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Skill Tree Awesomeness.


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So... I am a lvl 49 SM and want to know why people max out one tree rather than feeding from others and lvling it out.


I Have tried them and the concoction I have seems to work really well in PVP and PVE equally.


I have only been doing PVP for about a month and it really seems to work well.


I use the SHII-CHO mastery as my fighting style.


(NB4 u wasted 1 point on JOYO mastery,) I know this but I wanted the short distance of force charge and deep wound.


here is a link... I am open for criticism and input on this.



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lol? That's really constructive.


would you rather me give you a Tee Hee?


Allright fine I will be constructive. You will never be as effective as a warrior with one of the top tier attacks. Either one of them is required in order to acheive maximum effectiveness. These words have been stated almost verbatum by the devs at one time or another. Since they made the game I tend to trust them.


For instance...you are probably doing decent in pvp because your team is carrying you. if you were to duel me...you would lose.


But hey maybe I am wrong, I am just going by what the devs have stated at one time or another.

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Yes I have read that as well. and considering I am always placing in the top 5 in pvp, I seriously doubt anyone is carrying me. As far as devs go... Windows ME was flawless and performed as well as it was intended. ;-)


Like I stated in my post... I tried the others for a few days and was astonished at how well a mixed tree has worked for me.


It seems as long as you are in the right "stance" to use your abilities that is all that really matters.


The tree is set so you do not have to be in a "dedicated" fighting style as some moves/perks are fighting style independent and moves are not.


Experimenting is fun :-)

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it means you deliberately post stupid crap to instigate drama, we only hope that posting something so stupid would spawn from a person recognizing how dumb it is and then turning around and making a sarcastic thread about it.


top 5 pvp is good though, do whatever works.




Edited by zerobounds
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I extremely dumb on forum lingo. Could someone please tell me what exactly a "troll" is or what "trolling" means?


From wikipedia "What is a troll?"


"The idea of defining trolling is in many ways comical at best. The nature of trolls is to slip from any definition intended to constrain their actions and to find new and innovative ways to annoy. What follows are some comments that point generally in the direction of what a troll is and what trolls do. But it is not possible to identify everything someone might do to deliberately try to wreak havoc on Wikipedia. For this reason, no enforcement whatsoever has been set up against trolls.

Trolling is a deliberate, bad faith attempt to disrupt the editing of Wikipedia. Ignorance is not trolling. Genuine dissent is not trolling. Biased editing, even if defended aggressively, is in itself not trolling. By themselves, misguided nominations, votes, and proposed policy are not trolling. They are only trolling when they are motivated by a program of malice rather than ignorance or bias. This requires a judgment of the personal motivation for another's action. Such a judgment can never be made with anything approaching certainty. This fact should always be kept in mind when one is tempted to label someone a troll.

When you try to decide if someone is a troll, strive to assume they are not. Explain errors politely and reasonably; point them towards policies, the manual of style and relevant past discussions. Do not conclude they are a troll until they have shown complete inability or unwillingness to listen to reason or to moderate their position based upon the input of others. Even in that case, it is likely better to remain silent and let others conclude the obvious instead of calling someone a troll and creating even more mayhem. It is better to humor a troll for too long than to drive away a sincere but misguided user. Remember and apply the principles laid out at w:Wikipedia:Don't bite the newcomers."


its directed towards their own trolls.. but i think it fits everywhere really. its a good essay imo.


to OP: LOL!

Edited by Hoseman
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Trolling is basically fishing for a response... usually an individual attempting to get a rise out of someone else with a clearly inaccurate or misleading post.


However I am failing to see how my post is trolling. I see people posting about their skill tree all the time. I also see people arguing about what skill tree is better. I simply use all of them... :-)


I don't believe it to be dependent on what skill tree you use, but rather how you use the skills you select.



Oh well, I was sharing my findings only to be called a troll :-(

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Trolling is basically fishing for a response... usually an individual attempting to get a rise out of someone else with a clearly inaccurate or misleading post.


However I am failing to see how my post is trolling. I see people posting about their skill tree all the time. I also see people arguing about what skill tree is better. I simply use all of them... :-)


I don't believe it to be dependent on what skill tree you use, but rather how you use the skills you select.



Oh well, I was sharing my findings only to be called a troll :-(


The only reason being is it is just so redicilous to spread your points out in all three tree's without actually going high enough in one to get the real meat out of the spec's. I see what you were trying to do, and hell maybe it works, but once youre 50 i dont think you will find much success. Let me know if im wrong.

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Thanks for not calling me a troll...

BTW Im lvl 49 and will be 50 tonight, I dont know what 1 point will do as I was using annihilation spec all the way up prior to defaulting all my points and spreading them around.

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Wow, someone in this thread decided to take a base for a good discussion and spam it with "you lose!" without giving any constructive reasoning to it.


