129,00 heat: 15 Unload Crit for 223,78 WD 
129,25 heat: 10 Unload Crit for 223,93 WD 
129,50 heat: 10 Unload Crit for 231,58 WD 
129,75 heat: 10 Unload Crit for 210,83 WD 
130,00 heat: 10 Unload Crit for 203,72 WD 
130,25 heat: 5 Unload Hit for 155,92 WD 
130,25 heat: 5 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 269,84 K 
130,50 heat: 5 Unload Crit for 198,74 WD 
130,5 heat: 21 Rail Shot Crit for 1882,18 WD
132,0 heat: 16 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
132,0 heat: 27 Rocket Punch Crit for 1980,41 K
132,0 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
132,0 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
133,7 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Crit for 146,82 WD 
133,9 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Hit for 101,15 WD 
134,1 heat: 17 Rapid Shots Crit for 175,21 WD 
134,3 heat: 17 Rapid Shots Crit for 176,84 WD 
134,5 heat: 17 Rapid Shots Hit for 97,50 WD 
134,5 heat: 17 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 269,84 K 
135,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
135,0 heat: 17 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,22 K 
135,0 heat: 28 Rocket Punch Crit for 1971,00 K
135,0 Explosive Fuel fades.
135,0 heat: 28 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
136,7 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Crit for 145,80 WD 
136,9 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Hit for 103,47 WD 
137,1 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Crit for 168,45 WD 
137,3 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Hit for 89,83 WD 
137,5 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Hit for 104,80 WD 
138,0 heat: 18 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
138,0 You gain Thermal Sensor Override.
139,0 heat: 13 Flame Thrower Hit for 785,17 E 
139,5 Debuff_Combust fades.
139,5 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
140,0 heat: 8 Flame Thrower Crit for 1177,75 E 
141,0 heat: 3 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,22 K 
141,0 heat: 3 Flame Thrower Crit for 1177,75 E 
141,0 heat: 16 Flame Burst Hit for 860,19 E
142,5 heat: 3 Heat Blast Crit for 1336,56 E
144,0 heat: 0 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,22 K 
144,0 heat: 16 Rocket Punch Crit for 2005,42 K
144,0 heat: 16 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
145,5 heat: 27 Rail Shot Hit for 1231,42 WD
147,0 heat: 22 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,22 K 
147,25 heat: 33 Unload Hit for 146,61 WD 
147,50 heat: 33 Unload Hit for 132,99 WD 
147,75 heat: 33 Unload Crit for 210,53 WD 
148,00 heat: 33 Unload Hit for 158,36 WD 
148,25 heat: 28 Unload Hit for 136,62 WD 
148,50 heat: 28 Unload Hit for 139,99 WD 
148,50 heat: 28 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
148,75 heat: 28 Unload Hit for 152,43 WD 
149,00 heat: 28 Unload Hit for 158,39 WD 
149,25 heat: 23 Unload Hit for 153,44 WD 
149,50 heat: 23 Unload Hit for 155,52 WD 
150,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
150,0 heat: 23 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
149,75 heat: 23 Unload Hit for 138,24 WD 
150,00 heat: 23 Unload Hit for 136,39 WD 
150,0 heat: 34 Rocket Punch Hit for 1112,13 K
150,0 heat: 34 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
151,7 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 
151,9 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 118,09 WD 
151,9 heat: 29 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
152,1 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Hit for 116,97 WD 
152,3 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Hit for 105,43 WD 
152,5 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Crit for 162,66 WD 
153,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
153,0 heat: 18 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
153,2 heat: 13 Rapid Shots Hit for 99,93 WD 
153,4 heat: 13 Rapid Shots Crit for 140,82 WD 
153,6 heat: 13 Rapid Shots Hit for 107,26 WD 
153,8 heat: 13 Rapid Shots Hit for 107,61 WD 
154,0 heat: 13 Rapid Shots Hit for 102,44 WD 
154,5 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
154,5 heat: 24 Rocket Punch Crit for 2004,88 K
154,5 heat: 24 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
156,0 heat: 19 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
156,0 Debuff_Combust fades.
157,0 heat: 39 Flame Thrower Hit for 785,17 E 
157,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
158,0 heat: 28 Flame Thrower Hit for 785,17 E 
159,0 heat: 23 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
159,0 heat: 23 Flame Thrower Hit for 785,17 E 
159,0 heat: 10 Heat Blast Hit for 862,47 E
159,0 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
160,5 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
160,5 heat: 21 Rocket Punch Hit for 1092,23 K
160,5 heat: 21 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
162,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
162,0 heat: 10 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,22 K 
162,0 heat: 21 Rail Shot Hit for 1241,37 WD
163,5 heat: 32 Flame Burst Hit for 860,75 E
165,0 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,22 K 
165,0 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
165,25 heat: 38 Unload Hit for 142,58 WD 
165,50 heat: 38 Unload Hit for 154,52 WD 
165,75 heat: 38 Unload Crit for 221,22 WD 
166,00 heat: 38 Unload Crit for 237,68 WD 
166,25 heat: 33 Unload Hit for 155,85 WD 
166,50 heat: 33 Unload Crit for 236,05 WD 
166,5 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
166,75 heat: 33 Unload Hit for 145,05 WD 
167,00 heat: 33 Unload Hit for 150,42 WD 
167,25 heat: 28 Unload Hit for 139,19 WD 
167,50 heat: 28 Unload Hit for 132,18 WD 
167,50 heat: 28 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
168,0 heat: 28 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
167,75 heat: 28 Unload Hit for 139,15 WD 
168,00 heat: 28 Unload Hit for 149,74 WD 
168,2 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Hit for 108,47 WD 
168,4 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Hit for 113,67 WD 
168,6 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Hit for 90,61 WD 
168,8 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Hit for 109,36 WD 
169,0 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Crit for 137,77 WD 
169,5 heat: 34 Rocket Punch Hit for 1109,50 K
169,5 heat: 34 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
171,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
171,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
171,0 heat: 23 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
171,0 heat: 34 Rocket Punch Crit for 1982,28 K
171,0 heat: 34 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
172,7 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Crit for 135,36 WD 
172,9 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 117,95 WD 
173,1 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Hit for 97,56 WD 
173,3 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Hit for 112,51 WD 
173,5 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Hit for 90,52 WD 
174,0 heat: 24 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,22 K 
175,0 heat: 44 Flame Thrower Hit for 785,17 E 
175,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
175,5 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
176,0 heat: 34 Flame Thrower Crit for 1177,75 E 
177,0 heat: 29 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
177,0 heat: 29 Flame Thrower Crit for 1177,75 E 
177,0 heat: 40 Rail Shot Hit for 1188,16 WD
177,0 heat: 40 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
178,5 heat: 28 Heat Blast Hit for 867,96 E
178,5 Debuff_Combust fades.
180,0 heat: 23 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
180,0 heat: 34 Rocket Punch Crit for 2004,39 K
180,0 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
180,0 heat: 34 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 269,84 K 
181,5 heat: 45 Flame Burst Hit for 841,87 E
183,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
183,0 heat: 35 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
183,2 heat: 30 Rapid Shots Hit for 111,36 WD 
183,2 heat: 30 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
183,4 heat: 30 Rapid Shots Hit for 106,31 WD 
183,6 heat: 30 Rapid Shots Hit for 98,74 WD 
183,8 heat: 30 Rapid Shots Crit for 157,72 WD 
184,0 heat: 30 Rapid Shots Hit for 103,66 WD 
184,75 heat: 41 Unload Crit for 214,95 WD 
185,00 heat: 41 Unload Miss for 0 WD 
185,25 heat: 37 Unload Crit for 231,33 WD 
185,50 heat: 37 Unload Crit for 220,41 WD 
185,50 heat: 37 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 269,84 K 
186,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
186,0 heat: 37 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
185,75 heat: 37 Unload Hit for 157,50 WD 
186,00 heat: 37 Unload Hit for 147,31 WD 
186,25 heat: 32 Unload Miss for 0 WD 
186,50 heat: 32 Unload Hit for 148,09 WD 
186,75 heat: 32 Unload Hit for 155,87 WD 
187,00 heat: 32 Unload Hit for 159,23 WD 
187,00 heat: 32 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
187,25 heat: 27 Unload Miss for 0 WD 
187,50 heat: 27 Unload Crit for 201,30 WD 
187,5 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
187,7 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 89,60 WD 
187,9 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 
187,9 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
188,1 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Hit for 112,35 WD 
188,3 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Crit for 149,45 WD 
188,5 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 
189,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
189,0 heat: 16 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
189,0 heat: 27 Rocket Punch Hit for 1117,13 K
189,0 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
190,5 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
190,5 heat: 38 Rocket Punch Crit for 1971,50 K
190,5 heat: 38 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
192,0 heat: 33 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
192,2 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 100,55 WD 
192,4 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 101,20 WD 
192,6 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 102,99 WD 
192,8 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 
193,0 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 103,22 WD 
193,5 heat: 39 Rail Shot Hit for 1349,03 WD
193,5 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
195,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
195,0 heat: 28 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
195,0 heat: 15 Heat Blast Hit for 896,26 E
195,0 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
196,5 Debuff_Combust fades.
197,5 heat: 30 Flame Thrower Crit for 1177,75 E 
198,0 heat: 30 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
198,5 heat: 25 Flame Thrower Crit for 1177,75 E 
199,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
199,5 heat: 14 Flame Thrower Hit for 785,17 E 
199,5 heat: 30 Rocket Punch Crit for 1977,31 K
199,5 heat: 30 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 269,84 K 
201,0 heat: 36 Flame Burst Crit for 1267,77 E
202,5 heat: 31 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,22 K 
202,7 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Hit for 109,38 WD 
202,9 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Crit for 175,02 WD 
202,9 heat: 31 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 269,84 K 
203,1 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Crit for 158,39 WD 
203,3 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 108,24 WD 
203,5 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 116,89 WD 
204,0 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
204,25 heat: 37 Unload Hit for 159,22 WD 
204,50 heat: 37 Unload Hit for 148,21 WD 
204,75 heat: 37 Unload Hit for 147,87 WD 
205,00 heat: 37 Unload Hit for 151,96 WD 
205,5 heat: 32 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
205,25 heat: 32 Unload Crit for 225,29 WD 
205,50 heat: 32 Unload Hit for 151,90 WD 
205,75 heat: 32 Unload Hit for 134,29 WD 
206,00 heat: 32 Unload Crit for 211,09 WD 
206,00 heat: 32 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 269,84 K 
206,25 heat: 27 Unload Hit for 156,18 WD 
206,50 heat: 27 Unload Hit for 142,51 WD 
207,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
206,75 heat: 21 Unload Hit for 159,08 WD 
207,00 heat: 21 Unload Hit for 140,19 WD 
207,2 heat: 16 Rapid Shots Hit for 91,90 WD 
207,4 heat: 16 Rapid Shots Hit for 105,27 WD 
207,6 heat: 16 Rapid Shots Hit for 107,97 WD 
207,8 heat: 16 Rapid Shots Hit for 114,67 WD 
208,0 heat: 16 Rapid Shots Hit for 94,89 WD 
208,5 heat: 11 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
208,5 heat: 27 Rocket Punch Hit for 1100,16 K
208,5 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
210,0 heat: 33 Rail Shot Hit for 1278,78 WD
210,0 heat: 33 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
211,5 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
211,5 heat: 28 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
211,5 heat: 20 Heat Blast Crit for 1295,43 E
211,5 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
213,0 heat: 26 Rocket Punch Crit for 2014,51 K
213,0 heat: 26 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
214,5 heat: 21 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
214,7 heat: 21 Rapid Shots Hit for 94,53 WD 
214,9 heat: 21 Rapid Shots Hit for 90,90 WD 
215,1 heat: 16 Rapid Shots Hit for 117,93 WD 
215,3 heat: 16 Rapid Shots Hit for 105,69 WD 
215,5 heat: 16 Rapid Shots Hit for 105,39 WD 
216,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
216,0 Debuff_Combust fades.
216,0 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
217,0 heat: 30 Flame Thrower Crit for 1177,75 E 
217,5 heat: 25 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
218,0 heat: 25 Flame Thrower Crit for 1177,75 E 
219,0 heat: 20 Flame Thrower Crit for 1177,75 E 
219,0 heat: 31 Flame Burst Hit for 896,68 E
220,5 heat: 26 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,22 K 
220,5 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
220,75 heat: 42 Unload Hit for 139,83 WD 
221,00 heat: 42 Unload Hit for 155,99 WD 
221,25 heat: 38 Unload Hit for 151,84 WD 
221,50 heat: 38 Unload Hit for 153,18 WD 
222,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
221,75 heat: 38 Unload Hit for 143,24 WD 
222,00 heat: 38 Unload Hit for 157,56 WD 
222,25 heat: 33 Unload Hit for 141,71 WD 
222,50 heat: 33 Unload Hit for 137,43 WD 
222,75 heat: 33 Unload Hit for 155,40 WD 
223,00 heat: 33 Unload Hit for 140,08 WD 
223,00 heat: 33 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
223,5 heat: 28 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
223,25 heat: 28 Unload Hit for 150,29 WD 
223,50 heat: 28 Unload Miss for 0 WD 
223,7 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 92,42 WD 
223,9 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Crit for 160,35 WD 
224,1 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Hit for 103,09 WD 
224,3 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Crit for 134,08 WD 
224,5 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Hit for 105,08 WD 
225,0 heat: 34 Rocket Punch Crit for 1981,72 K
225,0 heat: 34 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
226,5 heat: 29 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
226,5 heat: 21 Heat Blast Crit for 1292,35 E
226,5 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
228,0 heat: 27 Rail Shot Hit for 1306,72 WD
228,0 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
229,5 heat: 22 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
229,7 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Crit for 171,44 WD 
229,7 heat: 22 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 269,84 K 
229,9 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Hit for 109,80 WD 
230,1 heat: 17 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 
230,3 heat: 17 Rapid Shots Hit for 94,85 WD 
230,5 heat: 17 Rapid Shots Hit for 106,70 WD 
231,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
231,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
231,0 heat: 22 Rocket Punch Hit for 1108,31 K
231,0 heat: 22 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,89 K 
232,5 heat: 17 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
232,7 heat: 17 Rapid Shots Hit for 103,26 WD 
232,9 heat: 17 Rapid Shots Hit for 113,48 WD 
233,1 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Hit for 112,44 WD 
233,3 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Hit for 89,78 WD 
233,5 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Hit for 92,65 WD 
234,0 Debuff_Combust fades.
235,0 heat: 32 Flame Thrower Hit for 785,17 E 
235,5 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
235,5 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
235,5 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
236,0 heat: 27 Flame Thrower Crit for 1177,75 E 
237,0 heat: 22 Flame Thrower Hit for 785,17 E 
237,0 heat: 33 Flame Burst Hit for 840,54 E
238,5 heat: 28 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,14 K 
238,75 heat: 44 Unload Hit for 158,04 WD 
239,00 heat: 44 Unload Crit for 230,22 WD 
239,25 heat: 40 Unload Hit for 142,42 WD 
239,50 heat: 40 Unload Crit for 238,23 WD

