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What is the best spec for PVP?


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Some will say annihilation, others will say carnage & the weird ones will say rage.


I prefer Annihilation after trying out all 3 in pvp.


Uh weird ones say Rage? You keep up a permanent team wide speed boost, have multiple charges, great CC (compared to the other two specs) and ridiculous burst. (With proper play we're talking 4k+ crits every 9 seconds... AoE).

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Uh weird ones say Rage? You keep up a permanent team wide speed boost, have multiple charges, great CC (compared to the other two specs) and ridiculous burst. (With proper play we're talking 4k+ crits every 9 seconds... AoE).


I can do more than that as Annihilation. sorreh bro, rage was good vs undergeared people.

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I can do more than that as Annihilation. sorreh bro, rage was good vs undergeared people.


If you think Rage/Focus only works on undergeared players you are entirely clueless. Good luck vs. geared competent players when Rateds come around, you'll need it with healers dispelling your dots - effectively crippling your dots, action point generation and centering generation.


You can do 4k+ AoE crits as Anni every 9 seconds? Please explain. Don't come back with Focus/Rage has bad sustain, 50% crit chance Slashes with 20% armor pen and Stasis/FE/Bladestorm filler hurts, badly.

Edited by TheRealBrave
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If you think Rage/Focus only works on undergeared players you are entirely clueless. Good luck vs. geared competent players when Rateds come around, you'll need it with healers dispelling your dots - effectively crippling your dots, action point generation and centering generation.


You can do 4k+ AoE crits as Anni every 9 seconds? Please explain. Don't come back with Focus/Rage has bad sustain, 50% crit chance Slashes with 20% armor pen and Stasis/FE/Bladestorm filler hurts, badly.


Lmao, you're a funny guy. You stick with rage bro, its just more free kills.

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Lmao, you're a funny guy. You stick with rage bro, its just more free kills.


I play both Watchman and Rage. Continue having no knowledge when it comes to PvP in this game though and spreading misinformation. Nice to see you cannot form a coherent argument though.

Edited by TheRealBrave
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I play both Watchman and Rage. Continue having no knowledge when it comes to PvP in this game though and spreading misinformation. Nice to see you cannot form a coherent argument though.


Dont need to argue with a randomer tbh, play whatever you want why would i care? Like i said Rage is a free kill for me.

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Dont need to argue with a randomer tbh, play whatever you want why would i care? Like i said Rage is a free kill for me.


Don't need and lack of capability are two different things, I am not surprised this eludes you entirely.

Edited by TheRealBrave
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Why are people getting angry when it turns out there beloved spec isn't favorite by others? i don't get it.


Play what you like, but to answer the OP, Annihilation realy IS, the better pvp spec.

For those that are wondering why.. lets look at what rage and Annihilation give (lets be honest Carnage is subpar).


lets start with Rage (everyon's favorite at lower levels):

+ good damage reduction

+ good AoE burst damage


- Horrible Rage menagment

- Dependent on cooldowns/boosts and overall just a one trick pony

- And above all, most reliant on a healer, as you will want to be in the very middle of the fight


Rage is by far the better spec upto and at lvl 40. It gives you enought mobility and the Smash crits are very nice if you can land them. Its also a beast in PvE (aoe farming)

Rage just lacks the consitent dps that the other trees do have.


Now for Annihilation

+ Self heals and Group heals (beserk)

+ Consistant damage on all sorts of armor types

+ Efficient Rage management

+ Very good Fury build-up and Spendation (beserk)


- has 1 less gap closer at mid range which rage does have

- No perticular good AoE abilities

- Less bursty then Rage


Annihilation gives you alot more room to use your charge and use your force choke for moments that matter, instead of using it to build up your smash (as it is for rage).

The fury buildup is amazing, and imo Annihilation is one of the only specs who have an actuall good reason to pop there Beserk as much as possible.


But most important off all, Annihilation may be less burst, but in the time it takes rage to build up there burst, Annihilation would've done that damage in that timeframe aswell, and dots bypassing armor makes you wreck any type of opponent.

You are less reliable on a healer, and will find that you will live longer then the average rage marauder.



They are both viable pvp specs, but when it comes down to which has the upper-hand, then I say: Annihilation. (not just me though, have a look at some higher valor ranked marauders, you'll see they play Annihilation)

Edited by DonSkuzzie
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Annihilation is worthless. Anyone who says otherwise obviously plays scrub pugs all day long. Once you get competent healers who dispel DOTS Annihilation becomes the worst spec in existence.


I loled.. did you even see the cooldown on dispells, and you do know that 1 gcd could've probably healed more then the dot would do anyway right?

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I loled.. did you even see the cooldown on dispells, and you do know that 1 gcd could've probably healed more then the dot would do anyway right?


You do know you are totally wrong, right? 1gcd does NOT heal for more than the dot would do anyway--unless you plan on your heals healing for more than 3k dmg. Some healers even heal in addition to the dispel. And, yes, the cd is 4.5 seconds. Whoopty-doo. Still leaps and bounds better than healing. In this game, preventing damage is much more important than healing it due to how much damage people currently do. Any decent healer understands this concept. Not only that, but dispelling Anni DOTS hurts a Marauder further by lessening the damage he's about to do, and making him rage, and to an extent, fury starved.


