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Sniper is hands down the worst class in SWTOR(PvP)


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Having a 50operative, 32Merc, 33Sorc, 21 Sith Assassin, 31 Sniper I can say with near certainy that this is the worse class in SWTOR: I will not commit on the warrior class b/c I don't play one


Overal Damage: Sorc=BH > Operative > assassin > Sniper

Burst Damage: Operative> Bh > Sniper = Assassin = Sorc

Defense/Surviablity: Sorc> BH > Assassin > Operative > Sniper

Mobility: Sorc >Operative = Assassin = Bh > Sniper

Able to be interupted- Sniper > Bh (tracer spam) = Sorc> Assassin+ Operative

Range- Sniper = Sorc > Bh > Assassin= operative

Healing ability- Sorc= Bh > operative >>>>>>>>> Assassin= Sniper



Granted I am not 50 with the sniper yet and this could change b/c the operative was pretty gimped until 40. I also cannot speak for end game PvE on the sniper but on the operative pre-nerf w/ champ/bm gear I could put down alot more dps then our guilds sniper (not as well geared but i don't think gear would make the difference)



Thoughts? Concerns? Additional Comments?


And to those who say the sniper is fine I suggest you go out and play another class.

Edited by JBGames
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Ok, I'll take the bait. A few things are wrong with your post.


1) You do not link the specs of any of the classes you play.

2) You do not give evidence (even anecdotal eveidence) to corroborate any of your claims.

3) The classes you list have not all been played to 50. Therefore, you have limited experience and a limited point of view.

4) You rank classes without explaining the rotation/skills/etc that lead you get to said rankings.


To put it bluntly, your post lacks anything to discuss because you argue nothing. You merely state an opinion that has no critical thought to argue against.

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Ok, I'll take the bait. A few things are wrong with your post.


1) You do not link the specs of any of the classes you play.

2) You do not give evidence (even anecdotal eveidence) to corroborate any of your claims.

3) The classes you list have not all been played to 50. Therefore, you have limited experience and a limited point of view.

4) You rank classes without explaining the rotation/skills/etc that lead you get to said rankings.


To put it bluntly, your post lacks anything to discuss because you argue nothing. You merely state an opinion that has no critical thought to argue against.


Operative level 50(concealment ( Bm/Champ gear Mix)

Sorc (madness spec)

Merc(Arsenal spec)

Sniper (marksman--> you can purge all lethality and my op wouldn't touch that skill tree with a ten foot pole. I will admit i have not played Engineering however ae damage doesn't kill people in organized pvp where people actually heal.)'

Assassin Madness spec


And yes its all opinion based ancedotal evidence. I would like do see your hard facts that say sniper is working fine? They don't exist... Unless we are aloud to parse our actual damage every thing is ancetdotal.


However, after playing against many 50 snipers with my Operative I can say they weren't too good.

Edited by JBGames
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Sniper is one of the few classes whos damage can be:




Has to go through Shield

Has to through Damage reduction of Armor

Lethality can be purged by anyone with half a brain ( get to 50 and see what happens to your build in organized guild PvP)


I wish I had screen shotted the damage listed on the tool-tip abilitis from my operative b/c I think the operative gets a much higher base damage on them than the snipers comparitive skills on that level.


Need I remind you that operative damage is also enchanced by tech bonus whereas the snipers attacks are not.



And to the above poster you can tell my two level 50 snipers friends who quit this game to l2p. I would love to see one PvP video of a sniper owning PvP that doesn't get smashed by melees in PvP.


The red flashing lights and a stationary target is a magnet for stealth melee types. I was an operative and I prayed on snipers.


If the sniper is such a great class that can handle its own post your video. I highly doubt any of you can back your claims up.

Edited by JBGames
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Sniper is one of the few classes whos damage can be:




Has to go through Shield

Has to through Damage reduction of Armor


I wish I had screen shotted the damage listed on the tool-tip abilitis from my operative b/c I think the operative gets a much higher base damage on them than the snipers comparitive skills on that level.


Need I remind you that operative damage is also enchanced by tech bonus whereas the snipers attacks are not.



And to the above poster you can tell my two level 50 snipers friends who quit this game to l2p. I would love to see one PvP video of a sniper owning PvP that doesn't get smashed by melees in PvP.


The red flashing lights and a stationary target is a magnet for stealth melee types. I was an operative and I prayed on snipers.


i have 2 friends who quit because snipers were too overpowered. See? I can make up numbers too.


what i don't do is give an opinion and claim it be a fact.


you aren't 50. you say we are the worst.


i am 50. I say we're fine.


those statements are both opinions. mine is based off experience, yours is not.


again, get to 50 and learn to play. or don't and play something else, obviously this class is too hard for you.

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Have you played any other class other than your sniper? Again I have a level 50 operative at 60 valor who i level in pvp from 10-50. How much pvp experience do you have?


