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hoodless robes


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have you tried using a helmet that covers your whole head and i understand you may want see your actual face if that is so then as has been stated use some none robed or caped armor




isnt bad looking and has no hood


this one isnt a real robe but its close



Edited by axevior
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Can't think of any robes that are like this yet. It's a shame also that the hood simply vanishes when wearing a helmet rather than appearing on their back.


Only thing I can think of if you're going for the "robed with hood down" look is the Aspiring Knights Vest on the auction house. It's really just a gray and cream hoodie with the hood down rather than a flowing robe, but you can try combining it with something else to make the look. If you're not as stat concious as myself, the lower half can be covered with a light armour leg piece.


Edit: As mentioned above, some of the modifiable gear that comes with smuggler-tailored mods may also be just what you need. Some that give the effect of a hoodless robe.

Edited by Cooperal
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There is an Orange vest with the hood down. It's a midriff vest style, at least on female characters. At work so I can't give you exact name.


Just checked torhead.com ...wow...work didn't block it.


Anyway ...this is it ... http://www.torhead.com/item/6L5mA3G/aspiring-knights-vest


I like it better than a robe. It has some stuff thats around your waist and thighs. It's cheap, pick it up and try it on! I think Robes AND capes should be a seperate piece like they do it in Age of Conan. That way you could hide it ... just like headgear.

Edited by mrozanski
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To me this whole hooded robe crap can go. It reminds me of every person wearing a trench coat when the matrix came out. We get it, its supposed to be iconic but damn it looks like we all should b wearing slippers and smoking a pipe too. I mean for god sake every bounty hunter doesnt look like Boba and every trooper doesnt look like TK421 before Han smacks the crap out of him. and Every smuggler doesnt look like Han solo with a DL44 hanging from his belt. We are supposed to be writing our own destinies not following in the iconic paths of people not even born yet in the imaginary nexus of Lucas's nads.
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Don't limit yourself to JUST medium armor. YOu can get a sweet light armor tunic from Athiss (http://www.torhead.com/item/1WA5nd1/robe-of-the-insight). In PvE, armor doesn't matter, and in PvP, armor doesn't work since soooooo much damage avoids it.


Note: The "skirt" in the first pictures is due to the player's pant selection. If you wear normal pants, you will look like Satele Shan.

Edited by Kryptorchid
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You are DPS.... You don't want to get hit in the first place...


Edit: End-game Medium chest armor has 645 Armor while end-game light armor has 450 Armor. 195 less Armor on one piece of gear is NOT going to break you.

Edited by Kryptorchid
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I think some of the repurposed smuggler armors can be really sweet Jedi armor. There's one in particular that is a jacket - which has like some armoring underneath and then an open style long coat that looks pretty cool.


Otherwise you can invest in some of the light armors. As long as its orange-grade, you can go ahead with any light or medium armor as long as its not restricted.


If you hate the hoods, I would definitely take a look at some of the smuggler armors. I'm considering making a permanent change myself.

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