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Why the hell do emotes break stealth?


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Title is self-explaining...


Although I understand this only affects a limited number of players, why the hell can't a dude /wave /dance /cheer /incoming without it breaking stealth?


It's really annoying, and I'm afraid to dare ask the game mechanic behind this "design choice".


Hope I'm not alone thinking this is totally daft.

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So you can jump, move, cast certain abilities without breaking stealth, but can't wave or call incoming, and that's cool for you...


But if your stealthed, how does anyone see you wave, or dance or do anything. Your stealthed, so its fitting that you come out of stealth so someone can see you wave at them.

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Go hide in a corner of your house. Wait for your sister/mom/dad/dog/whatever to come in the room. Start waving and dancing at them. Can they see you? Are you still calling the designer daft?


hiding =/= stealth.


If you can walk passed a person..No..DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF a person and not be seen, waving shouldn't give you away.

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If a tree falls in the woods any nobody is around to hear it, does it still make a sound ?


but more to the point people have a tendency to abuse something if they can.

ie - person following someone around in stealth spamming emotions all day long.

Simple solution is to have it break stealth. (total guess)


I am sure there are other reasons as well even if the above wasn't the reason, and most likely it stems from someone finding a way to abuse it.

Edited by Korizan
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This is game breaking! Everyone unsub now!




Sounds like you are a stalker and want /getdown on people when they don't know about it.


Admit it, it would be funny to walk up to someone whos all alone, /dance or /wave or something and make them go insane.

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Title is self-explaining...


Although I understand this only affects a limited number of players, why the hell can't a dude /wave /dance /cheer /incoming without it breaking stealth?


It's really annoying, and I'm afraid to dare ask the game mechanic behind this "design choice".


Hope I'm not alone thinking this is totally daft.


Well maybe it is because many emotes are an action drawing attention to yourself; such as wave, jump, dance, shout, etc. While some emotes do not, such as sit, sleep and so on. Drawing attention increases the likely hood of you failing a does it see me check


Stealth is not an invisibility; stealth just means you are taking actions to reduce your observability. Actions such as hiding behind a wall, a thick bush, keeping to shadows, blending in to the background, etc.

Edited by Ujest
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Let's stop beating around the bush and talk about exactly what's going on here.


The original poster wants to be able to move around invisibly, sneaking up on other players and waving, poking, whatever, while the confused target spins around attempting to find the source of the emote. These sorts of actions are a highly amusing form of entertainment for him resulting in much internal giggling for the emoter.


A developer was being logical and thinking that players would want to be seen by other players when performing a social emote that is ultimately intended for attracting attention to ones self. He was making the assumption that many of us are older than 5, and beyond the point where we, as small children, engage in the toddler-favorite activity of poking an adult from behind and then scampering to the other side of them in a ridiculous attempt at misdirection.


These two perspectives conflict. The real question is whether or not this "problem" warrants additional development time being spent to "correct" the conflict. My vote is "no".

Edited by Apax
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Let's stop beating around the bush and talk about exactly what's going on here.


The original poster wants to be able to move around invisibly, sneaking up on other players and waving, poking, whatever, while the confused target spins around attempting to find the source of the emote. These sorts of actions are a highly amusing form of entertainment for him resulting in much internal giggling for the emoter.


A developer was being logical and thinking that players would want to be seen by other players when performing a social emote that is ultimately intended for attracting attention to ones self. He was making the assumption that many of us are older than 5, and beyond the point where we, as small children, engage in the toddler-favorite activity of poking an adult from behind and then scampering to the other side of them in a ridiculous attempt at misdirection.


These two perspectives conflict. The real question is whether or not this "problem" warrants additional development time being spent to "correct" the conflict. My vote is "no".


Lets be real here, though. No one here has any idea HOW MUCH TIME or resources, it would take to "fix" this, it could be as simple as rewriting a few lines of code.

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Lets be real here, though. No one here has any idea HOW MUCH TIME or resources, it would take to "fix" this, it could be as simple as rewriting a few lines of code.


I still wouldn't car efor it to being changed. The only use this has is for trolling and annoyign people in Ilum stealthed and going hehehe they can't find me all day. Not needed.

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Just to be clear that the aim of this thread is not for me to be enlightened on why I can't poke people while in stealth.


It's a design flaw, and it was the same design flaw that made people die while emoting on vehicles.


Let's imagine I'm defending a turret on Civil War, in stealth and I want to let someone from my team know something without having to whisper them, 'cos it takes time. Better yet, lets assume I just want to SIT because sitting against (inside) a wall lowers the chances of me being spotted.


And what if I want to let an enemy know someone is there but not exactly where so that they might hit some ability that will stay on cooldown, so it's an advantage to me?


Just trying to get to why it was implemented this way...

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I'm trying to point an implementation flaw.

Obviously no one will see me wave in stealth.


What about sitting? Any laws of physics, morality or retardness that prevent a guy from sitting in stealth, since he can jump in stealth?




Stealth isn't real.

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I still wouldn't car efor it to being changed. The only use this has is for trolling and annoyign people in Ilum stealthed and going hehehe they can't find me all day. Not needed.


I don't care one way or the other. It would be kind of cool to do but It doesn't bother me at all that its NOT there. I'm just saying, we don't know so that argument is null and void. Theres no reason to assume its harder then changing it from


emote1=breaks stealth[true]


emote1=breaks stealth[false]


Yea, I know thats not how coding actually works but, you get the idea.

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Haha, I very much doubt this is an issue of Bioware having phenominal anti-griefing foresight. It's probably just that whatever bit of code it is that says "when this emote is typed in, perform this animation" doesn't account for stealth and so the animation plays the same either way.


I love the idea that the OP asked because he desperately wants to stalk people and emote at them when they can't see him. That fiend! Well I'm glad they haven't yet allowed it from mounts - imagine all the drive-by emoting that'd be going on! Oh my, that guy /hugged me but now he's out of range so I can't /notdroids at him back. I AM BEING GRIEFED!


Come on, people - he just noticed it and thought it was weird. He's not on a rampant crusade to ruin anybody's day via /fistbump.

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Let's imagine I'm defending a turret on Civil War, in stealth and I want to let someone from my team know something without having to whisper them, 'cos it takes time. Better yet, lets assume I just want to SIT because sitting against (inside) a wall lowers the chances of me being spotted.


And what if I want to let an enemy know someone is there but not exactly where so that they might hit some ability that will stay on cooldown, so it's an advantage to me?


Just trying to get to why it was implemented this way...


For exactly those reasons. Stealth basically allows you to take one action towards an enemy player before they can see you and respond. The things you outline count as taking an action towards an enemy player.

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