Maybe the healers on your server haven't caught on yet, and if they haven't, then by all means go anni until they do. But when they do, you quickly find yourself nothing more than a waste of space good for the occasional predation.

Edited by suchacrisis
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You do know you are totally wrong, right? 1gcd does NOT heal for more than the dot would do anyway--unless you plan on your heals healing for more than 3k dmg. Some healers even heal in addition to the dispel. And, yes, the cd is 4.5 seconds. Whoopty-doo. Still leaps and bounds better than healing. In this game, preventing damage is much more important than healing it due to how much damage people currently do. Any decent healer understands this concept. Not only that, but dispelling Anni DOTS hurts a Marauder further by lessening the damage he's about to do, and making him rage, and to an extent, fury starved.


Maybe the healers on your server haven't caught on yet, and if they haven't, then by all means go anni until they do. But when they do, you quickly find yourself nothing more than a waste of space good for the occasional predation.



Are we talking about healers here? and fyi I play a merc healer myself, and i can tell you a few things. For 1, you can't see who has debuffs on them with the currend raidframes, seconds, I heal for an average of 4.5k in a 1.6 timecast, which gives the target more buffs then a dispell would. second, 1 dispell could mean 1 less dot, but it doesn't remove a full stack of dots.


If you did any research at all, and not just cry out here because your one of the rage users who think there all imba, you woulda know.

I guess you haven't tryed out annihalation, or you just fail at it, since rage is quite easy mode compared to annihalation.

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Are we talking about healers here? and fyi I play a merc healer myself, and i can tell you a few things. For 1, you can't see who has debuffs on them with the currend raidframes, seconds, I heal for an average of 4.5k in a 1.6 timecast, which gives the target more buffs then a dispell would. second, 1 dispell could mean 1 less dot, but it doesn't remove a full stack of dots.


If you did any research at all, and not just cry out here because your one of the rage users who think there all imba, you woulda know.

I guess you haven't tryed out annihalation, or you just fail at it, since rage is quite easy mode compared to annihalation.


See, I dunno how right you are, but if true you should really spread this around. Everyone has latched really, really hard onto this "dispel->annihilation useless". Really hard.

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See, I dunno how right you are, but if true you should really spread this around. Everyone has latched really, really hard onto this "dispel->annihilation useless". Really hard.


Same logic applies vs madness sorcs (which is the primary pvp spec), Why would someone bother dispelling a single dot.. i mean, dot or not, the pressure is still on, it doesn't just vanish if 1 dot gets removed you know :D.


While with rage (by reading more topics here happily some people mentioned this aswell) you can see the unload coming from miles, and appart from that, they apply litle pressure.


If there was 4vs4 arena matches then ok, i understand, but even then. I think dispells are better used for other things (or the gcd for that matter).

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Are we talking about healers here? and fyi I play a merc healer myself, and i can tell you a few things. For 1, you can't see who has debuffs on them with the currend raidframes, seconds, I heal for an average of 4.5k in a 1.6 timecast, which gives the target more buffs then a dispell would. second, 1 dispell could mean 1 less dot, but it doesn't remove a full stack of dots.


If you did any research at all, and not just cry out here because your one of the rage users who think there all imba, you woulda know.

I guess you haven't tryed out annihalation, or you just fail at it, since rage is quite easy mode compared to annihalation.


The fact that you think rage has any part of this conversation whatsoever already tells me you have no idea what you're talking about. Even more hilarious is you blindly state I'm a fail Rage user, but then you complain about not being able to spot DOTS on targets. Talk about bad healer is bad.


In fact, I have never been rage spec. I started as Anni until I started running WZ with a premade group of friends and *cough* competent healers *cough*. What you can't seem to comprehend is that Mauraders don't run around always having full stacks of bleeds on every target they encounter. When you run premades like I do, groups are smart enough to CC Marauds in the first place, and on top of that, know to dispel when a guy with 2 light sabers is on any target. That quickly leads to preventing almost ALL damage that Annih Marauds do because they don't have Rage or Fury from their bleeds. I'm not sure if you are new to PvP, especially in MMOs, but preventing damage is almost always better than allowing it--especially with an instant cast. Having a ball carrier 4k HP in the hole waiting on your 1.5s heal is much worse than having him taking no damage in the first place.

Edited by suchacrisis
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Once these kids come up against some competent players and healers they'll spec out of annihilation. It's good for pve mainly. Burst > all in pvp. A healer will just laugh at measly 1k bleeds.


think about what your saying... the bleeds may be 1k and even if dispelled anni will stay up longer due to the heals ect ect... you guys thing the raw dps of anni is low? that is a joke... now im not saying rage is bad its actually good but dont down anni. i for one play carnage or anni and find my srurvivability and gap closing better than rage.. you say you have an extra leap? woopdy doo its 10 meters in anni i have no distance barrier and a shorter cd on my leap as well as bleeds healing me pluss if your smart you will swipe 5 targets and apply a bleed to them all so if a healer really wants to dispell that all while i put raw dmg out next be my guest at playing catch up.

Edited by Warlordomega
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