Edited by MorningMusume
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You gain Explosive Fuel0 heat: 25 Incendiary Missile Hit for 447,71 E1,5 heat: 36 Rail Shot Hit for 1449,34 WD1,5 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.3,0 heat: 23 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Crit for 346,95 E 3,0 heat: 34 Rocket Punch Crit for 1661,56 K3,0 heat: 34 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 203,16 K 4,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.4,5 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.4,5 heat: 39 Rocket Punch Crit for 1679,47 K4,5 heat: 39 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K 6,0 heat: 34 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 6,0 heat: 34 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Crit for 346,95 E 6,2 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Crit for 162,83 WD 6,4 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Crit for 178,32 WD 6,6 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 107,45 WD 6,6 heat: 29 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K 6,8 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Crit for 153,02 WD 7,0 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 94,64 WD 7,5 heat: 40 Flame Burst Hit for 869,00 E7,5 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!9,0 heat: 36 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 9,0 heat: 36 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Crit for 346,95 E 9,0 heat: 31 Rail Shot Crit for 2093,29 WD9,0 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.9,0 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.9,0 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.10,5 heat: 34 Flame Burst Hit for 866,62 E12,0 heat: 29 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 12,0 heat: 29 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Crit for 346,95 E 12,0 heat: 40 Flame Burst Crit for 1284,67 E12,0 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!12,0 IonGasCylinder (Shock) fades.13,5 heat: 36 Rail Shot Hit for 1390,58 WD13,5 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.15,0 heat: 23 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Crit for 346,95 E 15,0 heat: 34 Rocket Punch Crit for 1653,62 K15,0 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!15,0 Explosive Fuel fades.15,0 heat: 34 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K 16,5 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.16,5 heat: 29 Rail Shot Crit for 2082,97 WD16,5 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.18,0 heat: 16 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 129,01 K 18,0 heat: 16 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 18,0 You gain Thermal Sensor Override.18,0 heat: 11 Incendiary Missile Crit for 670,27 E19,5 heat: 22 Rocket Punch Hit for 1118,54 K19,5 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!19,5 heat: 22 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K 21,0 heat: 17 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 21,0 heat: 17 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Crit for 346,95 E 21,0 heat: 12 Rail Shot Hit for 1293,13 WD21,0 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.21,0 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.22,5 heat: 16 Flame Burst Hit for 857,15 E22,5 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!24,0 heat: 11 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 24,0 heat: 11 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 24,0 heat: 6 Rail Shot Crit for 2150,48 WD24,0 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.24,0 heat: 0 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K 25,5 heat: 16 Flame Burst Hit for 814,50 E25,5 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!27,0 heat: 11 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 129,01 K 27,0 heat: 11 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 27,0 heat: 6 Rail Shot Hit for 1440,55 WD28,5 heat: 17 Rocket Punch Crit for 1636,76 K28,5 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!28,5 heat: 17 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K 30,0 heat: 12 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 129,01 K 30,0 heat: 12 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 30,0 heat: 7 Rail Shot Crit for 1876,85 WD30,0 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.31,5 heat: 16 Flame Burst Hit for 844,06 E33,0 heat: 11 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 33,0 heat: 11 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 33,0 heat: 22 Flame Burst Hit for 856,20 E34,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.34,5 heat: 27 Flame Burst Hit for 842,23 E34,5 IonGasCylinder (Shock) fades.36,0 heat: 22 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Crit for 346,95 E 36,0 heat: 42 Incendiary Missile Crit for 650,88 E37,7 heat: 38 Rapid Shots Hit for 89,32 WD 37,9 heat: 38 Rapid Shots Hit for 115,66 WD 38,1 heat: 33 Rapid Shots Crit for 138,34 WD 38,3 heat: 33 Rapid Shots Hit for 101,57 WD 38,5 heat: 33 Rapid Shots Hit for 100,10 WD 39,0 heat: 33 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 39,0 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.39,2 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 93,47 WD 39,4 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Crit for 157,21 WD 39,6 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 96,60 WD 39,8 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 102,90 WD 40,0 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 88,81 WD 40,5 heat: 39 Rocket Punch Crit for 1674,47 K40,5 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!40,5 heat: 39 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K 42,0 heat: 34 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 42,0 heat: 29 Rail Shot Crit for 2045,85 WD42,0 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.43,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.43,5 heat: 10 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 43,5 heat: 26 Flame Burst Hit for 834,50 E45,0 heat: 21 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 45,0 heat: 32 Flame Burst Hit for 841,59 E45,0 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!46,5 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 46,5 heat: 27 Rail Shot Hit for 1298,26 WD46,5 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.46,5 heat: 19 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K 48,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.48,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.48,0 heat: 8 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Crit for 346,95 E 48,0 heat: 19 Rocket Punch Crit for 1651,17 K48,0 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!48,0 heat: 19 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K 49,5 heat: 14 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 129,01 K 49,5 heat: 14 Rail Shot Hit for 1284,69 WD49,5 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.49,5 heat: 6 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K 51,0 heat: 1 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 51,0 heat: 16 Flame Burst Hit for 843,12 E51,0 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!52,5 heat: 11 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 129,01 K 52,5 heat: 11 Rail Shot Hit for 1389,84 WD52,5 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.52,5 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.52,5 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.54,0 heat: 0 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 54,0 heat: 25 Incendiary Missile Crit for 679,55 E55,5 heat: 20 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 55,5 heat: 36 Flame Burst Hit for 871,43 E55,5 IonGasCylinder (Shock) fades.57,0 heat: 31 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Crit for 346,95 E 57,2 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 90,67 WD 57,4 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 106,10 WD 57,4 heat: 26 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K 57,6 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 117,67 WD 57,8 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 112,98 WD 58,0 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 102,34 WD 58,5 heat: 37 Rocket Punch Hit for 1091,14 K60,0 heat: 32 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 60,0 heat: 32 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 60,2 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 113,36 WD 60,4 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 97,26 WD 60,6 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 114,27 WD 60,8 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 91,90 WD 61,0 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 99,13 WD 61,5 heat: 38 Flame Burst Hit for 856,23 E61,5 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!63,0 heat: 33 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 63,0 heat: 33 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 63,0 heat: 28 Rail Shot Hit for 1459,11 WD63,0 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.63,0 IonGasCylinder (Shock) fades.64,5 heat: 31 Flame Burst Crit for 1223,44 E64,5 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!66,0 heat: 26 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 66,0 heat: 21 Rail Shot Hit for 1325,27 WD66,0 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.67,5 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.67,5 heat: 24 Rocket Punch Crit for 1641,13 K67,5 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!67,5 heat: 24 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K 69,0 heat: 19 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 69,0 heat: 14 Rail Shot Hit for 1384,24 WD69,0 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.70,5 heat: 1 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 70,5 heat: 17 Flame Burst Crit for 1305,44 E72,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.72,0 heat: 12 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 72,0 heat: 32 Incendiary Missile Hit for 450,84 E73,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.73,5 heat: 21 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 73,5 heat: 37 Rocket Punch Crit for 1666,79 K73,5 IonGasCylinder (Shock) fades.75,0 heat: 32 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Crit for 346,95 E 75,2 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 107,49 WD 75,4 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 107,89 WD 75,4 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 203,16 K 75,6 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 102,05 WD 75,8 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 97,09 WD 76,0 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 101,83 WD 76,5 heat: 38 Flame Burst Crit for 1217,25 E76,5 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.78,0 heat: 33 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 78,0 heat: 33 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 78,0 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.78,2 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 99,27 WD 78,4 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 109,61 WD 78,6 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 101,65 WD 78,8 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 100,59 WD 79,0 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 88,85 WD 79,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.79,5 heat: 33 Flame Burst Hit for 853,59 E81,0 heat: 28 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 81,0 heat: 28 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Crit for 346,95 E 81,0 heat: 39 Flame Burst Crit for 1228,02 E81,0 IonGasCylinder (Shock) fades.82,5 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.82,5 Next Rail Shot is free fades.82,7 heat: 34 Rapid Shots Hit for 110,41 WD 82,9 heat: 34 Rapid Shots Hit for 114,77 WD 82,9 heat: 34 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 203,16 K 83,1 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 107,14 WD 83,3 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 96,57 WD 83,5 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 115,74 WD 84,0 heat: 29 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 84,0 heat: 40 Rail Shot Hit for 1467,49 WD84,0 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.84,0 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.85,5 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 85,7 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 99,49 WD 85,9 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Crit for 169,99 WD 85,9 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K 86,1 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 86,3 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Hit for 111,20 WD 86,5 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 87,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.87,0 heat: 22 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 87,0 heat: 33 Rocket Punch Hit for 1117,22 K87,0 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!88,5 heat: 28 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 129,01 K 88,5 heat: 28 Rail Shot Hit for 1245,57 WD88,5 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.90,0 heat: 15 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 90,0 heat: 35 Incendiary Missile Hit for 425,98 E91,5 heat: 30 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 129,01 K 91,5 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.91,7 heat: 30 Rapid Shots Hit for 101,20 WD 91,7 heat: 30 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K 91,9 heat: 30 Rapid Shots Crit for 157,01 WD 92,1 heat: 25 Rapid Shots Hit for 111,91 WD 92,3 heat: 25 Rapid Shots Crit for 153,06 WD 92,5 heat: 25 Rapid Shots Crit for 149,63 WD 93,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.93,0 heat: 19 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 93,0 heat: 30 Flame Burst Hit for 860,85 E94,5 heat: 25 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 94,5 heat: 41 Flame Burst Hit for 851,19 E96,0 heat: 37 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 96,2 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Hit for 90,98 WD 96,4 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 96,6 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Hit for 95,66 WD 96,8 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Hit for 103,48 WD 97,0 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Crit for 146,77 WD 97,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.97,5 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.97,5 heat: 21 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 97,5 heat: 37 Rocket Punch Crit for 1667,42 K97,5 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!97,5 IonGasCylinder (Shock) fades.99,0 heat: 32 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 99,0 heat: 27 Rail Shot Crit for 2145,75 WD99,0 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.100,5 heat: 30 Flame Burst Hit for 872,98 E102,0 heat: 25 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 102,0 heat: 36 Flame Burst Hit for 834,13 E102,0 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.102,0 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.103,7 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Crit for 149,52 WD 103,9 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Hit for 111,32 WD 104,1 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Crit for 137,90 WD 104,3 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 89,85 WD 104,5 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 115,13 WD 105,0 heat: 26 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Crit for 346,95 E 105,0 heat: 37 Flame Burst Crit for 1300,06 E106,7 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Hit for 112,39 WD 106,7 heat: 32 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K 106,9 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Hit for 108,17 WD 107,1 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 104,82 WD 107,3 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 107,5 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 111,05 WD 108,0 heat: 27 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 108,0 heat: 47 Incendiary Missile Hit for 425,93 E109,5 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.109,5 heat: 43 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 109,7 heat: 43 Rapid Shots Crit for 144,62 WD 109,7 heat: 43 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K 109,9 heat: 43 Rapid Shots Hit for 90,22 WD 110,1 heat: 39 Rapid Shots Crit for 155,72 WD 110,3 heat: 39 Rapid Shots Hit for 109,03 WD 110,5 heat: 39 Rapid Shots Hit for 112,26 WD 111,0 heat: 39 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 111,2 heat: 34 Rapid Shots Hit for 108,49 WD 111,4 heat: 34 Rapid Shots Hit for 97,61 WD 111,6 heat: 34 Rapid Shots Hit for 95,09 WD 111,8 heat: 34 Rapid Shots Hit for 106,81 WD 112,0 heat: 34 Rapid Shots Hit for 102,81 WD 112,5 heat: 29 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 112,5 Next Rail Shot is free fades.112,7 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 109,41 WD 112,7 heat: 29 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K 112,9 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 108,56 WD 113,1 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Hit for 104,78 WD 113,3 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Hit for 101,93 WD 113,5 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Crit for 138,61 WD 114,0 heat: 24 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Crit for 346,95 E 114,0 heat: 35 Rail Shot Hit for 1463,34 WD114,0 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.114,0 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.115,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.115,5 heat: 16 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 115,5 heat: 32 Rocket Punch Hit for 1095,78 K115,5 heat: 32 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 203,16 K 117,0 heat: 27 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 117,0 heat: 38 Flame Burst Hit for 851,64 E118,5 heat: 33 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 118,7 heat: 33 Rapid Shots Hit for 115,70 WD 118,9 heat: 33 Rapid Shots Hit for 103,54 WD 119,1 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 107,69 WD 119,3 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 94,44 WD 119,5 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Crit for 142,73 WD 120,0 heat: 28 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E You gain Explosive Fuel120,0 heat: 39 Flame Burst Hit for 813,02 E120,0 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.121,5 heat: 34 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 121,5 IonGasCylinder (Shock) fades.121,7 heat: 34 Rapid Shots Hit for 105,78 WD 121,9 heat: 34 Rapid Shots Crit for 163,25 WD 122,1 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 89,40 WD 122,3 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Crit for 147,53 WD 122,5 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 108,38 WD 123,0 heat: 29 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 