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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Any Fixes on Ilum Kill trading?


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My fault... should have stated more clearly what I was referring to as "the old system." I meant the days in which the dailies revolved around caputring the control points on the map, which then led to Republics and Empire working together to complete their daily and weekly missions. Now... it's just the same, but instead of trading the objective players are trading kills. It is, however, a bit more serious of an issue because now valor is exchanged in the process not just the mission udpates.


I can't see how the current system can lead to any sort of competitive PvP. It just dissolves into a zerg fest by the Imperials on a small group of brave Republics. I feel bad for them at times, so I'll just feed them some kills occasionally to hopefully get them to stay around so that we can fight.

Edited by RattyRattail
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BW is on record as saying blatant kill-trading in Ilum is a 100% legitimate PVP "tactic."


I.e. they are a bunch of fools who have no clue.


But the upshot is, feel free to kill trade as much as you want because apparently there's nothing wrong with it!

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Moreover, show me a game where this has NOT happened.


It happens in every game but every other game punishes it when people are caught.


In SWTOR it is especially egregious that BW doesn't care because it would be easy to enforce since it only occurs in a single zone. All they need is 3-4 CSRs who randomly change servers and watch Ilum and send out bans to anyone they see doing it. It's not like it's hard to figure out who's doing it.

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And what is competitive about the current ilum? 100 vs 10? If there was a way to force players to fight 1v1 then yes you can say competitive, but when there are an average of 8 republic in ilum and 80 imperials at a time then what do you want? for the republic to mindlessly zerg a force they cannot topple? for imperials to spawn camp the same 8 people again and again?


Bioware needs to fix ilum, bottomline and until they do then you cant hate on the people trying to progress in there own way....


The faction imbalances do not excuse the behavior of the kill traders. The faction imbalances across the majority of every server make Ilum unplayable during most "peak" hours of the day, and this needs to be corrected somehow. The fact that the current system is broken does not give players license to manipulate the system for their own benefit.


This is akin to businesses in the "free" market banding together to artificially raise the prices of their goods or services (which there are laws against.) A market is supposed to be competitive. When it is not, the system falls apart, just as we are seeing PvP rankings become a joke.



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