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Any Fixes on Ilum Kill trading?


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i am surprised this isn't more prevalent, no one on my server has set this up yet shockingly, but i have seen the videos, and if everyone works together (on vent) it is easy to do it then sit around and do it again etc etc...


Saddly in any game like this, where PVP gives some sort of "reward" there are problems with this, i remember in DAOC we used to setup duels where we agreed meet at a certain place and to point at the person we wanted to duel then bow etc etc.. and not just go all at each other..

mythic freaked out and threatened to ban us all over it saying we were "trading kills illegally"... so it has ALWAYS been an issue...

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Nobody said diplomacy wasn't allowed in SWTOR.


In no way is it cheating, exploiting, or hacking the game system.

The system is working as intended, just for once the Republics and Empire are working together to straighten out these imbalances.

Edited by PunisherAS
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It is not fair for those BMs (or those getting there -- me included) who do not use such "measures".


However, I find it really hard to condemn this action seeing how pathetically, badly designed the new Illum PVP quests are. Fix this pile of manure then we can talk.

Edited by Treplos
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Nobody said diplomacy wasn't allowed in SWTOR.


In no way is it cheating, exploiting, or hacking the game system.

The system is working as intended, just for once the Republics and Empire are working together to straighten out these imbalances.


It may not be an "exploit" or violation of the terms of service, but it is most definitely NOT working as intended. Kill trading undermines the spirit of PvP, which is supposed to be competitive play between players. This is not competitive.



Edited by Macheath
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It may not be an "exploit" or violation of the terms of service, but it is most definitely NOT working as intended. Kill trading undermines the spirit of PvP, which is supposed to be competitive play between players. This is not competitive.




You're exactly right.


And it will continue to happen until the devs decide o fix it and prevent it from happening. People on the test forums told or should I say warned the devs his would happen, they ignored it and now they need to fix it. But at this point in time, what's the difference, the damage is already done.

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You're exactly right.


And it will continue to happen until the devs decide o fix it and prevent it from happening. People on the test forums told or should I say warned the devs his would happen, they ignored it and now they need to fix it. But at this point in time, what's the difference, the damage is already done.


You realize you can put a stop to it yourself.

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You realize you can put a stop to it yourself.


1. Get a ganksquad of angry, more or less geared PvPers.

2. Obliterate leagions of kill-trading carebears.

3. ???

4. Profit!



So much fun, so much hate and so awesome PvP. Alas, Ilum can be pretty laggy, so watch out.

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It was a predictable development for Ilum post.1.1 exploiting that people would get tired of the sad mess that is the Ilum PvP quests and just start kill trading. Bioware just don't seem to realise that if it is possible to exploit then some of their players will do it.
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You realize you can put a stop to it yourself.


Yeah! What's that? Go out there solo and try to kill 30+ Imperials myself? Piss off the rep players because I'm trying to ruin what they got going for them? Alienate myself from the rest of the server, nah! I'd join them :)


Just to add, my server hasn't done this to my knowledge, and I'm already valor 62, but if they did do it, I'd join in on the fun for the hell of it :D

Edited by Beef_Cake
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Yeah! What's that? Go out there solo and try to kill 30+ Imperials myself? Piss off the rep players because I'm trying to ruin what they got going for them? Alienate myself from the rest of the server, nah! I'd join them :)


Just to add, my server hasn't done this to my knowledge, and I'm already valor 62, but if they did do it, I'd join in on the fun for the hell of it :D


hmm, a potential exploiter

Edited by tegororn
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Nobody said diplomacy wasn't allowed in SWTOR.


In no way is it cheating, exploiting, or hacking the game system.

The system is working as intended, just for once the Republics and Empire are working together to straighten out these imbalances.


trading is a bannable exploit. we had 10 reps/imps trading on our server (Sith Triumvirate). We reported them. about an hour ago they disappeared. We havent seen them ever again. Tried friending any of them on both sides. They are never availiable. And those guys were very active in pvp before that, most of them BM or close to it.