123,0 heat: 40 Flame Burst Crit for 1218,90 E123,0 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!124,5 heat: 36 Rail Shot Hit for 1447,18 WD124,5 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.126,0 heat: 23 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Crit for 346,95 E 126,0 heat: 43 Incendiary Missile Hit for 416,06 E127,5 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.127,7 heat: 39 Rapid Shots Hit for 115,17 WD 127,7 heat: 39 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K 127,9 heat: 39 Rapid Shots Crit for 166,28 WD 128,1 heat: 34 Rapid Shots Crit for 134,97 WD 128,3 heat: 34 Rapid Shots Crit for 174,25 WD 128,5 heat: 34 Rapid Shots Crit for 176,43 WD 129,0 heat: 34 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Crit for 346,95 E 129,2 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 107,60 WD 129,4 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 129,6 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Crit for 176,04 WD 129,8 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 110,01 WD 130,0 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 130,5 heat: 24 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 129,01 K 130,5 heat: 40 Rocket Punch Crit for 1643,37 K130,5 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!132,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.132,0 heat: 36 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 132,0 heat: 31 Rail Shot Crit for 2032,95 WD132,0 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.133,5 heat: 18 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 133,5 heat: 34 Rocket Punch Crit for 1655,74 K133,5 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!133,5 IonGasCylinder (Shock) fades.135,0 heat: 29 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 135,0 heat: 24 Rail Shot Hit for 1443,92 WD135,0 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.135,0 Explosive Fuel fades.136,5 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.136,5 heat: 27 Rocket Punch Hit for 1106,82 K136,5 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 203,16 K 138,0 heat: 22 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 138,0 heat: 33 Flame Burst Hit for 819,32 E139,5 heat: 28 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 129,01 K 139,7 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 98,90 WD 139,9 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Crit for 134,95 WD 140,1 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Hit for 96,83 WD 140,3 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 140,5 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Crit for 145,52 WD 141,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.141,0 heat: 17 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 141,0 heat: 28 Flame Burst Hit for 815,92 E141,0 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.142,5 heat: 23 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 142,5 heat: 39 Flame Burst Crit for 1292,99 E142,5 IonGasCylinder (Shock) fades.144,0 heat: 34 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 144,0 You gain Thermal Sensor Override.144,0 heat: 29 Incendiary Missile Hit for 411,90 E145,5 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.145,5 heat: 40 Rocket Punch Hit for 1096,66 K145,5 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.145,5 heat: 40 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K 147,0 heat: 36 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 147,2 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Crit for 179,35 WD 147,2 heat: 31 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 203,16 K 147,4 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Hit for 103,36 WD 147,6 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Crit for 154,53 WD 147,8 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Crit for 154,09 WD 148,0 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Hit for 109,77 WD 148,5 heat: 26 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 148,5 Next Rail Shot is free fades.148,7 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 108,30 WD 148,9 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 110,69 WD 149,1 heat: 21 Rapid Shots Hit for 112,57 WD 149,3 heat: 21 Rapid Shots Hit for 93,28 WD 149,5 heat: 21 Rapid Shots Hit for 106,14 WD 150,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.150,0 heat: 15 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Crit for 346,95 E 150,0 heat: 26 Rail Shot Hit for 1410,77 WD150,0 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.150,0 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.151,5 heat: 13 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 151,5 heat: 29 Flame Burst Hit for 858,91 E153,0 heat: 24 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 153,0 heat: 35 Flame Burst Hit for 814,47 E153,0 IonGasCylinder (Shock) fades.154,5 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.154,7 heat: 30 Rapid Shots Hit for 118,98 WD 154,9 heat: 30 Rapid Shots Hit for 104,05 WD 155,1 heat: 25 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 155,3 heat: 25 Rapid Shots Hit for 92,10 WD 155,5 heat: 25 Rapid Shots Hit for 95,83 WD 156,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.156,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.156,0 heat: 19 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 156,0 heat: 30 Rocket Punch Crit for 1680,69 K156,0 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!157,5 heat: 25 Rail Shot Hit for 1341,14 WD157,5 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.159,0 heat: 12 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 159,0 heat: 23 Flame Burst Crit for 1237,05 E160,5 heat: 34 Flame Burst Hit for 840,06 E160,5 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!160,5 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.160,5 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.162,0 heat: 29 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 162,0 heat: 49 Incendiary Missile Hit for 456,93 E163,5 heat: 45 Rail Shot Hit for 1453,62 WD163,5 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.165,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.165,0 heat: 32 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 165,2 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 165,2 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K 165,4 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 90,49 WD 165,6 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 95,50 WD 165,8 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 100,58 WD 166,0 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 112,95 WD 166,5 heat: 38 Rocket Punch Crit for 1642,09 K168,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.168,0 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 129,01 K 168,0 heat: 27 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Crit for 346,95 E 168,0 heat: 38 Flame Burst Crit for 1273,27 E169,5 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.169,7 heat: 33 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 169,9 heat: 33 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 170,1 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 109,96 WD 170,3 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 106,51 WD 170,5 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 105,28 WD 171,0 heat: 28 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 171,0 heat: 28 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 171,0 heat: 39 Flame Burst Crit for 1226,74 E171,0 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!171,0 IonGasCylinder (Shock) fades.172,5 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.172,5 heat: 34 Rail Shot Hit for 1450,01 WD172,5 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.172,5 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.174,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.174,0 heat: 15 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 174,0 heat: 26 Rocket Punch Hit for 1120,73 K175,5 heat: 37 Flame Burst Crit for 1295,73 E177,0 heat: 32 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 177,0 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.177,2 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 97,72 WD 177,2 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K 177,4 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 105,13 WD 177,6 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Crit for 136,76 WD 177,8 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 103,86 WD 178,0 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Crit for 165,09 WD 178,5 heat: 38 Flame Burst Hit for 864,33 E178,5 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.180,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.180,0 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 180,0 heat: 27 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 180,0 heat: 47 Incendiary Missile Hit for 427,35 E181,7 heat: 43 Rapid Shots Crit for 150,00 WD 181,9 heat: 43 Rapid Shots Hit for 102,98 WD 182,1 heat: 39 Rapid Shots Hit for 110,12 WD 182,3 heat: 39 Rapid Shots Hit for 105,62 WD 182,5 heat: 39 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 183,0 heat: 39 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 183,0 heat: 39 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 183,2 heat: 34 Rapid Shots Hit for 108,92 WD 183,4 heat: 34 Rapid Shots Hit for 110,99 WD 183,6 heat: 34 Rapid Shots Hit for 99,27 WD 183,6 heat: 34 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K 183,8 heat: 34 Rapid Shots Hit for 97,76 WD 184,0 heat: 34 Rapid Shots Hit for 92,01 WD 184,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.184,5 heat: 39 Rocket Punch Crit for 1651,87 K184,5 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!186,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.186,0 heat: 34 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 186,0 heat: 34 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 186,0 heat: 29 Rail Shot Miss for 0,0 WD187,5 heat: 40 Rocket Punch Crit for 1659,92 K187,5 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!187,5 heat: 40 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K 189,0 heat: 36 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 129,01 K 189,0 heat: 36 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Crit for 346,95 E 189,0 heat: 31 Rail Shot Hit for 1260,79 WD189,0 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.189,0 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.190,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.190,5 heat: 28 Flame Burst Crit for 1278,28 E190,5 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!190,5 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.192,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.192,0 heat: 23 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 192,0 heat: 23 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Crit for 346,95 E 192,0 heat: 18 Rail Shot Hit for 1251,01 WD192,0 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.193,5 heat: 21 Rocket Punch Crit for 1644,21 K193,5 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!193,5 IonGasCylinder (Shock) fades.195,0 heat: 16 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 195,0 heat: 11 Rail Shot Hit for 1490,10 WD195,0 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.195,0 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.196,5 heat: 16 Flame Burst Crit for 1221,24 E196,5 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.198,0 heat: 11 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 198,0 heat: 31 Incendiary Missile Hit for 427,22 E199,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.199,5 heat: 36 Flame Burst Hit for 842,70 E201,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.201,0 heat: 31 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 201,2 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 102,13 WD 201,4 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Crit for 155,56 WD 201,6 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 201,6 heat: 26 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K 201,8 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Crit for 133,54 WD 202,0 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Crit for 141,53 WD 202,5 heat: 37 Rocket Punch Crit for 1660,84 K202,5 Your next Rail Shot is free. Cooldown finished!204,0 heat: 32 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 204,0 heat: 32 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 204,0 heat: 27 Rail Shot Hit for 1309,05 WD204,0 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.204,0 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.205,5 heat: 30 Flame Burst Crit for 1229,23 E205,5 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.207,0 heat: 25 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 207,0 heat: 25 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Crit for 346,95 E 207,0 heat: 36 Flame Burst Hit for 820,30 E207,0 IonGasCylinder (Shock) fades.208,7 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Hit for 98,26 WD 208,9 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Hit for 100,80 WD 209,1 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 102,46 WD 209,1 heat: 26 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K 209,3 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 90,83 WD 209,5 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 91,60 WD 210,0 heat: 26 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 210,0 heat: 37 Flame Burst Hit for 834,02 E211,5 heat: 32 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 211,7 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Hit for 94,11 WD 211,9 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Hit for 99,65 WD 212,1 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 107,33 WD 212,3 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 92,66 WD 212,5 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 91,99 WD 213,0 heat: 27 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 213,0 heat: 38 Rocket Punch Hit for 1103,86 K214,5 heat: 33 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 214,7 heat: 33 Rapid Shots Hit for 89,72 WD 214,9 heat: 33 Rapid Shots Hit for 111,13 WD 215,1 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 102,64 WD 215,1 heat: 28 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K 215,3 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Crit for 175,16 WD 215,5 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 100,37 WD 216,0 heat: 28 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 216,0 heat: 48 Incendiary Missile Crit for 656,75 E217,5 heat: 44 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 217,5 Next Rail Shot is free fades.217,7 heat: 44 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 217,7 heat: 44 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K 217,9 heat: 44 Rapid Shots Hit for 115,71 WD 218,1 heat: 40 Rapid Shots Hit for 109,26 WD 218,3 heat: 40 Rapid Shots Crit for 173,99 WD 218,5 heat: 40 Rapid Shots Crit for 137,92 WD 219,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.219,0 heat: 40 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 219,0 heat: 52 Rail Shot Hit for 1373,17 WD219,0 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.220,5 heat: 40 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 220,7 heat: 40 Rapid Shots Crit for 135,23 WD 220,9 heat: 40 Rapid Shots Hit for 98,58 WD 221,1 heat: 36 Rapid Shots Hit for 105,59 WD 221,1 heat: 36 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K 221,3 heat: 36 Rapid Shots Crit for 147,54 WD 221,5 heat: 36 Rapid Shots Crit for 157,46 WD 222,0 heat: 36 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 222,2 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Hit for 109,02 WD 222,4 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Hit for 114,19 WD 222,6 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Hit for 94,32 WD 222,8 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Hit for 110,49 WD 223,0 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Crit for 148,26 WD 223,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.223,5 heat: 20 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 223,5 heat: 36 Rocket Punch Crit for 1639,38 K223,5 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.223,5 heat: 36 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K 225,0 heat: 31 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 225,0 Debuff_Combust fades.225,2 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Crit for 148,16 WD 225,4 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 110,91 WD 225,6 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 111,30 WD 225,8 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 114,62 WD 226,0 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 96,06 WD 226,5 heat: 21 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 129,01 K 226,5 heat: 37 Flame Burst Hit for 823,79 E228,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.228,0 heat: 26 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 228,0 heat: 37 Flame Burst Hit for 810,69 E229,5 heat: 32 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K 229,5 IonGasCylinder (Shock) fades.229,7 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Hit for 111,28 WD 229,9 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Hit for 93,91 WD 230,1 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 90,15 WD 230,3 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Crit for 162,73 WD 230,5 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 231,0 heat: 27 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 231,0 heat: 38 Flame Burst Hit for 830,66 E232,5 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.232,7 heat: 33 Rapid Shots Hit for 116,65 WD 232,9 heat: 33 Rapid Shots Hit for 91,75 WD 233,1 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 113,18 WD 233,3 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 107,29 WD 233,5 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 114,95 WD 234,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.234,0 heat: 28 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 234,0 heat: 48 Incendiary Missile Crit for 623,84 E235,5 heat: 60 Rail Shot Crit for 1967,39 WD235,5 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.237,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.237,0 heat: 43 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Hit for 231,30 E 237,2 heat: 39 Rapid Shots Hit for 101,94 WD 237,4 heat: 39 Rapid Shots Hit for 103,97 WD 237,6 heat: 39 Rapid Shots Hit for 110,28 WD 237,8 heat: 39 Rapid Shots Hit for 106,68 WD 237,8 heat: 39 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 203,16 K 238,0 heat: 39 Rapid Shots Hit for 116,36 WD 238,5 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.238,7 heat: 34 Rapid Shots Hit for 103,30 WD 238,9 heat: 34 Rapid Shots Hit for 98,74 WD 239,1 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 108,54 WD 239,3 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 110,22 WD 239,3 heat: 29 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 203,16 K 239,5 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 98,87 WD