We can talk in circles for hours like this. Can you find me a PvP Video of a Sniper Owning people in PvP? They don't exist yet they exist for every other class out there. I hate to burst your bubble but overall damage means nothing in PvP. I can sit as a sorc aeing and stacking affliction on people to the end of time and get a massive total damage in PvP. In PvP as a dps class its about killingblows/solo kills (thats a measure of burst damage(the thing that actually kills people in pvp)

Edited by JBGames
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post a video of a sniper owning in PvP post 1.1 or I would even take a screenshot of the post game stats. If you can do this I will admit I was wrong. I would love to do this however, i have look over the internet for the last two hours and there is nothing for snipers.
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get to 50. learn to play.


Ok I have to agree with this. Recently me and a guild mate decided to move to a different server, a more populated one. As a matter of fact it was last night, anyway we decided to do our 3rd alt stricktly for PvP on a PvP server that was very heavy in traffic to get in some late night PvP action that our main server was lacking. So we grinded the 1-10 lvls together, chose our advanced class and began PvPing. Now when I first started in (I'd say the first 4 games ) I did terrible. I never had a long range alt and it was different. However by the 8th game at lvl 11 going into 12 I was first place with 143,000 Dmg 45,000 protection 37 kills and 7 deaths. The rest of the night went great until I hit 15 and went to sleep. Granted not all my games went this well but I stayed within the top 3 for me team 8 out of 10 times. Most of the people we were playing were lvl 20's ,30's and 40's. Although sometimes it is hard when focused to stay alive because lets face it we are very squishy, but if your a good sniper you should not be noticed as much giving you the freedom to deal tons of damage. I love the class and think maybe your just not playing it correctly, and for that matter maybe since you don't like any of the classes it seems you just aren't playing any of them correctly....

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Have you played any other class other than your sniper? Again I have a level 50 operative at 60 valor who i level in pvp from 10-50. How much pvp experience do you have?


We can talk in circles for hours like this. Can you find me a PvP Video of a Sniper Owning people in PvP? They don't exist yet they exist for every other class out there. I hate to burst your bubble but overall damage means nothing in PvP. I can sit as a sorc aeing and stacking affliction on people to the end of time and get a massive total damage in PvP. In PvP as a dps class its about killingblows/solo kills (thats a measure of burst damage(the thing that actually kills people in pvp)


50 sniper, 48 valor. i didn't level pvp mainly, i would do it when i was bored between planets.

44 merc.

36 assn

24 scoundrel

19-15 sage, vanguard, jugg and sent (yes, i plan on playing every class...)


so far my sniper has the largest potential for pure burst dmg and with the upcoming op/scoundrel nerf the quickest to take someone from 100% to 0%.




i googled "sniper swtor pvp" this was the first link. i'll give you points on "this is beta footage" except it hasn't changed since then. granted we're now 50v50, but that's pretty much how my games are played.


however... isn't the burden of proof on you? you say we are the worst class in pvp. prove it. post your video. how about a spec at least? something that shows you even know what you are talking about.


if all you are going to do is post that something sucks, how about some proof? how about some suggestions or needed changes? here, i'll start:


sniper has the hardest learning curve. you can't pick up a sniper and expect to do well immediately, it takes a lot of practice, knowledge and a ton of tinkering. not to mention the necessity for situational awareness that a lot of people just plan lack.


a well played sniper is one of the deadliest characters on the battlefield with multiple knockbacks, slows, snares as well as high burst damage.


again, this is my experience, it might not be yours.

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post a video of a sniper owning in PvP post 1.1 or I would even take a screenshot of the post game stats. If you can do this I will admit I was wrong. I would love to do this however, i have look over the internet for the last two hours and there is nothing for snipers.


Sorry for the double post but I will work on this for you tomorrow night. Well see how it goes ...

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I saw that video as well. I am not trying to be rude but thats a level 50 beating up on mid levels. My Operative can hit the same low levels for 7k with hidden strike and biochem clickies(it would be a little less after the nerf coming out) I am trying to be constructive here. Yes, snipers have a large learning curve. I will post all the tool tips i have once my sniper hits 50 this week. Yes, this is my subjective opinion and I am not trying to hide that fact. Also are you a biochem sniper?


This is my plea to anyone out there. Please show me a level 50 sniper w/ pvp gear doing anything good in a post 1.1 pvp match.

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Sorry for the double post but I will work on this for you tomorrow night. Well see how it goes ...


Is your sniper 50 as well? I only ask because I think the problem really ownly shows up in the 50's as the weapon damage doesn't scale as well and the defense/armor rating/hps. This is from my operatives prospective and not from my snipers prospective. In my guild we have a few chars with some insane defense and 21khps. My Operative has near 17khps at 50.

