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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Appeal: Jedi/Sith = Edgy Pre-teens--Everything Else = Adults


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I've never been married either. I'm playing a Star Wars video game. Those two facts are not completely unrelated.


How so? Ive palyed EQ, LOTRO, STO, DDO, EQII, WoW, WoT, Matrix Online, APB(regrettably...) Earth and Beyond, EVE, WWII online etc and I am married with children, had a rather rambunctious night life before meeting the wife....sometimes I miss the drinking and waking up in random apartments and houses lol. Being a gamer doesnt mean you cant score, you just have to actually take some time to leave from time to time.

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We ask that threads made in General Discussion center on Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, not the community. Since this thread focuses on the community and not the game, we're closing it for being off-topic. Thanks for understanding!

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