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Serious questions for serious PvPers...


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Are you playing this game just to pass the time until GW2 goes live? I like SW as much as the next guy but I am noticing a trend here. Also, there is no risk/reward factor here. Do you really consider yourself a PvPer in this game because when you die you do not lose anything? Discuss! Edited by Torothin
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For me it was mostly the timefiller till Diablo3 comes out, but in the moment I am very happy with the Game and I wouldnt directly leave it for D3, but I am also wating for GW2 just for the Reason that u can be able to play a game just the PvP way, as I heard. So You maybe wont need to quest but just play massive PvP... that would be awesome.


But to make a Point: I Like Swtor and the PvP Gameplay as well. :) Should fix some bugs and lagg issues and everything is fine for me.... but I am chilled about games and their balancings etc. :o

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Nope. Can't explain why, though. The short time I played GW, I thought it was a really well put together game and I liked the fact that there was no monthly subscription involved, IIRC. Logically, it really should have been my type of game. Ditto with GW2, and who knows? Maybe I'll try it sometime.


But for whatever reason, GW left me cold and I never bothered to play it beyond level 20 or thereabouts. It just seemed really dry and boring to me. SWTOR, otoh, seems much more "alive" and interesting. Plus it has lightsabers! :) Seriously, though; I'm a sucker for Star Wars related content.

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One thing that GW2 is doing right that has a lot of guilds in a state of nerdvana.


Rated WvWvW.


If you win, you challenge a higher rated shard on the next WvWvW rotation (every two weeks).


The world on top has the biggest bragging rights. This is a nerdgasm for pvp guilds that don't pvp for epics.

Edited by Orangerascal
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Nope. Can't explain why, though. The short time I played GW, I thought it was a really well put together game and I liked the fact that there was no monthly subscription involved, IIRC. Logically, it really should have been my type of game. Ditto with GW2, and who knows? Maybe I'll try it sometime.


But for whatever reason, GW left me cold and I never bothered to play it beyond level 20 or thereabouts. It just seemed really dry and boring to me. SWTOR, otoh, seems much more "alive" and interesting. Plus it has lightsabers! :) Seriously, though; I'm a sucker for Star Wars related content.

Guild Wars was my first MMO (to me it is an MMO because I did the same things I do in every other MMO) I can honestly say it was the best put together class system and pvp system combined, unfortunately after 2 years any game will get dry so I moved on from there.

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no competetive oriented pvp player will stick to this game. Its not a bad game, but the pvp part is too casual.


If you were actually competition oriented you would be playing guild wars. Competition built into the game from day 1. Able to be max level from the start, no gear grind (gear cap is easy to reach) skill based ability choices (you can only bring in 8 skills so team comp is very important). Nobody who is actually interested in competition plays a gear based grind fest pve centric game to find their "competition"

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Are you playing this game just to pass the time until GW2 goes live? I like SW as much as the next guy but I am noticing a trend here. Discuss!



Yes ofc.

I played Rift, then SWTOR, bought a cat, got a gf... all to pass time till GW2

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