Anyway, the reason why going for a single tree is usually preferable is because it specializes in a single aspect and thus the talents synergize with each other, the whole becomes greater than the sum of it's parts so to speak, and the top end of each talent tier also tends to be more powerfull than the mid or lower end talents, so going for a hybrid build can lock you out of some of your trademark, more powerfull, moves. Although, I could see how a carnage crossed with annihilation build might work well as carnage gives you more hits, stronger rage powers and force scream, while from annihilation you could grab the selfheal and dots from deadly saber. Deadly saber combined with Ataru form, hm....


Anyway, one cannot simply dismiss hybrid builds, during vanilla wow i created a hybrid shaman build that combined restoration and elemental to DEMOLISH anything in pvp, to the point where I got whispers after games asking me to stop killing so much, and in terms of swtor i have seen at least one hybrid SI build that got absolutely obscene.


So, I'd say try it out, mix and see if there is a build buried in there that people just aren't noticing due to fixating on one tree.

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Wow, someone in this thread decided to take a base for a good discussion and spam it with "you lose!" without giving any constructive reasoning to it.


Anyway, the reason why going for a single tree is usually preferable is because it specializes in a single aspect and thus the talents synergize with each other, the whole becomes greater than the sum of it's parts so to speak, and the top end of each talent tier also tends to be more powerfull than the mid or lower end talents, so going for a hybrid build can lock you out of some of your trademark, more powerfull, moves. Although, I could see how a carnage crossed with annihilation build might work well as carnage gives you more hits, stronger rage powers and force scream, while from annihilation you could grab the selfheal and dots from deadly saber. Deadly saber combined with Ataru form, hm....


Anyway, one cannot simply dismiss hybrid builds, during vanilla wow i created a hybrid shaman build that combined restoration and elemental to DEMOLISH anything in pvp, to the point where I got whispers after games asking me to stop killing so much, and in terms of swtor i have seen at least one hybrid SI build that got absolutely obscene.


So, I'd say try it out, mix and see if there is a build buried in there that people just aren't noticing due to fixating on one tree.


Thank you for looking at the context of what I was saying and not being a robot with a robot answer... I was just trying to share and get some insight to see if anyone has tried this. And good points on your end as well. Thanks.

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Thank you for looking at the context of what I was saying and not being a robot with a robot answer... I was just trying to share and get some insight to see if anyone has tried this. And good points on your end as well. Thanks.


Get a room you two.

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I tried something like this in the early 40's. My thought was to combine the DoTs and 0 min range FC from Annil with the auto-crit Smash from Rage. It looked good on paper, but in action it felt like a whole lot more effort for very little, if any gain. After switching to full Rage, things seemed to die quicker. Its hard to say anything definite without a damage parser, but I did notice a considerable difference between the hybrid and full Rage. Those last few boxes in the trees make a difference. I don't have any doubts that full Annihilation would be any different.



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In order to be viable in anything, you need the top tier ability. it is the most valuable and everything in your build tends to focus around it. Hybrid builds at this stage in the game do not work, maybe in a few years when the level cap is around 80 and we have 30 extra talents.


Its great you are trying everything out, but jsut wait till your 50, till then your just getting a glimpse of what your class can do. Also at 50, you get upgraded abilities for EVERYTHING(save up your money, your going to need around 200k). So the damage output you can do changes.

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  • 2 years later...

Necro for the funny.... about 2 months after the games release.





So the original post has a link to a skill tree that no longer exists as the abilities have changed. Basically I was working with a "smash-dot" hybrid. The first ever by the looks of it.


However, I find it funny how OP some of the Hybrid specs have been. I remember some of the posters calling me a troll or whatnot when I first posted this but hind-site is 20/20.


Anywho... this is for the people trying everything. :D

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Necro for the funny.... about 2 months after the games release.





So the original post has a link to a skill tree that no longer exists as the abilities have changed. Basically I was working with a "smash-dot" hybrid. The first ever by the looks of it.


However, I find it funny how OP some of the Hybrid specs have been. I remember some of the posters calling me a troll or whatnot when I first posted this but hind-site is 20/20.


Anywho... this is for the people trying everything. :D


I'm actually interested to see how the dot-smash hybrid that ended in 2.8 would do pre 2.0, but unfortunately there's no way to find out :(

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Not as well because it was all activation relics or passive stats so the double proc wouldn't work which was where the majority of the damage came from. That and no cascading power.



I still think it was a good spec at the time. I slaughtered everything and it was before the dot-nerf.


And I like activation or static relics far more then stupid random proc relics.

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the OP stated that he was lvl 49 and top 5 in pvp. its lowbies. i can go in with no spec and pull top dps. come 55 you will be dead the moment you jump in. anything works in lowbies, only a few things work in endgame.


Edit: didnt realize this thread was necro'd XD

Edited by thatPERSON
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