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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Most feared class in 1v1 pvp?


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Which class you fear the most in 1v1 pvp (not WZ where other ppl join) not counting ops/scoundrels since they getting nerfed next patch

From what I seen I fear shadows as a sorceror


fear? from your perspective? its hard to say probably every class. from my perspective? no one. Any class can be mastered and embarrass for a living every other class, the person at the keyboard who can push out twice the dmg, clutch with the balance of abilities, and using teammates as damage sponges, keeping them alive long enough to keep you alive with taunts and heals.


long story short? who's to fear? talent that's who you should fear, who should talent fear? no one.


for classes perhaps you want to know what the fotm is so you can roll it and be like yo im good too! but then you still get rolled, (im guessing here btw, and stereotyping to boot). In this case your best best is survivability, and none melee the better.


That leaves you merc and sorc...GL friend. =)

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as a sentinel only class I fear is a sniper that is fully setup with all cooldowns available because of 2 reasons. cant jump to them. their knockback root slow puts me at huge disadvantage when they do that after I do finally reach them. only to be stunned


I cant leap to them. when I get to them they knock me back root me then slow me. even if i stealth I cannot get to them before my stealth is up then they just have to stun me and im almost dead.


and thats a GOOD sniper.. an average sniper or a terribad sniper wouldnt think to do all that so I dont fear them of course haha.

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Ok maybe i didnt explain myself, assuming similar skill/gear

For example in WoW if u were a lock it was a given rogues would kill you easy (again assuming similar skill/gear)

From what I seen at the forums BH/Comandos say melees own them hardcore

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I wouldn't say I fear a class. I usually shy away from Sorcs though because I know they will just bubble and force run away and it will be a 2 min long endeavor just to get a kill where I try to DPS them down while they heal themselves in a corner. Quite annoying.
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Ok maybe i didnt explain myself, assuming similar skill/gear

For example in WoW if u were a lock it was a given rogues would kill you easy (again assuming similar skill/gear)

From what I seen at the forums BH/Comandos say melees own them hardcore


Rather Ret vs Rogue 4.0.1 ^^


Anyway, personally as Sorc Heals not worried about anything, maybe Assasins, Powertechs but meh nothing really for me...

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The only thing I really fear is myself. My stupidity and sometimes newbishness has caused me to die countless times.


clicked unlock on my hotbar and picked up an ability in the heat of combat? check

over tab targeted? check

trouble selecting friendlies for a heal? check

accidentally hit my medpac and thus knocking me out of stealth without a means to easily heal myself? check and double check


Sometimes it seems my companions should have a Sad Trombone emote...

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Since there is no dual specc (yet), my vanguard shield specc with Supercommando gear (absorb/def) as a hard time killing sorc's and healers, but with the same specc if i just put my eliminators set, then i solo healers so fast it isnt funny, since vanguard can interrupt for ever.
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As a sentinel, I don't really fear anyone. I can match up with anyone 1v1.


I prefer going up against Tracer Missile spammers.


Besides having to be more mindful of positioning for knockback classes in Huttball, I don't really have issues with any opposing classes. And everyone has to be mindful of the knockbacks there.


Someone who's good with snares/stuns, like was said above, is probably the most challenging. But let's face it, not that many people are that good with snares/stuns. At least, not as good as I am at mitigating and pursuing them, I guess. :D


On my trooper, who's only level 29 and I haven't played him nearly as much, there are a few classes that I dislike going up against. But I imagine that's more my lack of skill in playing trooper so far than anything.


On my sage, I don't fear anyone. She's the lowest level, but probably all in all the most survivable. But she's mostly healing spec'd, and so with her I tend to run from fights. :p

Edited by Parathax
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As a solo Sniper: All tank specced tanks are a huge pain in the ***, but I'd say PvP tank Assassins are the worst, because in the very unlikely case that I am actually winning, they can just pop their vanish and end it with draw.


On the flipside, Marauders are a joke, did not meet any remotely dangerous ones yet. CC is owning them.

Edited by Gaidax
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As a sorc I try to avoid marauders, the rest is pretty manageable.


As a juggernaut the biggest pain in the bum for me is sages. If they're a good player I'm screwed, even if they aren't they still have the option of running away.

Edited by Grummkol
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A good sorceror (their damage is fine.. but so many tools to stop me doing anything!)

A merc/commando that jumps me from a good position. Only the 1 45s cd gap closer as a pyrotech so if I can't get in range to stop the lightning or tracer/grav spam with interrupts and stuns I die horribly

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A good sorceror (their damage is fine.. but so many tools to stop me doing anything!)

A merc/commando that jumps me from a good position. Only the 1 45s cd gap closer as a pyrotech so if I can't get in range to stop the lightning or tracer/grav spam with interrupts and stuns I die horribly


I like this thread


Juggs fear Sorcs


Sorcs Fear Assassins or murauders


Murauders fear snipers


Snipers Fear Assassins/tanks

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on my sorc, assassins/shadows that know what they're doing are the only class i fear (well voltaic slash assassins, the other specs are meh for fighting sorcs), as they're really the only class there's so little chance of winning against it's kinda stupid.


on my powertech, meh, nothing really, opers/smuggs are getting nerfed and they're the only class that doesn't take a year or so to die to, so can't really be dragged out into a lol you hit me for nothing fight.

Edited by Adzzy
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As a solo Sniper: All tank specced tanks are a huge pain in the ***, but I'd say PvP tank Assassins are the worst, because in the very unlikely case that I am actually winning, they can just pop their vanish and end it with draw.


On the flipside, Marauders are a joke, did not meet any remotely dangerous ones yet. CC is owning them.


im a tank spec assassin and I eat snipers for breakfast so I know what u mean. Cover doesn't mean squat vs sprint+vanish




I dislike probably good sorcs/sages or good commandos/mercs. Only because these specs do all force/tech damage and really put a hurtin on me since they penetrate all my shield and defense stat.


If I interrupt a tracer missle or force lightning and they heal themselves then it's gonna be a bad 1v1.


Luckily it seem sorcs and commandos appear to draw the mouth breather crowd and if u interrupt one spell they run around doing nothing for 4 seconds and looking like chumps. not to mention usually backpedaling while they do it.


I have never seem so many bad players attracted to certain classes like I have sorcs/mercs and repub counterpart

Edited by VoidSpectre
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