Edited by JBGames
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here, watch this dude:




2nd popup if you search in youtube. turn off the sound.


he has 7 videos and it's actually amazing how you see him slowly learning how to play a sniper. the first couple you watch and go "wow, I can't believe he did that... he really let a dude walk by him and cap the door?" but the last ones his gear's getting better and he's moving right. not a fan of his spec and rotation, but that's a personal preference.


the current video has him at 290k dmg (top), 33 kills (tied for 2nd), 4 deaths (tied for 1st, not counting the poor BH that joined as it ended) and 6 medals. it also shows numbers for abilities i'm used to seeing, 4k ambush crits, 2-2.5k snipe crits and from what i can tell from just browsing, that's a pvp rifle, possibly helm (resolution is bad) and i couldn't tell you if that's the chest or not (i thought we got a hood honestly), he doesn't have boots.


this was posted 3 days ago.

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i admit they should have some sort of counter to the DoT dispel. i've long since abandoned marksmanship though. i think in order to make MM more viable theyre going to have to boost the sniper accuracy stat by a large amount. it'd be great to see that skill in MM that grants +1% accuracy per point change to +3% per point


that said, as lethality i've never felt gimped in pvp. i've never run into anybody who knows how to use a dispel though

Edited by shooowan
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I will say this... that guy is playing the sniper class horribly. I see the potential in the sniper though. I thank you for your post and I will admit to you that your are correct. Thanks again and good luck.


sniper is pretty brutal in the 30's, how i play at 50 i learned the hard way, lots of trial and error and respecs. my rotation is similar to this guy, but i use EP more.


hah, he is playing pretty bad, especially for huttball. so many times he's running up top, which is pretty much a big sign that says "please someone charge me!" (you can't be charged in cover) but still, if you can play better than this guy, you will carve up the battlefield.


as for your earlier question:




my current spec. the EP bonus gives a nice punch. snipe, ep, ambush, ft. with my crit/surge rating right now, it's takedown time for most classes unless they pop a defensive cooldown or go for burst heals

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i admit they should have some sort of counter to the DoT dispel. i've long since abandoned marksmanship though. i think in order to make MM more viable theyre going to have to boost the sniper accuracy stat by a large amount. it'd be great to see that skill in MM that grants +1% accuracy per point change to +3% per point


that said, as lethality i've never felt gimped in pvp. i've never run into anybody who knows how to use a dispel though


Yea I agree, as an operative I'm constantly aware what kind of dots i have on me and im constantly purging what I can purge on me (everything but force dots). I can say invis classes at 50 are very aware of this purge ability but the non-invis classes it will take a little time before they catch on.

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sniper is pretty brutal in the 30's, how i play at 50 i learned the hard way, lots of trial and error and respecs. my rotation is similar to this guy, but i use EP more.


hah, he is playing pretty bad, especially for huttball. so many times he's running up top, which is pretty much a big sign that says "please someone charge me!" (you can't be charged in cover) but still, if you can play better than this guy, you will carve up the battlefield.


as for your earlier question:




my current spec. the EP bonus gives a nice punch. snipe, ep, ambush, ft. with my crit/surge rating right now, it's takedown time for most classes unless they pop a defensive cooldown or go for burst heals


I wish there was a way to pick up imperial assassin and intero probe with the snare = (. However that is a nice build.

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Operative level 50(concealment ( Bm/Champ gear Mix)

Sorc (madness spec)

Merc(Arsenal spec)

Sniper (marksman--> you can purge all lethality and my op wouldn't touch that skill tree with a ten foot pole. I will admit i have not played Engineering however ae damage doesn't kill people in organized pvp where people actually heal.)'

Assassin Madness spec


And yes its all opinion based ancedotal evidence. I would like do see your hard facts that say sniper is working fine? They don't exist... Unless we are aloud to parse our actual damage every thing is ancetdotal.


However, after playing against many 50 snipers with my Operative I can say they weren't too good.


roll engi, watch ambush and e probe take out half of someones health in a second

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in pvp i always get most damage, i love sniper, have played sorc assasin juggy and watched my bro play merc, guess who has it easiest and who does best in pvp,



thats right, sniper, just wait for followthrough and series of shots, awesome moves, in 10 secs i can deal over 8k damage, and im level 36

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Do we need to mention that the Operative are a monotouch class, for kikoolol guy? really, i play on french server, and i can say Snipper is good, but indeed he need some improvement..and fast, but i totally disagree when you say it's a bad class, it's just you prolly sux at using them...
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Lol I haven't seen so much disagreement with OP in any other thread yet. It is quite sad really because what he is saying is very much resonable and can be seen in the game by anyone. Run into someone that knows how to counter sniper, that is rooting you so you can't enter in cover, LOS during activations, and you're pretty much dead on the spot. Lethality will help, but only so much, because people will eventually start cleansing/dispelling the poisons. This class relies too much for other players/teamates to carry the game for you. Edited by Tuze
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