Edited by MorningMusume
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31/8/2 without Unload

0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
You gain Explosive Fuel
0 heat: 16 Rocket Punch Crit for 2004,20 K
0 heat: 16 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 269,69 K 
1,5 heat: 27 Rail Shot Miss for 0 WD
3,0 heat: 22 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,12 K 
3,0 You gain Thermal Sensor Override.
4,0 heat: 17 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
4,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
5,0 heat: 6 Flame Thrower Crit for 1177,11 E 
6,0 heat: 1 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,12 K 
6,0 heat: 1 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
6,0 heat: 16 Flame Burst Hit for 882,59 E
7,5 heat: 3 Heat Blast Hit for 845,88 E
9,0 heat: 0 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
9,0 heat: 16 Rocket Punch Crit for 2004,15 K
9,0 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
9,0 heat: 16 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 269,69 K 
10,7 heat: 11 Rapid Shots Hit for 91,49 WD 
10,9 heat: 11 Rapid Shots Crit for 173,95 WD 
11,1 heat: 6 Rapid Shots Crit for 165,10 WD 
11,1 heat: 6 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
11,3 heat: 6 Rapid Shots Crit for 167,21 WD 
11,5 heat: 6 Rapid Shots Hit for 114,85 WD 
12,0 heat: 6 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
12,0 heat: 17 Flame Burst Crit for 1340,00 E
13,7 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Crit for 169,09 WD 
13,7 heat: 12 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 269,69 K 
13,9 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Crit for 136,78 WD 
14,1 heat: 7 Rapid Shots Crit for 161,50 WD 
14,3 heat: 7 Rapid Shots Crit for 141,82 WD 
14,5 heat: 7 Rapid Shots Crit for 139,68 WD 
15,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
15,0 heat: 7 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
15,0 heat: 18 Rocket Punch Hit for 1106,71 K
15,0 Explosive Fuel fades.
15,0 heat: 18 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
16,5 heat: 29 Rail Shot Crit for 1731,03 WD
18,0 heat: 24 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
18,2 heat: 19 Rapid Shots Crit for 166,10 WD 
18,4 heat: 19 Rapid Shots Hit for 101,60 WD 
18,4 heat: 19 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
18,6 heat: 19 Rapid Shots Hit for 92,82 WD 
18,8 heat: 19 Rapid Shots Crit for 140,37 WD 
19,0 heat: 19 Rapid Shots Hit for 89,43 WD 
19,5 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
19,5 heat: 30 Rocket Punch Hit for 1108,87 K
19,5 heat: 30 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
21,0 heat: 25 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,12 K 
21,2 heat: 20 Rapid Shots Crit for 173,57 WD 
21,4 heat: 20 Rapid Shots Hit for 93,56 WD 
21,6 heat: 20 Rapid Shots Hit for 91,86 WD 
21,6 heat: 20 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
21,8 heat: 20 Rapid Shots Hit for 114,81 WD 
22,0 heat: 20 Rapid Shots Hit for 106,78 WD 
23,5 heat: 36 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
24,0 heat: 36 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,12 K 
24,0 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
24,5 heat: 31 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
25,5 heat: 26 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
25,5 heat: 18 Heat Blast Hit for 882,69 E
27,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
27,0 heat: 7 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
27,0 heat: 18 Flame Burst Hit for 839,08 E
28,5 heat: 29 Rocket Punch Crit for 1966,90 K
28,5 heat: 29 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
30,0 heat: 24 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
30,2 heat: 19 Rapid Shots Hit for 102,56 WD 
30,4 heat: 19 Rapid Shots Crit for 141,55 WD 
30,4 heat: 19 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
30,6 heat: 19 Rapid Shots Hit for 111,01 WD 
30,8 heat: 19 Rapid Shots Hit for 116,27 WD 
31,0 heat: 19 Rapid Shots Crit for 169,08 WD 
31,5 heat: 30 Rail Shot Hit for 1204,55 WD
31,5 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
33,0 heat: 25 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
33,2 heat: 20 Rapid Shots Hit for 111,86 WD 
33,4 heat: 20 Rapid Shots Hit for 105,53 WD 
33,6 heat: 20 Rapid Shots Hit for 98,77 WD 
33,8 heat: 20 Rapid Shots Hit for 101,28 WD 
34,0 heat: 20 Rapid Shots Hit for 119,39 WD 
34,7 heat: 15 Rapid Shots Hit for 104,18 WD 
34,9 heat: 15 Rapid Shots Crit for 142,33 WD 
35,1 heat: 10 Rapid Shots Hit for 117,53 WD 
35,3 heat: 10 Rapid Shots Hit for 112,21 WD 
35,5 heat: 10 Rapid Shots Hit for 93,94 WD 
36,0 heat: 10 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,12 K 
36,0 heat: 21 Flame Burst Crit for 1289,85 E
37,5 heat: 32 Rocket Punch Hit for 1108,20 K
37,5 heat: 32 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
39,0 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
39,2 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Crit for 156,15 WD 
39,4 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Hit for 105,93 WD 
39,6 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Crit for 158,04 WD 
39,6 heat: 22 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
39,8 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Hit for 116,75 WD 
40,0 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Crit for 159,98 WD 
41,5 heat: 38 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
42,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
42,0 heat: 32 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
42,5 heat: 27 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
43,5 heat: 22 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
43,5 heat: 14 Heat Blast Hit for 894,66 E
45,0 heat: 9 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,12 K 
45,0 heat: 20 Flame Burst Crit for 1357,47 E
46,5 heat: 31 Rocket Punch Crit for 1980,18 K
46,5 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
46,5 heat: 31 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
48,0 heat: 26 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,12 K 
48,0 heat: 37 Rail Shot Hit for 1131,56 WD
49,7 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Hit for 116,25 WD 
49,7 heat: 32 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 269,69 K 
49,9 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Hit for 116,61 WD 
50,1 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 103,55 WD 
50,3 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Crit for 147,36 WD 
50,5 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 112,18 WD 
51,0 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,12 K 
51,2 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Hit for 114,66 WD 
51,4 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Crit for 173,86 WD 
51,6 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Hit for 97,98 WD 
51,8 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Hit for 93,84 WD 
52,0 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Hit for 118,78 WD 
52,7 heat: 17 Rapid Shots Crit for 161,87 WD 
52,9 heat: 17 Rapid Shots Hit for 110,92 WD 
53,1 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Hit for 111,29 WD 
53,3 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Hit for 107,94 WD 
53,5 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Hit for 95,52 WD 
54,0 heat: 12 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
54,0 heat: 23 Flame Burst Hit for 877,97 E
55,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
55,5 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
55,5 heat: 28 Rocket Punch Hit for 1116,67 K
55,5 heat: 28 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
57,0 heat: 23 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
57,2 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Hit for 107,54 WD 
57,4 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Hit for 105,82 WD 
57,6 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Hit for 96,26 WD 
57,8 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Crit for 165,65 WD 
58,0 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Crit for 148,26 WD 
59,5 heat: 33 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
60,0 heat: 33 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
60,0 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
60,0 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
60,5 heat: 28 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
61,5 heat: 23 Flame Thrower Crit for 1177,11 E 
61,5 heat: 15 Heat Blast Hit for 851,12 E
63,0 heat: 10 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
63,0 heat: 21 Rail Shot Hit for 1188,32 WD
63,0 heat: 21 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
64,5 heat: 32 Rocket Punch Hit for 1114,68 K
64,5 heat: 32 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
66,0 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
66,2 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 
66,4 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Hit for 105,32 WD 
66,6 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Hit for 102,37 WD 
66,8 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Hit for 105,22 WD 
67,0 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Hit for 100,68 WD 
67,7 heat: 17 Rapid Shots Hit for 108,26 WD 
67,9 heat: 17 Rapid Shots Crit for 157,93 WD 
68,1 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 
68,1 heat: 12 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 269,69 K 
68,3 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Crit for 142,96 WD 
68,5 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Hit for 116,43 WD 
69,0 heat: 12 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
69,0 heat: 23 Flame Burst Hit for 899,02 E
70,7 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Hit for 102,87 WD 
70,9 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Hit for 90,50 WD 
71,1 heat: 13 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 
71,3 heat: 13 Rapid Shots Hit for 103,26 WD 
71,5 heat: 13 Rapid Shots Hit for 118,63 WD 
72,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
72,0 heat: 13 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
72,0 heat: 24 Rocket Punch Crit for 1983,17 K
72,0 heat: 24 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
73,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
73,7 heat: 13 Rapid Shots Crit for 144,76 WD 
73,9 heat: 13 Rapid Shots Hit for 111,48 WD 
74,1 heat: 8 Rapid Shots Hit for 105,45 WD 
74,3 heat: 8 Rapid Shots Hit for 104,97 WD 
74,3 heat: 8 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
74,5 heat: 8 Rapid Shots Hit for 117,36 WD 
75,0 heat: 8 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,12 K 
75,0 heat: 19 Flame Burst Crit for 1310,46 E
76,5 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
77,5 heat: 34 Flame Thrower Crit for 1177,11 E 
78,0 heat: 34 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
78,0 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
78,5 heat: 29 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
79,5 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
79,5 heat: 24 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
79,5 heat: 40 Rocket Punch Crit for 1997,34 K
79,5 heat: 40 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
81,0 heat: 36 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
81,0 heat: 23 Heat Blast Crit for 1264,66 E
82,5 heat: 34 Rail Shot Hit for 1203,69 WD
84,0 heat: 29 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,12 K 
84,0 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
84,2 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Crit for 140,55 WD 