So no, trading is not working as intented and they're aware of it. If you get reported, you'll get banned. No idea if its a pearmaban or not but its been more than a week since we've seen those guys.

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trading is a bannable exploit. we had 10 reps/imps trading on our server (Sith Triumvirate). We reported them. about an hour ago they disappeared. We havent seen them ever again. Tried friending any of them on both sides. They are never availiable. And those guys were very active in pvp before that, most of them BM or close to it.


So no, trading is not working as intented and they're aware of it. If you get reported, you'll get banned. No idea if its a pearmaban or not but its been more than a week since we've seen those guys.


apparently you didn't click the link yet 3 posts above yours

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an "exploit" doesnt mean "glitch, bug, or entity that is broken".


Exploit (defined in EULA's) is "Doing something that is against the grain of what the game is originally intended in order to gain an advantage"


Otherwise, farming valor on illum by trading back and forth is NOT what was intended by design, and gives a MASSIVE advantage to those who do it (over those who dont, or incapable of catching/organizing such things)


PS. Eula also says the have a right to ban or edit your account for participating in such things.


If you feel that farming is intended as a part of the game, continue on....


PS. posting pictures of fake responses or "stirring controversy" is also a ban-able offense as per. the "forum rules". Careful on that picture as if it is fake, or you aren't the original recipient, then you may get in trouble. If it is real... forget i said this.

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When you add incentives/rewards to world pvp you always get trading. It it more efficient than just fighting each other, and works faster. If you don't want trading to happen take away the rewards.






well that is your own damn fault. Personally I don't need a carrot on a stick to bury my sword/axe/glowbat in your chest. I do it because A. its fun, and B. You would do the same to me.

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Or should everyone be allowed to cheese their way to being a battlemaster?


Youtube the videos if you dont know what i'm talking about.


Do something bioware. Atleast with the old Ilum, it wasn't possible to abuse ranks.


Honest questions. How are game developers responsible for people who refuse to PvP?


Moreover, show me a game where this has NOT happened.

Edited by Thiussat
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All Ilum ever turns out to be is a mass of imperials picking on a small group of republics on our server. If two guilds from opposing factions want to setup a sparring match between one another I see no issues with that. I even support the kill swapping. Ilum just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I'm not going to sit around trying to collect 30 boxes of armaments whilst fifteen other Imperials are doing the same damn thing. It's not a daily quest at that point. It's a two to three day process. The Republics do not come out enough to get the needed kills, so by all means proceed to kill swap. I mean... how different is it truley from the old system?
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I mean... how different is it truley from the old system?


I will tell you, they emergency patched the old system because... and i QUOTE!!!




2nd paragraph.. the new illum is NOTHING like what they mean when they say "The amount of Valor granted from these activities was significantly more than intended"


I mean, at least now, its MORE efficient to farm valor to bm gear, vs just allowing base campers to do it.



I mean, the fourth paragraph CLEARLY says "We take any sort of situation where one group of players gains an unexpected or unintended advantage over other players very seriously and will act to ensure that all players can have a fair and fun game experience."


and people who farm in NO WAY get an unexpected or unintended advantage over other players. (like non clan members unable to organize such things, and have to camp illum to hope for a farm session)


So farm away, BW has no issues with this :)

Edited by lTCOlRageElite
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It may not be an "exploit" or violation of the terms of service, but it is most definitely NOT working as intended. Kill trading undermines the spirit of PvP, which is supposed to be competitive play between players. This is not competitive.




And what is competitive about the current ilum? 100 vs 10? If there was a way to force players to fight 1v1 then yes you can say competitive, but when there are an average of 8 republic in ilum and 80 imperials at a time then what do you want? for the republic to mindlessly zerg a force they cannot topple? for imperials to spawn camp the same 8 people again and again?


Bioware needs to fix ilum, bottomline and until they do then you cant hate on the people trying to progress in there own way....

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