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Balmorra as a Female IA (potential spoilers?)


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So it's like this... I've played through the IA questline on Balmorra three times now as a female IA and have not been able to trigger the date with Sanju Pyne. I see a lot of commentary and videos and such about it, but nothing indicates the dialogue options chosen to GET there.


Could anyone tell me what the key dialogue options are to triggering it (or point me to a resource that can tell me)? I would just make it part of my headcanon and move on, but there's always the possibility that BioWare might reference it in later additions to the story and I'd like to have it flagged on a character on the off-chance that that happens. Thanks!

Edited by Melindil
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I did this accidentally lol. Flirt with him the first time you meet him. Also I think you have to agree with him when you get sent on missions and take the light side points. I'm not sure if it works if you make the dark side decisions. Read the spoiler for what i did.



Flirt with him when you meet him.

On your first mission choose the light option to disable the power cores without opening the box.

On your second mission choose the light option to protect the people on the list

On the third mission choose to Send the leader [Grey Star] to rendezvous with Sanju, it's a change from the original plan.

After you finish your missions and are leaving he will be by the door. Speak to him and say " I followed my conscience" then " we have time now". That triggers the date, You go to get drinks and leave Kaliyo behind. The scene fades and you are back and you kiss him and leave.



Hope that helps you out. Sanju was the first [flirt] option I ran into with my female agent so I did it just for fun, didn't even realize you could romance him lol

Edited by Ludstar
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I flirted with him, made all light side choices. I honestly didn't realize at first that he would survive the plotline, the only online reference I could find to him at the time was for "Sanju Pyne's corpse", but I just picked the things that I thought would give him the best chance of survival and crossed my fingers.


So once I realized he was going to survive,

I made sure to set him up as the "voice" for the Eagle

and there he was waiting for me after my wrap-up.


To say that I was tickled pink would be an understatement. One of the nicest surprises I've had yet in this game (until meeting a certain Chiss on Hoth, anyway :3)

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How odd. Is your agent alien? maybe he only likes humans? not sure what the problem could be.


Nope! She was human! I'm pretty used to experiencing odd things like that early in an MMO's life though, so I'm not too upset. I'm willing to bet it was one of those really weird things that happens once to maybe ten people and you never hear about it again. :) Luckily I have levelling down to a science, so I can burn another IA through to Balmorra in no time.

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Spent a couple hours surfing the web to see what I could find, but I came up with nothing. The only thing that comes to mind is your alignment. Sanju is our "nice guy" option so maybe it only works if you are light sided or "grey". On Balmora I was grey, not Light 1 or Dark 1 yet.


According to the story if you do the light side options things work out, but if you chose dark options then Sanju sabotages the missions anyway and gets caught.


Below are the [flirt] options I've gotten so far, so you can see what lies ahead. I'm currently lvl 36.




Balmorra - Sanju Pyne - Nice Guy type


Tatooine or Alderaan (can't remember) - Old rich guy type


Alderaan - Vector Hyllus - your companion - weird guy type lol


Taris - Hunter/chase - Bad Boy type


I heard there is also a chiss on Hoth, if you're into the blue guys lol


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I believe the conversation that triggers the romance with Sanju is the one you have with Kaliyo in the Droid Factory.

She says something about the two of you being so perfect for each other because "Sanju wants to save lives, you want to save lives..." etc.

If you stick up for him and tell her that there is more to him than that (or something along that line) you unlock the romance. If however you go for the "Meh, you can have him" line (which gives you affection with Kaliyo), you kill the romance then and there.


Hope this helps. ;)

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