84,4 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Hit for 98,34 WD 
84,6 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 
84,8 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Hit for 92,01 WD 
85,0 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Crit for 144,03 WD 
85,5 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
85,5 heat: 35 Rocket Punch Hit for 1113,05 K
85,5 heat: 35 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 269,69 K 
87,0 heat: 30 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
87,2 heat: 25 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 
87,4 heat: 25 Rapid Shots Hit for 110,03 WD 
87,6 heat: 25 Rapid Shots Hit for 92,67 WD 
87,8 heat: 25 Rapid Shots Crit for 152,07 WD 
88,0 heat: 25 Rapid Shots Hit for 94,41 WD 
88,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
88,7 heat: 14 Rapid Shots Hit for 98,05 WD 
88,9 heat: 14 Rapid Shots Hit for 89,12 WD 
89,1 heat: 9 Rapid Shots Hit for 114,27 WD 
89,3 heat: 9 Rapid Shots Crit for 139,48 WD 
89,5 heat: 9 Rapid Shots Hit for 113,41 WD 
90,0 heat: 9 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
90,0 heat: 20 Flame Burst Hit for 848,22 E
90,0 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
91,7 heat: 15 Rapid Shots Hit for 100,23 WD 
91,9 heat: 15 Rapid Shots Hit for 119,17 WD 
91,9 heat: 15 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 269,69 K 
92,1 heat: 10 Rapid Shots Hit for 110,32 WD 
92,3 heat: 10 Rapid Shots Hit for 91,60 WD 
92,5 heat: 10 Rapid Shots Hit for 105,09 WD 
93,0 heat: 10 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
93,0 heat: 21 Flame Burst Hit for 875,77 E
93,0 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
94,5 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
94,5 heat: 32 Rocket Punch Hit for 1097,06 K
94,5 heat: 32 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
96,0 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
96,0 heat: 14 Heat Blast Crit for 1346,38 E
97,5 heat: 25 Rail Shot Crit for 1786,82 WD
99,0 heat: 20 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
99,0 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
100,0 heat: 40 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
101,0 heat: 36 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
102,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
102,0 heat: 25 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
102,0 heat: 25 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
102,2 heat: 20 Rapid Shots Hit for 104,52 WD 
102,4 heat: 20 Rapid Shots Crit for 176,75 WD 
102,6 heat: 20 Rapid Shots Hit for 106,56 WD 
102,8 heat: 20 Rapid Shots Hit for 115,47 WD 
103,0 heat: 20 Rapid Shots Crit for 175,03 WD 
103,5 heat: 31 Rocket Punch Crit for 2015,25 K
103,5 heat: 31 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
105,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
105,0 heat: 37 Rocket Punch Crit for 1993,93 K
105,0 heat: 37 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
106,5 heat: 32 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,12 K 
106,5 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
106,7 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Crit for 162,25 WD 
106,9 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Hit for 116,29 WD 
106,9 heat: 32 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
107,1 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 111,74 WD 
107,3 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 117,73 WD 
107,5 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Crit for 142,77 WD 
108,0 heat: 38 Flame Burst Hit for 848,70 E
109,5 heat: 33 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
109,5 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
109,7 heat: 33 Rapid Shots Crit for 174,70 WD 
109,9 heat: 33 Rapid Shots Hit for 105,43 WD 
110,1 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 97,29 WD 
110,1 heat: 28 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
110,3 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 90,12 WD 
110,5 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 90,43 WD 
111,0 heat: 15 Heat Blast Hit for 857,52 E
112,5 heat: 10 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
112,5 heat: 26 Rail Shot Hit for 1204,79 WD
114,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
114,0 heat: 32 Rocket Punch Crit for 1965,72 K
114,0 heat: 32 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
115,5 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
115,7 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 89,31 WD 
115,9 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 110,34 WD 
115,9 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
116,1 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Hit for 116,81 WD 
116,3 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Hit for 119,26 WD 
116,5 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Crit for 162,58 WD 
118,0 heat: 42 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
118,5 heat: 38 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
118,5 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
119,0 heat: 38 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
120,0 heat: 33 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
You gain Explosive Fuel
120,2 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 
120,4 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 96,49 WD 
120,6 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 111,63 WD 
120,6 heat: 28 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 269,69 K 
120,8 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 94,02 WD 
121,0 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 116,14 WD 
121,5 heat: 23 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,12 K 
121,7 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Hit for 94,60 WD 
121,9 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Hit for 101,73 WD 
122,1 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Crit for 173,37 WD 
122,1 heat: 18 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 269,69 K 
122,3 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Crit for 178,31 WD 
122,5 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Hit for 93,39 WD 
123,0 heat: 29 Rocket Punch Hit for 1094,71 K
123,0 Debuff_Combust fades.
123,0 heat: 29 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
124,5 heat: 24 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
124,5 heat: 40 Flame Burst Hit for 901,61 E
126,0 heat: 23 Heat Blast Hit for 867,96 E
127,5 heat: 18 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,12 K 
127,5 heat: 34 Rail Shot Hit for 1200,87 WD
127,5 heat: 34 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 269,69 K 
129,2 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Crit for 140,49 WD 
129,4 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Crit for 164,40 WD 
129,4 heat: 24 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 269,69 K 
129,6 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Crit for 148,61 WD 
129,8 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Crit for 154,53 WD 
130,0 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Hit for 102,60 WD 
130,5 heat: 19 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
130,7 heat: 19 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 
130,9 heat: 19 Rapid Shots Hit for 95,74 WD 
131,1 heat: 14 Rapid Shots Hit for 93,22 WD 
131,3 heat: 14 Rapid Shots Crit for 143,08 WD 
131,5 heat: 14 Rapid Shots Crit for 157,98 WD 
132,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
132,0 heat: 25 Rocket Punch Crit for 1993,69 K
132,0 heat: 25 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
133,5 heat: 20 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,12 K 
133,7 heat: 20 Rapid Shots Hit for 95,32 WD 
133,9 heat: 20 Rapid Shots Hit for 99,91 WD 
133,9 heat: 20 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 269,69 K 
134,1 heat: 15 Rapid Shots Crit for 165,40 WD 
134,3 heat: 15 Rapid Shots Hit for 91,09 WD 
134,5 heat: 15 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 
135,0 You gain Thermal Sensor Override.
135,0 Explosive Fuel fades.
136,0 heat: 10 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
136,5 heat: 5 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
136,5 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
137,0 heat: 5 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
138,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
138,0 heat: 0 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
138,0 heat: 16 Rocket Punch Hit for 1110,28 K
138,0 heat: 16 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
139,5 heat: 11 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
139,5 heat: 27 Flame Burst Hit for 892,74 E
141,0 heat: 9 Heat Blast Crit for 1341,72 E
142,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
142,5 heat: 0 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
142,5 heat: 16 Rail Shot Hit for 1257,20 WD
142,5 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
142,5 heat: 16 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
144,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
144,0 heat: 22 Rocket Punch Crit for 1994,19 K
144,0 heat: 22 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
145,5 heat: 17 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
145,7 heat: 17 Rapid Shots Hit for 96,40 WD 
145,9 heat: 17 Rapid Shots Hit for 98,79 WD 
146,1 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Crit for 154,30 WD 
146,1 heat: 12 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 269,69 K 
146,3 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Hit for 97,26 WD 
146,5 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Hit for 98,76 WD 
147,0 heat: 23 Flame Burst Hit for 884,29 E
147,0 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
148,5 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
148,5 heat: 18 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
148,5 heat: 34 Rocket Punch Crit for 2013,32 K
148,5 heat: 34 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 269,69 K 
150,2 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Hit for 105,90 WD 
150,4 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Crit for 154,37 WD 
150,4 heat: 24 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
150,6 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Hit for 112,18 WD 
150,8 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Hit for 117,85 WD 
151,0 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Hit for 92,61 WD 
151,5 heat: 19 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
151,7 heat: 19 Rapid Shots Hit for 111,29 WD 
151,9 heat: 19 Rapid Shots Hit for 91,54 WD 
152,1 heat: 14 Rapid Shots Hit for 102,85 WD 
152,3 heat: 14 Rapid Shots Hit for 119,15 WD 
152,5 heat: 14 Rapid Shots Hit for 102,40 WD 
153,0 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
154,0 heat: 34 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
154,5 heat: 29 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
155,0 heat: 29 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
156,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
156,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
156,0 heat: 18 Flame Thrower Crit for 1177,11 E 
156,0 heat: 29 Rocket Punch Hit for 1101,73 K
156,0 heat: 29 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
157,5 heat: 24 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
157,5 heat: 40 Rail Shot Hit for 1234,33 WD
159,0 heat: 23 Heat Blast Hit for 851,21 E
160,5 heat: 18 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
