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This game will be HIGHLY successful!


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I disagree. My first impression of TOR was very positive. The second one, not so much...


This. When I first started playing over the holidays was loving it. But I have been bitten by the fps issue now and I can't really do what I like most in this game which is PVP. Questing is starting to grind on me now and I find myself having less and less fun.


I honestly think if the performance issues were fixed I could enjoy it again. The recent improvements in ability delay are a step in the right direction.


I'm still a WoW player and I'm not looking to leave it and never was. I have a group of folks I enjoy the game with there and TOR was never about a way to leave Wow for me.


It fun enough that I'm getting my $ worth so far but I definitely need to see some optimizations in the future.



One last thing. I think some of us players who have been doing the MMO thing for years want the old magic again. For me that period was around when TBC launched. But WoW lost that magic in wrath for me and now it's just a pleasant diversion. I don't think you can ever really "go home again" as the saying goes. To much has changed. The gaming community unfortunately for the worse.

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Why? It's perfectly natural to compare products and experiences to others. It's how we ultimately make informed decisions. I agree that sometimes people are a bit unfair in their expectations but if WoW raised the bar on certain functionality then that bar exists, like it or not. SWTOR wasn't born in a vacuum - to claim people shouldn't make comparisons does nothing but stifle the ability for this game to meet that raised bar and fulfil those expectations.


I agree comparison can be made so long as the person doing the comparing is taking into consideration several factors, like the game is new, the game needs time to develop post launch, ect... And most importantly they need to stop making idiotic car analogies that have absolutely zero relevance.


Just because a "bar" is perceived, by a group of people who don't even have close to all of the information I might add, does not mean that reaching said bar is reasonable or necessary.


Many of these armchair devs sit and talk about how a new game needs to have this, this and this. Yet most people have no clue how the development process for any game works, let alone an MMO which is a different breed of game entirely.


Do you honestly believe a game can launch with 7-10+ years of content, added features, polishing, bug fixes, glitch fixes, and game systems? Doesn't matter if that's how X game is now, it's a matter of what is possible and what is not possible. I've said it many times on these forums of course a game like WoW is going to win out nearly every time. It's had much more time. So really what the point in comparing? All you're doing is stacking the deck against the new game.


Beyond that consumers cry the most for innovation. How can a game be innovative if they are constantly expected to meet the criteria set forth from another game?


Keep in mind I don't defend SWTOR, I defend new MMOs. SWTOR may or may not fail, that doesn't matter to me so much as getting the point across to so many people who ridiculously hold WoW on a pedestal as if it's the epitome of MMO gaming. Is it successful, sure but it has it's shortcomings just like every other MMO, it is not perfection by a long shot.



In short, yes compare to see the new game reach that bar, eventually. But not as a reason to why 'X' new game fails.

Edited by HavenAE
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