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Proc visual cues


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Classes that require attention to ability procs could be greatly improved with on-character visual cues. For example, on my Mercenary bounty hunter, when I use Tracer Missile, I have a % chance of triggering a 30% damage boost to Unload if used in a certain amount of time. However, the only way to see that this ability has triggered is to watch the tiny buffs bar at the bottom of the screen, rather than focusing on the action.


I'd like to suggest that whenever a special proc occurs, a special graphic could be highlighted around the character in order to allow players to keep their eyes on the action rather than babysitting a status bar.


Thank you.

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Star Wars the Hot Key Bar, haha....It does feel that way to me at times. I always see the difference when I'm playing a class that doesn't (or at least I havent leveled far enough to get) rely on ability procs. I really get into the combat, and it's alot of fun. When I switch over though to a proc based class...I kinda groan.


Also, I forgot to mention that it is almost essential for fun in PvP, especially if you play a melee proc based class.

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I would normally move the UI around to a place that is closer to my character, but since the UI is not customizable at moment it is truly annoying. But better indication that something has triggered would also be nice.


Yeah, the UI issues are a whole other thing that I'm not happy with. They have said that improvements are coming though, so there is hope. =)


I know alot of ppl hate WoW comparisons, but I'm about to make one...when Blizzard updated their interface to include graphical procs like a frosty outline around a mage when Fingers of Frost procced, I was blown away. I was surprised at how much my enjoyment of combat increased. Now, I feel that artistically, the combat in SWTOR is far more dynamic than WoW's. Jedi and Sith parrying my laser blasts, all the while throwing ppl around like ragdolls, yet I am missing all of this! ;_; I have to stare away from the center of action to watch for the procs.


This is something I don't think UI improvments alone will fix. We'll still be forced to look off to the side, unless we want to cover the action up with more bars like you mentioned, something I personally don't find appealing. I tried this in WoW before they introduced the proc graphics, and I just didn't like a cluttered center screen of bars and statuses. However, it would be great if they gave us the option to have either/or to accommodate different playstyles like yours and mine. =)

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