160,5 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
160,5 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
160,7 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Hit for 100,77 WD 
160,7 heat: 18 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
160,9 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Hit for 112,41 WD 
161,1 heat: 13 Rapid Shots Crit for 144,11 WD 
161,3 heat: 13 Rapid Shots Hit for 109,81 WD 
161,5 heat: 13 Rapid Shots Hit for 110,36 WD 
162,0 heat: 24 Flame Burst Hit for 850,61 E
163,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
163,5 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
163,5 heat: 13 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
163,5 heat: 29 Rocket Punch Crit for 1991,60 K
163,5 heat: 29 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
165,2 heat: 19 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 
165,4 heat: 19 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 
165,6 heat: 19 Rapid Shots Hit for 95,37 WD 
165,8 heat: 19 Rapid Shots Hit for 89,99 WD 
166,0 heat: 19 Rapid Shots Hit for 90,44 WD 
166,5 heat: 14 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
166,7 heat: 14 Rapid Shots Hit for 100,26 WD 
166,9 heat: 14 Rapid Shots Hit for 88,96 WD 
167,1 heat: 9 Rapid Shots Hit for 102,83 WD 
167,1 heat: 9 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
167,3 heat: 9 Rapid Shots Hit for 106,24 WD 
167,5 heat: 9 Rapid Shots Crit for 147,70 WD 
168,0 heat: 20 Flame Burst Crit for 1299,02 E
168,0 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
168,0 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
169,5 heat: 15 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
169,7 heat: 15 Rapid Shots Hit for 91,67 WD 
169,9 heat: 15 Rapid Shots Hit for 100,04 WD 
170,1 heat: 10 Rapid Shots Hit for 112,05 WD 
170,3 heat: 10 Rapid Shots Hit for 100,96 WD 
170,5 heat: 10 Rapid Shots Hit for 94,84 WD 
171,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
171,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
171,0 heat: 16 Rocket Punch Crit for 2009,73 K
171,0 heat: 16 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
172,5 heat: 11 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,12 K 
172,5 heat: 27 Rail Shot Hit for 1250,70 WD
175,0 heat: 42 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
175,5 heat: 38 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
175,5 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
175,5 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
176,0 heat: 38 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
177,0 heat: 33 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
177,0 heat: 20 Heat Blast Hit for 870,24 E
178,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
178,5 heat: 9 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
178,5 heat: 25 Flame Burst Crit for 1322,02 E
180,0 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
180,0 heat: 31 Rocket Punch Crit for 1970,33 K
180,0 heat: 31 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
181,7 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 101,43 WD 
181,9 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 108,83 WD 
182,1 heat: 21 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 
182,1 heat: 21 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
182,3 heat: 21 Rapid Shots Hit for 96,77 WD 
182,5 heat: 21 Rapid Shots Hit for 101,44 WD 
183,0 heat: 21 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
183,0 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
183,2 heat: 16 Rapid Shots Hit for 114,34 WD 
183,4 heat: 16 Rapid Shots Hit for 100,89 WD 
183,6 heat: 16 Rapid Shots Hit for 109,89 WD 
183,8 heat: 16 Rapid Shots Crit for 153,68 WD 
184,0 heat: 16 Rapid Shots Hit for 94,31 WD 
184,5 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
184,7 heat: 11 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 
184,9 heat: 11 Rapid Shots Hit for 106,82 WD 
185,1 heat: 6 Rapid Shots Hit for 114,31 WD 
185,3 heat: 6 Rapid Shots Hit for 97,88 WD 
185,5 heat: 6 Rapid Shots Hit for 112,15 WD 
186,0 heat: 6 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,12 K 
186,0 heat: 17 Flame Burst Hit for 894,76 E
187,5 heat: 28 Rail Shot Hit for 1207,66 WD
189,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
189,0 heat: 17 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
189,0 heat: 28 Rocket Punch Hit for 1108,75 K
189,0 heat: 28 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
190,7 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Hit for 113,67 WD 
190,9 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Crit for 171,91 WD 
191,1 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Crit for 150,52 WD 
191,3 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Hit for 94,10 WD 
191,5 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Crit for 143,16 WD 
192,0 heat: 18 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
193,0 heat: 38 Flame Thrower Crit for 1177,11 E 
193,5 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
193,5 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
194,0 heat: 33 Flame Thrower Crit for 1177,11 E 
195,0 heat: 28 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
195,0 heat: 28 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
195,0 heat: 39 Rocket Punch Hit for 1119,94 K
195,0 heat: 39 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
196,5 heat: 26 Heat Blast Crit for 1265,03 E
198,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
198,0 heat: 15 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
198,0 heat: 26 Flame Burst Hit for 872,23 E
198,0 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
199,7 heat: 21 Rapid Shots Hit for 108,13 WD 
199,9 heat: 21 Rapid Shots Crit for 165,81 WD 
199,9 heat: 21 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
200,1 heat: 16 Rapid Shots Hit for 109,68 WD 
200,3 heat: 16 Rapid Shots Crit for 136,11 WD 
200,5 heat: 16 Rapid Shots Crit for 165,59 WD 
201,0 heat: 16 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
201,2 heat: 11 Rapid Shots Hit for 116,16 WD 
201,4 heat: 11 Rapid Shots Crit for 155,43 WD 
201,6 heat: 11 Rapid Shots Hit for 104,62 WD 
201,8 heat: 11 Rapid Shots Hit for 97,42 WD 
202,0 heat: 11 Rapid Shots Hit for 88,90 WD 
202,5 heat: 22 Rail Shot Hit for 1275,68 WD
202,5 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
204,0 heat: 17 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
204,0 heat: 28 Rocket Punch Crit for 1993,68 K
204,0 heat: 28 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
205,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
205,7 heat: 17 Rapid Shots Hit for 109,65 WD 
205,9 heat: 17 Rapid Shots Hit for 95,14 WD 
206,1 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Hit for 106,62 WD 
206,3 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Hit for 105,39 WD 
206,5 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Crit for 151,52 WD 
207,0 heat: 12 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,12 K 
207,0 heat: 23 Flame Burst Hit for 852,16 E
208,7 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Hit for 113,30 WD 
208,9 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Hit for 111,18 WD 
208,9 heat: 18 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 269,69 K 
209,1 heat: 13 Rapid Shots Hit for 119,53 WD 
209,3 heat: 13 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 
209,5 heat: 13 Rapid Shots Crit for 144,71 WD 
210,0 heat: 13 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,12 K 
210,0 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
211,0 heat: 33 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
211,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
211,5 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
212,0 heat: 22 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
213,0 heat: 17 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,12 K 
213,0 heat: 17 Flame Thrower Crit for 1177,11 E 
213,0 heat: 28 Rocket Punch Crit for 1982,91 K
213,0 heat: 28 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
214,5 heat: 15 Heat Blast Hit for 852,04 E
216,0 heat: 10 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,12 K 
216,0 heat: 21 Flame Burst Hit for 839,65 E
216,0 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
216,0 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
217,5 heat: 32 Rail Shot Crit for 2025,47 WD
219,0 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
219,2 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Hit for 111,70 WD 
219,4 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Hit for 89,42 WD 
219,6 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Hit for 116,91 WD 
219,8 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Hit for 100,90 WD 
220,0 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Hit for 119,39 WD 
220,0 heat: 22 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
220,7 heat: 17 Rapid Shots Crit for 170,00 WD 
220,9 heat: 17 Rapid Shots Hit for 97,67 WD 
221,1 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Hit for 110,22 WD 
221,3 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 
221,5 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Hit for 105,96 WD 
222,0 heat: 12 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
222,0 heat: 23 Rocket Punch Hit for 1118,54 K
222,0 heat: 23 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
223,7 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Hit for 110,22 WD 
223,9 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Hit for 98,18 WD 
224,1 heat: 13 Rapid Shots Crit for 148,86 WD 
224,3 heat: 13 Rapid Shots Miss for 0 WD 
224,5 heat: 13 Rapid Shots Hit for 108,52 WD 
225,0 heat: 13 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
225,0 heat: 24 Flame Burst Hit for 868,45 E
226,7 heat: 19 Rapid Shots Hit for 94,07 WD 
226,9 heat: 19 Rapid Shots Hit for 94,15 WD 
227,1 heat: 14 Rapid Shots Hit for 91,34 WD 
227,3 heat: 14 Rapid Shots Crit for 169,09 WD 
227,5 heat: 14 Rapid Shots Hit for 118,77 WD 
228,0 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
228,0 heat: 8 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
229,0 heat: 28 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
229,5 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.
230,0 heat: 23 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
231,0 heat: 18 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
231,0 heat: 18 Flame Thrower Hit for 784,74 E 
231,0 heat: 29 Rocket Punch Crit for 1975,63 K
231,0 heat: 29 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
232,5 heat: 40 Rail Shot Hit for 1240,83 WD
232,5 Shield Vents Internal Cooldown fades.
234,0 heat: 36 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 114,08 K 
234,0 heat: 23 Heat Blast Hit for 850,90 E
234,0 Flame Shield Internal Cooldown fades.
235,5 heat:  You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.
235,7 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Hit for 96,70 WD 
235,9 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Hit for 92,47 WD 
236,1 heat: 7 Rapid Shots Crit for 134,39 WD 
236,3 heat: 7 Rapid Shots Hit for 115,64 WD 
236,3 heat: 7 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
236,5 heat: 7 Rapid Shots Hit for 89,41 WD 
237,0 heat: 7 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 171,12 K 
237,0 heat: 18 Flame Burst Crit for 1347,38 E
238,7 heat: 13 Rapid Shots Hit for 115,13 WD 
238,7 heat: 13 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 179,79 K 
238,9 heat: 13 Rapid Shots Hit for 118,35 WD 
239,1 heat: 8 Rapid Shots Hit for 88,72 WD 
239,3 heat: 8 Rapid Shots Hit for 117,61 WD 
239,5 heat: 8 Rapid Shots Hit for 99,73 WD

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Nice piece of information. I guess as close to reality as we can get without combat logs. Definitely looking forward to see the version for public.


A question: I noticed in the 31/8/2 combat log (havent gone through the others yet) the excessive use of Rapid Shots at very low heat. Wouldn't it be better to spam Flame Burst instead, and not only use it to refresh the dmg debuff? I personally only use RS as a filler if my heat goes higher then 30, otherwise using FB.

Did you try that approach?

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As allways great work. I think next step would be figuring out the best combination of equipment to maximize the defense/damage ratio and also finding the sweet spot in tankability vs damage (aggro).


We already know that the key stats are absorb (tanking) and surge (damage) what i would like to know is a which point it is more beneficcial (or necessary) to stop stacking defensive stats and start working on offensive ones.

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You simulator is doing something funny:


You gain Explosive Fuel

0 heat: 25 Incendiary Missile Hit for 447,71 E

1,5 heat: 36 Rail Shot Hit for 1449,34 WD

1,5 You vent 8 heat thanks to Superheated Rail.

3,0 heat: 23 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Crit for 346,95 E

3,0 heat: 34 Rocket Punch Crit for 1661,56 K

3,0 heat: 34 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 203,16 K

4,5 heat: You vent 6 heat thanks to Shield Vent.

4,5 You reset Rocket Punch cooldown thanks to Flame Shield proc.

4,5 heat: 39 Rocket Punch Crit for 1679,47 K

4,5 heat: 39 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K

6,0 heat: 34 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 86,00 K

6,0 heat: 34 Incendiary Missile (DOT) Crit for 346,95 E

6,2 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Crit for 162,83 WD

6,4 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Crit for 178,32 WD

6,6 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 107,45 WD

6,6 heat: 29 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 135,44 K

6,8 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Crit for 153,02 WD

7,0 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 94,64 WD

7,5 heat: 40 Flame Burst Hit for 869,00 E


This is not what would happen because a player would never use rapid shots instead of FB with low heat<40. Figure out why it decided to do that and run it again. Also a player will intentionally overheat at the start of the fight and use vent heat. TSO will be used on the second IM.

Edited by ShockDevil
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You need to realize that in this log, every bolt from Rapid Shots has its own line. So one use of Rapid Shots shows as 5 lines in this particular example.

Not that hard to figure out why it did that. The initial condition is IMO not ideal for best DPS.

What I would expect for both builds is

Flame Burst; Heat <=25

Rapid Shots; Heat >25


Also obviously prioritize RP and RS over FB if any of them is available.

Edited by je-s-ter
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Can I ask why the IM build wouldn't use FT in it's rotation? I use it all the time unless RP/RS is up, i'll use it before flame burst TBH. I don't use unload (unless out of range and nothing else to use)


Also, your IM build, I don't ever get oil slick, it's meh. I'd rather put that point into intimidation. Also would debate the 2% debuff on target for the last point into Intimidation.

Edited by dardack
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This is not what would happen because a player would never use rapid shots instead of FB with low heat<40. Figure out why it decided to do that and run it again. Also a player will intentionally overheat at the start of the fight and use vent heat. TSO will be used on the second IM.


Did you read the rotation? The condition for Flame Burst is <=25 heat.


If you use Flame Burst with 30 heat, you'll go to 46, lower your heat regen by at least 2 seconds. And you can't use any skill that is not free with 46 heat, so you have a 70% chance to get stuck over 40 heat for a few seconds.


When I release the simulator you can test your own rotations.


Also, Vent Heat is ignored right now in both builds. Probably will help a bit more to 21/2/18, as the extra Flame Burst will probably proc one extra Rail Shot per 2 minutes. I'll model it later tought for people that want to plan the rotation with Vent Heat in it. I prefer to have it as a panic button.

Edited by MorningMusume
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Can I ask why the IM build wouldn't use FT in it's rotation? I use it all the time unless RP/RS is up, i'll use it before flame burst TBH. I don't use unload (unless out of range and nothing else to use)


Because people don't use it when they talk about the build. I tested it, and using Flame Thrower in the IM build is better, but by a few dps only.

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Did you read the rotation? The condition for Flame Burst is <=25 heat.


If you use Flame Burst with 30 heat, you'll go to 46, lower your heat regen by at least 2 seconds. And you can't use any skill that is not free with 46 heat, so you have a 70% chance to get stuck over 40 heat for a few seconds.


When I release the simulator you can test your own rotations.


Also, Vent Heat is ignored right now in both builds. Probably will help a bit more to 21/2/18, as the extra Flame Burst will probably proc one extra Rail Shot per 2 minutes. I'll model it later tought for people that want to plan the rotation with Vent Heat in it. I prefer to have it as a panic button.


You must take the risk with the Parakeet build to proc rail shot or ofc it will be subpar to a faceroll turtle spec. I will always cast IM>RS>RP and two FB assuming I get no reset, after the second I will use Rapids, then FB then rapids, RP when available and RS. If my heat builds up to 70 I use vent heat and repeat but being more careful with heat when I dont have vent heat ready.


I also note that my heat stays at almost zero when getting a few rail shot procs in because of the heat venting from it and the shield vent. So it is worth the risk to cast FB more often to try to get as many RS as possible to help control heat and do more dps.


Also as I mentioned in the other thread the Parakeet is more versatile and will do better DPS with combustible gas cylinder when your tanking is not required.

Edited by ShockDevil
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Because people don't use it when they talk about the build. I tested it, and using Flame Thrower in the IM build is better, but by a few dps only.


OK, not sure if you saw my edit, I would take out oil slick and 1 piont in combust and fill out intimidation.


Question I have is, if your not getting hit IM is better yes?


I OT for my GUild, and what 80% of fights only need 1 tank, so I just use the hybrid, changing gear.

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Set your heat limit for FB/RP 3,4,5,6 higher and see if that is sustainable or produces better results.


Start at 3 because

28 +16 is 42 but that will be back into full regen on the next tick at 3 heat disipation.


Risking 2 heat disipation loss for a potential 8 disipation gain and a free railshot (with its own GCD of regen time) 0.3 / 0.45 of the time seems worth a look anyway.


Then run it at the higher limits too, just to see if lucky streaks outweigh consistent high heat regen. That should silence any doubts.

Edited by ducksmyth
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Set your heat limit for FB/RP 3,4,5,6 higher and see if that is sustainable or produces better results.


Start at 3 because

28 +16 is 42 but that will be back into full regen on the next tick at 3 heat disipation.


Risking 2 heat disipation loss for a potential 8 disipation gain and a free railshot (with its own GCD of regen time) 0.3 / 0.45 of the time seems worth a look anyway.


Then run it at the higher limits too, just to see if lucky streaks outweigh consistent high heat regen. That should silence any doubts.


Did it, but I found a bug... was dissipating 4 heat instead of 3 over 40 heat. :(


Well, this are the result with the different conditions. Seems that risking is no good with Flame Burst, you have a 70% to lose 2 heat and force a Rapid Shots, and only a 30% to lose 2 heat anyway, but gain a free Rail Shot that vents 8.


With Rocket Punch risking is good, as I tested different conditions for RP/FB for the best results:


Rapid Shots - N: 238,25(Miss: 13,61, Crit: 56,71 ) Total Dmg: 26320,83 | Average Damage: 110,48
Rocket Punch - N: 27,34(Miss: 0, Crit: 14,67 ) Total Dmg: 38317,45 | Average Damage: 1401,52
Rail Shot - N: 29,88(Miss: 1,71, Crit: 7,44 ) Total Dmg: 43424,94 | Average Damage: 1453,31
Flame Burst - N: 41,13(Miss: 0, Crit: 9,77 ) Total Dmg: 38643,39 | Average Damage: 939,54
Ion Gas Cylinder - N: 42,00(Miss: 0, Crit: 10,13 ) Total Dmg: 6359,11 | Average Damage: 151,41
Incendiary Missile - N: 14(Miss: 0, Crit: 3,39 ) Total Dmg: 27171,40 | Average Damage: 1940,81
Ion Gas Cylinder (DOT)  - N: 52,26(Miss: 0, Crit: 12,17 ) Total Dmg: 5017,41 | Average Damage: 96,01


Rapid Shots - N: 249,02(Miss: 14,11, Crit: 58,74 ) Total Dmg: 27497,39 | Average Damage: 110,42
Rocket Punch - N: 27,04(Miss: 0, Crit: 14,80 ) Total Dmg: 38062,39 | Average Damage: 1407,63
Rail Shot - N: 29,44(Miss: 1,69, Crit: 7,32 ) Total Dmg: 42739,55 | Average Damage: 1451,75
Flame Burst - N: 39,71(Miss: 0, Crit: 9,39 ) Total Dmg: 37286,77 | Average Damage: 938,98
Ion Gas Cylinder - N: 43,49(Miss: 0, Crit: 10,16 ) Total Dmg: 6562,57 | Average Damage: 150,90
Incendiary Missile - N: 14(Miss: 0, Crit: 3,34 ) Total Dmg: 27166,66 | Average Damage: 1940,48
Ion Gas Cylinder (DOT)  - N: 53,00(Miss: 0, Crit: 12,63 ) Total Dmg: 5101,35 | Average Damage: 96,25


Rapid Shots - N: 282,23(Miss: 16,11, Crit: 66,86 ) Total Dmg: 31167,87 | Average Damage: 110,43
Rocket Punch - N: 25,93(Miss: 0, Crit: 13,92 ) Total Dmg: 36344,92 | Average Damage: 1401,66
Rail Shot - N: 28,49(Miss: 1,69, Crit: 7,14 ) Total Dmg: 41377,19 | Average Damage: 1452,34
Flame Burst - N: 35,14(Miss: 0, Crit: 8,40 ) Total Dmg: 33034,02 | Average Damage: 940,07
Ion Gas Cylinder - N: 46,41(Miss: 0, Crit: 11,29 ) Total Dmg: 7032,66 | Average Damage: 151,53
Incendiary Missile - N: 14(Miss: 0, Crit: 3,48 ) Total Dmg: 27187,11 | Average Damage: 1941,94
Ion Gas Cylinder (DOT)  - N: 54,76(Miss: 0, Crit: 12,67 ) Total Dmg: 5254,51 | Average Damage: 95,96


Rapid Shots - N: 292,17(Miss: 16,96, Crit: 67,75 ) Total Dmg: 32167,70 | Average Damage: 110,10
Rocket Punch - N: 25,61(Miss: 0, Crit: 13,86 ) Total Dmg: 35957,83 | Average Damage: 1404,05
Rail Shot - N: 28,04(Miss: 1,62, Crit: 6,88 ) Total Dmg: 40660,98 | Average Damage: 1450,11
Flame Burst - N: 33,92(Miss: 0, Crit: 8,06 ) Total Dmg: 31862,76 | Average Damage: 939,35
Ion Gas Cylinder - N: 47,03(Miss: 0, Crit: 11,16 ) Total Dmg: 7107,80 | Average Damage: 151,13
Incendiary Missile - N: 14(Miss: 0, Crit: 3,47 ) Total Dmg: 27203,18 | Average Damage: 1943,08
Ion Gas Cylinder (DOT)  - N: 55,21(Miss: 0, Crit: 12,86 ) Total Dmg: 5301,38 | Average Damage: 96,02

<=28 for Rocket Punch
<=23 for Flame Burst
Rapid Shots - N: 246,50(Miss: 13,99, Crit: 58,93 ) Total Dmg: 27247,82 | Average Damage: 110,54
Rocket Punch - N: 29,14(Miss: 0, Crit: 15,68 ) Total Dmg: 40866,11 | Average Damage: 1402,41
Rail Shot - N: 29,79(Miss: 1,70, Crit: 7,21 ) Total Dmg: 43201,46 | Average Damage: 1450,20
Flame Burst - N: 37,77(Miss: 0, Crit: 8,88 ) Total Dmg: 35439,13 | Average Damage: 938,29
Ion Gas Cylinder - N: 44,53(Miss: 0, Crit: 10,96 ) Total Dmg: 6756,56 | Average Damage: 151,73
Incendiary Missile - N: 14(Miss: 0, Crit: 3,40 ) Total Dmg: 27179,56 | Average Damage: 1941,40
Ion Gas Cylinder (DOT)  - N: 54,15(Miss: 0, Crit: 12,71 ) Total Dmg: 5202,91 | Average Damage: 96,08


I know what you're thinking, punk. You're thinking "did he fire six shots or only five?" Now to tell you the truth I forgot myself in all this excitement. But being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world and will blow you head clean off, you've gotta ask yourself a question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, punk?


Edit: I'm working right now in making the simulator user friendly enough, and I'll add the double conditions too, 21/2/18 can probably benefit from some double conditions. Right now you can only have a single condition per skill.

Edited by MorningMusume
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There's a couple issues with the comparison. One of the biggest is that you seem to be using a very different 21/2/18 build from the Parakeet 21/2/18 found here


Rocket Punch for both builds has a 100% proc chance. It's key for the parakeet build because it allows rail shot to be fired at any time.


Have they fixed the incorrect values in the Supercharged Ion Gas tooltip yet?

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There's a couple issues with the comparison. One of the biggest is that you seem to be using a very different 21/2/18 build from the Parakeet 21/2/18 found here


Rocket Punch for both builds has a 100% proc chance. It's key for the parakeet build because it allows rail shot to be fired at any time.


Have they fixed the incorrect values in the Supercharged Ion Gas tooltip yet?


You really try to tank without Combust or Ion Screen? Well, I'll simulate that later.


Also I don't use tooltips, I use the internal formulas from the client itself.

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Wow, thanks a lot for all your work :)


Cant wait to test, when you release it ^^


Especially since there are more parakeet builds than birds in the sky :D



I run this http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301G0GrdoboZ0MZfhbbdh.1


100% IGC proc on RP is a must, in my opinion.



Edit: But i`m not so sure about Rebraced Armor vs Ion Screen...


What do you think guys? +16% Armor or a flat +2% overall damage reduction :confused:

Edited by Gereon
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Very very nice work, thanks for doing this as simulations are probably the best way to model procs. Combat logs would be more accurate, but more time consuming to run 500 trials in different specs, conditions, etc (and they don't exist of course, haha). Edited by BrianBairstow
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Parakeet with 100% on RP chance and 3 Intimidation.


Rapid Shots - N: 247,76(Miss: 14,20, Crit: 59,14 ) Total Dmg: 27383,44 | Average Damage: 110,52
Rocket Punch - N: 28,87(Miss: 0, Crit: 15,66 ) Total Dmg: 40594,01 | Average Damage: 1406,10
Rail Shot - N: 29,70(Miss: 1,78, Crit: 7,32 ) Total Dmg: 43022,19 | Average Damage: 1448,56
Flame Burst - N: 37,87(Miss: 0, Crit: 8,98 ) Total Dmg: 36986,30 | Average Damage: 976,66
Ion Gas Cylinder - N: 58,57(Miss: 0, Crit: 13,90 ) Total Dmg: 8852,15 | Average Damage: 151,14
Incendiary Missile - N: 14(Miss: 0, Crit: 3,36 ) Total Dmg: 28246,24 | Average Damage: 2017,59
Ion Gas Cylinder (DOT)  - N: 65,31(Miss: 0, Crit: 15,24 ) Total Dmg: 6272,07 | Average Damage: 96,04

Edited by MorningMusume
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